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Compte rendu de mission. Participation aux WG/FTFB, Grid group et joint session FAST-FTFB. La Coruna, Galice, Espagne du 18 au 25 avril 1998 ArchiMer
Bavouzet, Gerard; Priour, Daniel.
The FIFB working group of ICES Fish Capture Committee was hosted in La Coruna, Galicia, Spain from 20th through 24 of April 1998. Prior to this session, a study group met on April 18 and 19 to discuss on the selective grids. Finally, a joint session of both FTFB and FAST groups was held on 25 April. The study group was attended by some 17 scientists of various institutes, the FTFB working group gathered 43 attendees and the joint session 20. Several trends and general remarks are to be noted. As regards the grid group, it is obvious that the selective grids tends to come into general use ; their use may even become imposed. The discussions of the working group were mainly turned on the fishing gears selectivity. We have noted a particular interest for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Technologie des pêches; Coopération internationale; Sélectivité; Sea Fisheries Technology; International cooperation; Se!ectivity.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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In-situ measurements of the individual acoustic backscatter of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina Pilchardus), with concurrent optical identification ArchiMer
Doray, Mathieu; Berger, Laurent; Coail, Jean-yves; Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Bavouzet, Gerard; Petitgas, Pierre.
The lack of specific Target Strength (TS) values for European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina Pilchardus) in the literature has been pointed out by the Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas VIII and IX. The need for specific small pelagics TS measurements conducted in controlled environments was recognized by the group, to further investigate the adequacy of TS length equation used to derive fish stock estimates for clupeids in European waters. TS is a stochastic variable which largely varies in the wild, in response to changes in physical (tilt angle, depth) or biological (physiology) single fish attributes. The first requirement to make sound TS measurement is to accurately identify of the...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Meschal. Data acquisition software for sea trials ArchiMer
Bavouzet, Gerard; Cadiou, Yvon.
Scientists and sometimes professional skippers who want to correlate fishing results with fishing conditions, and those who want to keep a record of fishing conditions as a help in decision making for future fishing operations are interested in storing ail the available information under a format which makes as easy as possible ail comparisons, correlations and data processing, ail these operations being possible with the same PC computer. A data acquisition software has been developed to record data from analog/digital inputs, Scanmar system and GPS navigation system.
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Ano: 1994 URL:
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Mission ORHAGO1, Mise au point d'un gréement de chaluts jumeaux pour les campagnes halieutiques ORHAGO ArchiMer
Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Bavouzet, Gerard.
The new ORHAGO campaigns, which aim to form a multi-year series of biological and ecological data, are relying on the use of twin trawls associated with a new type of rigging. The ORHAGO1 campaign should make it possible to make adjustments of the diverse elements of the fishing train in order to obtain an optimal configuration. This preliminary adjustment is indispensable for obtaining reliable data during ORHAGO campaigns. In order to do this, twin trawls of 25.15 metres, belonging to TMSI, were used jointly with the ship's panels (Morgère WS) and a clump specially developed for the occasion with the Morgère Company. In order to verify the correct behaviour of the device, the Scanmar setup monitoring system as well as Micrel tension and inclinometric...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clump; Trawl doors; Trawl survey; Twin trawls; Fishing technology; Clump; Panneaux; Campagne de chalutage; Chaluts jumeaux; Technologie des pêches.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Modélisation en 3D du bassin d'essais d'engins de pêche de la station de Lorient ArchiMer
Davigo, Erwan; Bavouzet, Gerard.
3D modelling of the fishing gear flume tank at IFREMER's Lorient site Within the framework of their training, it is suggested that students in their first year of the "Industrial Product Design" BTS (vocational training certificate) at the Colbert de Lorent school participate in an internship in order to put into practice their acquired skills and to familiarise themselves with the work environment. Erwan Davigo did his internship at IFREMER's Lorient station, in the Fishing Technology department, from 18 May 1998 to 26 June 1998 (placement supervisor: Gérard Bavouzet). The study topic focuses on modelling the Lorient station's test basin in three dimensions, thus making it possible to complete the documentation base. IFREMER is presented in its entirety...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing technology; Flume Tank; 3 D modeling; Technologie des pêches; Bassin d'essais; CAO; Modelisation 3 D.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Preliminary results of a trawl fitted with a selective grid for the fishery of benthic species from Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Meillat, Marc; Dupouy, Herve; Bavouzet, Gerard; Kergoat, B.; Morandeau, Fabien; Gaudou, Olivier; Vacherot, Jean-philippe.
The fishery for benthic species (Monkfish, Megrim, Rays, etc ... ) represents for the surrounder countries of the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscaye one of the most important activities . An estimate of the discards of the main species resulting from the sorting practice onboard of the trawlers participating in this fishery was made in 1985 and 1991. it was concluded that an important quantity of juveniles of Rays, Megrim and Monkfish are discarded each year causing an important mortality. The aim of the present paper is to present the preliminary results of a selectivity grid fixed on a bottom trawl to limit as possible the discards. Three different grids were tested at sea during surveys with different results. The major problem is due to difference in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chalut sélectif; Grille; Mer Celtique; Golfe de Gascogne; Baudroies; Sardines; Raies; Selectivity; Grid; Trawl; Celtic Sea; Bay of Biscaye; Monkfish; Megrim; Rays.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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