Von Schuckmann, Karina; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Smith, Neville; Pascual, Ananda; Djavidnia, Samuel; Gattuso, Jean-pierre; Grégoire, Marilaure; Nolan, Glenn; Aaboe, Signe; Aguiar, Eva; Álvarez Fanjul, Enrique; Alvera-azcárate, Aida; Aouf, Lotfi; Barciela, Rosa; Behrens, Arno; Belmonte Rivas, Maria; Ben Ismail, Sana; Bentamy, Abderrahim; Borgini, Mireno; Brando, Vittorio E.; Bensoussan, Nathaniel; Blauw, Anouk; Bryère, Philippe; Buongiorno Nardelli, Bruno; Caballero, Ainhoa; Çağlar Yumruktepe, Veli; Cebrian, Emma; Chiggiato, Jacopo; Clementi, Emanuela; Corgnati, Lorenzo; De Alfonso, Marta; De Pascual Collar, Álvaro; Deshayes, Julie; Di Lorenzo, Emanuele; Dominici, Jean-marie; Dupouy, Cécile; Drévillon, Marie; Echevin, Vincent; Eleveld, Marieke; Enserink, Lisette; García Sotillo, Marcos; Garnesson, Philippe; Garrabou, Joaquim; Garric, Gilles; Gasparin, Florent; Gayer, Gerhard; Gohin, Francis; Grandi, Alessandro; Griffa, Annalisa; Gourrion, Jerome; Hendricks, Stefan; Heuzé, Céline; Holland, Elisabeth; Iovino, Doroteaciro; Juza, Mélanie; Kurt Kersting, Diego; Kipson, Silvija; Kizilkaya, Zafer; Korres, Gerasimos; Kõuts, Mariliis; Lagemaa, Priidik; Lavergne, Thomas; Lavigne, Heloise; Ledoux, Jean-baptiste; Legeais, Jean Francois; Lehodey, Patrick; Linares, Cristina; Liu, Ye; Mader, Julien; Maljutenko, Ilja; Mangin, Antoine; Manso-narvarte, Ivan; Mantovani, Carlo; Markager, Stiig; Mason, Evan; Mignot, Alexandre; Menna, Milena; Monier, Maeva; Mourre, Baptiste; Müller, Malte; Nielsen, Jacob Woge; Notarstefano, Giulio; Ocaña, Oscar; Pascual, Ananda; Patti, Bernardo; Payne, Mark R.; Peirache, Marion; Pardo, Silvia; Pérez Gómez, Begoña; Pisano, Andrea; Perruche, Coralie; Peterson, K. Andrew; Pujol, Marie-isabelle; Raudsepp, Urmas; Ravdas, Michalis; Raj, Roshin P.; Renshaw, Richard; Reyes, Emma; Ricker, Robert; Rubio, Anna; Sammartino, Michela; Santoleri, Rosalia; Sathyendranath, Shubha; Schroeder, Katrin; She, Jun; Sparnocchia, Stefania; Staneva, Joanna; Stoffelen, Ad; Szekely, Tanguy; Tilstone, Gavin H.; Tinker, Jonathan; Tintoré, Joaquín; Tranchant, Benoît; Uiboupin, Rivo; Van Der Zande, Dimitry; Wood, Richard; Woge Nielsen, Jacob; Zabala, Mikel; Zacharioudaki, Anna; Zuberer, Frédéric; Zuo, Hao. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00515/62637/67004.pdf |
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Berx, Barbara; Dickey-collas, Mark; Skogen, Morten D.; De Roeck, Yann-herve; Klein, Holger; Barciela, Rosa; Forster, Rodney M.; Dombrowsky, Eric; Huret, Martin; Payne, Mark; Sagarminaga, Yolanda; Schrum, Corinna. |
Although many oceanographic data products are now considered operational, continued dialogue between data producers and their user communities is still needed. The fisheries and environmental science communities have often been criticized for their lack of multidisciplinarity, and it is not clear whether recent developments in operational oceanographic products are addressing these needs. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Working Group on Operational Oceanographic products for Fisheries and Environment (WGOOFE) identified a potential mismatch between user requirements and the perception of requirements by the providers. Through a questionnaire (98 respondents), WGOOFE identified some of these issues. Although products of... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00032/14330/11616.pdf |
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Brasseur, Pierre; Gruber, Nicolas; Barciela, Rosa; Brander, Keith; Doron, Maeva; El Moussaoui, Abdelali; Hobday, Alistair J.; Huret, Martin; Kremeur, Anne-sophie; Lehodey, Patrik; Matear, Richard; Moulin, Cyril; Murtugudde, Raghu; Senina, Inna; Svendsen, Einar. |
Monitoring and predicting the biogeochemical state of the ocean and marine ecosystems is an important application of operational oceanography that needs to be expanded. The accurate depiction of the ocean's physical environment enabled by Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) systems, in both real-time and reanalysis modes, is already valuable for various for various applications, such as the fishing industry and fisheries management. However, most of these applications require accurate estimates of both physical and biogeochemical ocean conditions over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. In this paper, we discuss recent developments that enable coupling new biogeochemical models and assimilation components with the existing GODAE... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6806.pdf |
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Schiller, Andreas; Bell, Mike; Brassington, Gary; Brasseur, Pierre; Barciela, Rosa; De Mey, Pierre; Dombrowsky, Eric; Gehlen, Marion; Hernandez, Fabrice; Kourafalou, Villy; Larnicol, Gilles; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Martin, Matthew; Oke, Peter; Smith, Gregory C.; Smith, Neville; Tolman, Hendrik; Wilmer-becker, Kirsten. |
The marine environment plays an increasingly important role in shaping economies and infrastructures, and touches upon many aspects of our lives, including food supplies, energy resources, national security and recreational activities. Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) and GODAE OceanView have provided platforms for international collaboration that significantly contribute to the scientific development and increasing uptake of ocean forecasting products by end users who address societal issues such as those listed above. Many scientific challenges and opportunities remain to be tackled in the ever-changing field of operational oceanography, from the observing system to modelling, data assimilation and product dissemination. This paper... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00284/39522/38015.pdf |
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