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A new species of the Octocorallian genus Paragorgia trawled in Florida waters by R.V. "Gerda" Naturalis
Bayer, F.M..
The genus Paragorgia was established by Milne Edwards & Haime in 1857 to receive the large, boreal scleraxonian octocoral from the "Norwegian Ocean", called Alcyonium arboreum by Linnaeus (1758). In subsequent years, that species was reported also from localities in the northern Pacific Ocean (Kinoshita, 1913; Hickson, 1915) and from high southern latitudes off the Falkland Islands (Broch, 1957). In 1883, Koren & Danielssen described two new species from Batalden, Norway, Paragorgia nodosa and Briareum frielei, which generally have been treated as synonyms of P. arborea. Nutting (1908, 1912), however, reported P. nodosa from deep waters off Hawaii and Japan and, furthermore, established a new Japanese species, Paragorgia regalis. Kinoshita (1913)...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.72.
Ano: 1964 URL:
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New genera and species of the Holaxonian family Chrysogorgiidae (Octocorallia: Gorgonacea) Naturalis
Bayer, F.M.; Muzik, K.M..
Two new genera and four new species of the gorgonacean family Chrysogorgiidae are described and illustrated, and keys to the genera and species are presented. The genus Stephanogorgia is established for a new shallow-water species, Stephanogorgia wainwrighti, from the Fiji Islands. A second new species from the Sulu Archipelago, collected by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross", is described as S. diomedea. A species from the Palau Islands, recently described by Bayer as Trichogorgia faulkneri, is shown to be generically distinct from Trichogorgia and is here transferred to Stephanogorgia. A new species of the genus Trichogorgia Hickson, obtained by diving and shallowwater trawling in the Caribbean Sea, is described as Trichogorgia lyra, and the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.72.
Ano: 1976 URL:
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Revision of the Genera Bellonella, Eleutherobia, Nidalia and Nidaliopsis (Octocorallia: Alcyoniidae and Nidalliidae), with descriptions of two new Genera Naturalis
Verseveldt, J.; Bayer, F.M..
Nineteen species of Alcyoniidae formerly assigned to various genera are here placed in the genera Bellonella and Eleutherobia; three new species are described in Bellonella. Sixteen species characterized by an abundance of capstans among their sclerites, formerly assigned to Alcyonium, Bellonella and Nidalia are now transferred as valid species or synonyms to the genus Eleutherobia, in which two new species are described making a total of 14 valid species. A new genus Inflatocalyx is established for a digitiform subantarctic species having only very few sclerites, in the form of nearly smooth spindles, and polyps retractile within large, inflated calyces. Six species comprising the genus Cactogorgia are transferred to Nidalia, and three new species are...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Octocorallia; Alcyoniidae; Nidaliidae; Inflatocalyx genus nov.; Pieterfaurea genus nov.; New species; Keys; North Atlantic; Pacific; Philippines; Japan; Hawaii.; 42.72.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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