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Mycoflora study in a wheat flour mill of Argentina BJM
Aringoli,E.E.; Cambiagno,D.E.; Chiericatti,C.A.; Basilico,J.C.; Basilico,M.L.Z..
The mycoflora of the environment: wheat conditioning, milling and screening, and filling zone, as well as, raw material -wheat-, intermediate product -grits- and end product -flour- on day 1, and after cleaning improvements -days 45 and 90- were studied in an Argentine wheat mill. Samples were incubated at 28°C for 5-7 days on Malt Extract Agar with chloramphenicol (100 mg L-1) and the results were expressed in colony forming units per cubic meter of air (CFU m-3) or per gram of sample (CFU g-1), respectively. Fungal genera and species were isolated and identified and the potential toxicogenic capacity of the Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium graminearum isolated was studied. Time-Place and Time-Product multifactorial ANOVA were carried out. After cleaning...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mycoflora; Environment; Wheat mill.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Natural occurrence of nivalenol and mycotoxigenic potential of Fusarium graminearum strains in wheat affected by head blight in Argentina BJM
Pinto,V.E. Fernandez; Terminiello,L.A.; Basilico,J.C.; Ritieni,A..
The principal agents of Fusarium head blight in the main cropping area of Argentina were investigated in heavily infected samples. The ability of the isolates to produce trichothecenes was determined by GC and HPLC. Fusarium graminearum was the predominant species and of 33 isolates, 10 produced deoxinivalenol (DON) (0.1- 29 mg kg-1), 13 produced both deoxinivalenol (1.0- 708 mg kg-1) and nivalenol (0.1- 6.2mg kg-1), 12 produced 3-acetyldeoxinivalenol (0.1- 14 mg kg-1), 13 produced 15-acetyldeoxinivalenol (0.1- 1.9 mg kg-1), 10 produced Fusarenone X (0.1- 2.4 mg kg-1) and 7 produced zearalenone (0.1- 0.6 mg kg-1). These results suggest that F. graminearum strains isolated from the wheat growing regions in Argentina belong to DON chemotype. Although some...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fusarium; Nivalenol; Toxicogenic potential; Trichotecenes.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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