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Participation of the NO/cGMP/K+ATP pathway in the antinociception induced by Walker tumor bearing in rats BJMBR
Barbosa,A.L.R.; Pinheiro,C.A.; Oliveira,G.J.; Torres,J.N.L.; Moraes,M.O.; Ribeiro,R.A.; Vale,M.L.; Souza,M.H.L.P..
Implantation of Walker 256 tumor decreases acute systemic inflammation in rats. Inflammatory hyperalgesia is one of the most important events of acute inflammation. The L-arginine/NO/cGMP/K+ATP pathway has been proposed as the mechanism of peripheral antinociception mediated by several drugs and physical exercise. The objective of this study was to investigate a possible involvement of the NO/cGMP/K+ATP pathway in antinociception induced in Walker 256 tumor-bearing male Wistar rats (180-220 g). The groups consisted of 5-6 animals. Mechanical inflammatory hypernociception was evaluated using an electronic version of the von Frey test. Walker tumor (4th and 7th day post-implantation) reduced prostaglandin E2- (PGE2, 400 ng/paw; 50 µL; intraplantar injection)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Walker 246 tumor-bearing rats; Hypernociception; Nitric oxide; Carrageenan.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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The hydrogen sulfide donor, Lawesson's reagent, prevents alendronate-induced gastric damage in rats BJMBR
Nicolau,L.A.D.; Silva,R.O.; Damasceno,S.R.B.; Carvalho,N.S.; Costa,N.R.D.; Aragão,K.S.; Barbosa,A.L.R.; Soares,P.M.G.; Souza,M.H.L.P.; Medeiros,J.V.R..
Our objective was to investigate the protective effect of Lawesson's reagent, an H2S donor, against alendronate (ALD)-induced gastric damage in rats. Rats were pretreated with saline or Lawesson's reagent (3, 9, or 27 µmol/kg, po) once daily for 4 days. After 30 min, gastric damage was induced by ALD (30 mg/kg) administration by gavage. On the last day of treatment, the animals were killed 4 h after ALD administration. Gastric lesions were measured using a computer planimetry program, and gastric corpus pieces were assayed for malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), proinflammatory cytokines [tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-1β], and myeloperoxidase (MPO). Other groups were pretreated with glibenclamide (5 mg/kg, ip) or with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alendronate; Lawesson's reagent; H2S donors; Gastric damage.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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