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Developing a multispecific stocks MSE framework : English Channel and North Sea Rajidae complex ArchiMer
Amelot, Morgane; Batsleer, Jurgen; Foucher, Eric; Girardin, Raphael; Marchal, Paul; Poos, Jan Jaap; Sys, Klaas.
Six Rajidae stocks (Raja clavata, Raja brachyura, Raja montagui, Raja microocellata, Leucoraja naevus and Raja undulata) are currently exploited in the English Channel and North Sea area (ICES divisions 3a, 4 and 7d) and subject to a TAC regulation. This TAC is set based on monospecific approaches (abundance indices) when mangement is complex based. However, stock status disparities exist between these species. In this context a multispecific MSE (Management Strategy evaluation) framework has been developped based on DLMTool package from R. The main objective was to estimate the complex management impact at the different steps of stocks management (data collect, assessment, management measures implementation). The species species assessement and ...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Mechanisms of change in human behaviour ArchiMer
Marchal, Paul; Bartelings, Heleen; Bastardie, François; Batsleer, Jurgen; Delaney, Alyne; Girardin, Raphael; Gloaguen, Pierre; Hamon, Katell; Hoefnagel, Ellen; Jouanneau, Charlène; Mahevas, Stephanie; Nielsen, Rasmus; Piwowarczyk, Joanna; Poos, Jan-jaap; Schulze, Torsten; Rivot, Etienne; Simons, Sarah; Tidd, Alex; Vermard, Youen; Woillez, Mathieu.
The scope of this report is to present the science developed within the VECTORS project to improve the understanding of the key processes driving the behaviour of human agents utilising a variety of EU maritime domains. While particular attention has been paid to the spatial interactions between fishing activities and other human uses (e.g., maritime traffic, offshore wind parks, aggregate extractions), the behaviour of non-fishing sectors of activity has also been considered. Various quantitative and semi-qualitative approaches have been pursued to gain better insight into behavioural drivers based on past data, and also forecast how human agents would react if access was constrained by either management (e.g. Marine Protected Areas – MPA), or the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Mixed fisheries management: protecting the weakest link ArchiMer
Batsleer, Jurgen; Poos, J. J.; Marchal, Paul; Vermard, Youen; Rijnsdorp, A. D..
North Sea cod Gadus morhua stock is outside safe biological limits, and total allowable catch (TAC) management has proved ineffective to rebuild the stock. The European Commission is considering the imposition of a discard ban to preserve vulnerable and economically important fish stocks. We explored the potential effects of a discard ban in mixed fisheries management using the French mixed fisheries in the Eastern English Channel as a model system. We examined in particular the performance of 2 different management scenarios: (1) individual quota management with a tolerance for discarding and (2) individual quota management in combination with a discard ban, using a dynamic state variable model. The model evaluates a time series of decisions taken by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Discard ban; TAC; Dynamic State Variable Modelling; Eastern English Channel; Cod; Gadus morhua; Mixed fisheries; Fleet dynamics.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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