Registros recuperados: 12 | |
Bayer, Ch.. |
In continuation of the "Catalogue of the Bursidae" (cf. „Zoologische Mededeelingen", vol. 14, p. 224, 1932), I now publish a list of the Cymatiidae in the collection of our Museum, after having revised that family. We are indebted to the work of KESTEVEN, DALL, PILSBRY & VANATTA, IREDALE, and others, for a more rational classification of the Cymatiidae. This family was formerly composed of two genera, viz. "Ranella" and "Triton" of older authors. In this century, however, as a result of researches on the dentition and the characters of the shell, these two genera have been placed into two separated families: the Cymatiidae and the Bursidae; moreover, according to the above-mentioned characteristics, the tritonoid "Ranellae", belonging to the sections... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.73. |
Ano: 1933 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/319113 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
Drupa (Maculotriton) buitendijki n. sp. (Pl. I, fig. 1). Testa parvula, tenuis, elongato-turrita, nitidula. Anfractus 10, apice laevi anfractibus 3l/2 annumerata, liris subtilimis, longitudinalibus et transversis ad decussationem nodulosis reticulata Varices 10. Apertura ovata, utrinque attenuata, labro intus elevato-striato, inferne in canalem brevem subrecurvum desinens. Lutescente-albida, fuscescente hie illic tincta, apertura alba. Long. 14,5 mm, lat. 5,5 mm. Shell small, thin, elongately turreted, glossy. Whorls 10, including a smooth, rather acuminated 31/2 whorled nucleus. Sculpture: varices 10. Whorls and also varices with very fine longitudinal and spiral striae, which at their intersection form a little nodule, producing thus a net with quadrate... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.73. |
Ano: 1933 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318806 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
Since the publication in 1908 of the „Catalogue systématique des Mollusques" by R. HORST and M. M. SCHEPMAN, the collection of 's Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie has attained a not unimportant extension, so that since long this catalogue is no more up to date. After the revision of the genus Bursa, which resulted into the addition to the collection of a great deal of hitherto unidentified material and which brought about several changes in the catalogue, it seemed necessary to me, to edit a new catalogue of this genus, and it is my intention to publish such a list every time when a new part of the collection has been revised. In order to give this catalogue a more general value, I have included as far as possible, all the true species of Bursa which... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.73. |
Ano: 1932 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318804 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
In order to give a survey of all the Cassididae that are now known, I have adopted the same method as for the preceding families dealt with in this catalogue (cf. "Zool. Meded.", vol. 14, pp. 224—231, 1932 & vol. 16, pp. 33—59, 1933): besides those species of which the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie possesses specimens, I have, as far as possible, also included those species which have been described till now, but of which we possess no specimens. Moreover I have also mentioned the principal synonyms. For the division of this family in genera, subgenera and sections, I have again adopted the system used by Thiele in his "Handbuch der systematischen Weichtierkunde". For the revision of the Australian species the publications of Iredale have proved... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.75. |
Ano: 1935 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318698 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
The present catalogue of the Doliidae has been composed in the same way as my former catalogues. I have entered in it, not only the Doliumspecies present in the collections of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, but also all the other species that I found mentioned in literature of which we have no material. In Lamarck's time (1822) only 7 Doliums were known, while Reeve in 1849 described 15, which number has since grown to approximately 54 species or varieties. Of all these species I give the principal synonyms and after those of which we possess material, follows a list of the specimens, stating 1) the letter under which it is entered and in the case of material on spirit the number of the bottle, 2) the number of specimens, 3) the locality; if... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.83. |
Ano: 1937 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318341 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
Melongena Schumacher, 1817 (= Galeodes Röding) Thiele (1931, p. 320) gives the name Galeodes (Bolten) Röding, 1798, to this genus. This name, however, was already used by Olivier in the Encyclopédic méthodique, Insectes (1791, vol. 6, p. 578) for a genus of the Solifugidae. The author gave a detailed diagnosis and, moreover, described two species of the genus. Galeodes Olivier, 1791, obtains therefore priority in respect to Galeodes Röding, 1798, and this last name must thus be dropped as a hononym. Cassidula "Humphrey" (1797, p. 32), which is sometimes used, is not valid, as according to Opinion 51 the anonymous catalogue "Museum Calonnianum" "is not to be accepted as basis for any nomenclatorial work". The next name to be considered for this genus is... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.73. |
Ano: 1952 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/319233 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
Since the paper by Smith in 1894 (A list of the recent species of the genus Pirula) no monograph, review, or catalogue of the recent species of the genus Pirula has been published, as far as I am able to state. Besides the species of which our Museum possesses specimens, I have quoted again, as in my former catalogues, all the other species, as far as I could find these mentioned in literature, whilst I added the principal synonyms. After those species of which we possess material there follows a list of the specimens stating: 1) the letter which indicates specimens from the same locality and collector (donor), as far as they are kept dry; in the case of specimens preserved in spirit the number of the jar is given instead, 2) the number of specimens, 3)... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.73. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318182 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
I propose in this part of my catalogue of the Solariidae to deal only with the genus Solarium s.s. and to reserve the remaining genera of this family for the next publication. For the division of the Solariidae in genera I followed Thiele's Handbuch der systematischen Weichtierkunde, also as far as concerns the names. Not only did I mention those species of which we possess specimens in the Leiden Museum, but, like in the former catalogues, I have included also, as far as possible, those species of which no material is present in our collections. The list is composed on the same lines as my previous ones. Of all species of which we possess material a list is given of the specimens, stating: 1) the letter which indicates specimens from the same locality and... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.81. |
Ano: 1940 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/319110 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
Genus Philippia Gray, 1847 Ph. abyssorum (Melvill & Standen) Solarium abyssorum Melvill & Standen, Ann. & Mag. of Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 12, p. 297, pl. 21, fig. 1; 1903. Type locality: "Gulf of Oman, lat. 24º 58' N., long. 56º 54' E., 156 fathoms". This Philippia is related to Ph. oxytropis A. Ad. Ph. atkinsoni (Smith) Solarium atkinsoni Smith, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 441, pl. 35, figs. 19, 19a, 19b; 1891. Architectonica atkinsoni, Hedley, Rec. Austral. Mus., vol. 6, p. 285; 1907. Type locality: "dredged off Sydney in 410 fathoms", "Station 164 B". Ph. certesi (Dautzenberg & Fischer) Solarium Certesi Dautzenberg & Fischer, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, vol. 9, p. 452, pl. 19, figs. 3, 4, 5; 1896. Solarium Certesi, Dautzenberg &... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.81. |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318433 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
Opinions are divided in relation to what generical name has priority, Heliacus or Torinia. In proof of this I will quote, leaving aside those of many others, the opinions of two authorities. Thiele [1918, p. 80 (114)] writes: "Bezüglich des Namens Torinia bemerkt Iredale, dass ihm Heliacus Orbigny, weil älter, vorzuziehen sei; es mag sein, dass dieser Name ein wenig älter ist — nach Hermannsen von 1841, nach Iredale 1842, es scheint also die Zeit des Erscheinens nicht ganz festzustehen —, während Torinia von Gray 1842 auf die Beschaffenheit des Deckels hin begründet worden ist". The opinion of Tomlin (1928, p. 333), however, is quite different: "Gray in Proc. Zool. Soc., 1847, Ρ· 151, gives his own genus Torinia precedence, quoting it as of 1840 and 1842.... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.81. |
Ano: 1948 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317653 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
On September 21st last Professor Dr. E. D. van Oort died at Leiden rather suddenly. For a considerable time his health had, indeed, been indifferent; on frequent occasions he had been unwell for shorter or longer periods, and in the spring of this year he was even obliged to apply for a four months' leave of absence. When after the expiry of this period, apparently recovered, he resumed his work, be it only for a few hours daily, we fostered the hope to have him among us for many years to come. Fate, however, decided differently. On Thursday morning he came to the museum, feeling better than on the previous days; he received the visitors cheerfully, and left the building past noon. Three hours later death had overtaken him. Eduard Daniel van Oort was born... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: E. D. van Oort; Obituary; 42.01; 42.83. |
Ano: 1933 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318980 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
From Mr. Ph. van Hooven I received a Truncatellina, found by himself on October 22nd, 1934, near Katwijk aan Zee (South Holland), at the foot of the downs. Judging by the soft parts, still present in the shell, this little snail must either have been collected in the living state or shortly after its death, as it was in fresh and uninjured condition. Probably the specimen was living in the downs and washed down by the showers or blown by the winds to the shore. It was already known that Truncatellina was an inhabitant of our downs, as a worn specimen of Tr. cylindrica (Fér.) in the "Genist des Hochofen-Stichkanales bei IJmuiden" (North Holland) was found by Mr. H. Steusloff in 1926, though till now this little snail has never been found again. The specimen... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.73. |
Ano: 1938 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/319104 |
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Registros recuperados: 12 | |