Registros recuperados: 24 | |
Beets, C.. |
Diese Arbeit enthält die Beschreibung einiger neuer Arten aus den Asphaltgesteinen der Insel Buton, sowie Bemerkungen über schon bekannte Species. Wie überall im ostindischen Archipel ist auch hier K. Martin vorangegangen, indem er 1933 und 1935 insgesamt 35 neue Arten beschrieben und abgebildet hat; diese Anzahl hat sich jetzt bis auf 86 vermehrt. Die hier behandelten Fossilien empfing ich z. T. aus den Sammlungen des Geologischen Institutes der Universität Amsterdam; einen kleinen Teil dieser Sammlung hat Prof. H.A. Brouwer von der Direktion der „Mijnbouwmaatschappij Boeton” erhalten, ein anderer Teil wurde diesem geologischen Museum geschenkt von Herrn Dr. W.P. de Roever, dessen Vater, Herr J.W. de Roever, damals Inspektor der „Stoomvaart-Maatschappij... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505965 |
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Beets, C.. |
Man unterscheidet innerhalb der Anomalodesmata die interessante Gruppe röhrenbauender Pelecypoden Brechites Guettard, 1770 (= Aspergillum Lamarck, 1818), von denen etwa zwanzig Vertreter in der Jetztzeit ausschliesslich in den tropischen bis subtropischen Meeren der östlichen Halbkugel vorkommen. Diese Gattung ist in den tertiären und quartären Ablagerungen jener Gegenden nur spärlich repräsentiert, und es ist daher interessant, jetzt wieder eine Art dieser merkwürdigen Molluskengruppe vorliegen zu haben und zu beschreiben. Br. venustulus ist die zweite bisher beschriebene fossile Molluskenart vom nordwestlichen Borneo! Eine Uebersicht der wenigen bisher fossil beobachteten Arten gab Frl. Sieverts (1934: Foss. Brechiten a. d. ostind. Arch.1); man... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505600 |
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Beets, C.. |
A number of species of Drupinae, all quite unusual faunal elements, which up to now have been assigned to such genera as Taurasia, apparently confined to the South European Miocene, or Preangeria, Acantinella and Acanthinucella of the Southeast Asian Miocene are reconsidered. On the basis of their unique columellar features it is presently proposed to unite Acantinella, Preangeria and Taurasia, the last name taking priority. Two new species are described: Taurasia niasensis and T. pendopoensis, from Indonesian Plio-Pleistocene and Miocene, respectively. A living Indo-Western Pacific species, called Purpura buccinea since 1844, is reclassified as presumably the only representative of Taurasia in the Recent fauna known to date. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.22. |
Ano: 1984 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317437 |
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Beets, C.. |
Bei unserer Untersuchung der Geologie des Turiner Beckens veranlasste uns die dort aufgefundene Tertiärsedimentation uns mit dieser faszinierenden Erscheinung näher zu beschäftigen. Schon früher haben sich eine Reihe von Forschern mit diesem Problem auseinandergesetzt, und man muss annehmen, dass die Einteilung der verschiedenen Schichtungsarten — sedimentäre Phänomene von höchster Bedeutung — am besten genetisch zu erfolgen hat, wie u. a. Kumm (20) und Brinkmann (7) es getan haben. Dazu zwingen uns auch die geologischen Verhältnisse, auf die wir an erster Stelle mit einigen Bemerkungen über das Tertiär der Turiner Berge eingehen wollen. Wir können hier nur kurz die wichtigsten Daten und Ansichten über die Entstehungsweise bestimmter Schichtenfolgen zur... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505750 |
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Beets, C.. |
Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt ein ausführliches Resumé einer Arbeit in holländischer Sprache dar: „De geologie van het westelijk deel van het Heuvelland van Monferrato tusschen Turijn en Murisengo”, Dissert. Leiden, Augustus 1941 2). Das bearbeitete Gebiet ist bisher, namentlich in tektonischer Hinsicht, nur oberflächlich untersucht worden. Störungen wurden nie erwähnt, Profile waren nur spärlich vorhanden. Da sich die Stratigraphie als ausserordentlich interessant erwies, sobald die feineren Merkmale in einer Karte eingetragen wurden, wie es hier geschah 3), konnte zum ersten Mal ein Schema der sedimentären Genese für einen erheblichen Teil der Berge von Monferrato aufgestellt werden. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505807 |
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Beets, C.. |
Two rather small mollusc faunas, collected nearly seventy years ago by L. M. R. Rutten, have been examined. Though fairly close together and presumably not much different in age (Preangerian: Tf3), they show no relationship to one another. Tapian Langsat: this locality yielded 11 species all of which occur in Preangerian deposits, particularly in the basal Menkrawit and Gelingseh Beds of the Sangkulirang/Mangkalihat area much farther to the North, there being but a solitary species in common with the classical Javanese Preangerian. Gunung Batuta: consisting of 13 species, this assemblage has, like the corals from the same locality but unlike Tapian Langsat, a number of species (in this case 8) in common with the classical Preangerian, while the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.22. |
Ano: 1981 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317467 |
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Beets, C.. |
The present paper gives the result of work on a collection of molluscs which was made in 1916 by W. H. van Hoist Pellekaan on behalf of the Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij, now Shell Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij. A preliminary examination of the fossils was made by K. Martin, also in 1916, his conclusion, based on 22 species, being that their age was either 'uppermost Old Miocene' (i.e., Njalindung) or 'Upper Miocene'. According to modern usage, this would imply a dating of the fauna as Preangerian. A total of 42 species, including a few new ones, has now been more fully examined. It appears that their combined geologic ranges point unwaveringly to a Preangerian age, thus confirming Martin's preliminary verdict. As is by no means exceptional... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.22. |
Ano: 1984 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317522 |
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Beets, C.. |
A compilation is given of the results of an investigation of all the molluscs collected by L.M.R. Rutten some seventy years ago, at five localities in the type area of the Gelingseh Beds s. str., Late Miocene. Thirteen new species are described, viz, Smaragdia gelingsehensis, Rissoina maduparensis, Architectonica ickeae, Strombus ickeae, Hexaplex sampajauensis, Hinia gelingsehensis, Olivancillaria altenai, Melo persolida, Gibberulina menkrawitensis, Strioterebrum gelingsehense, Ringicula seriaensis, Spondylus apiapiensis, and Linga antjamensis. For over fifty years the Gelingseh Beds have been correlated with the Upper Balikpapan Layers, Tf3 (Preangerian). According to Rutten's field work, the fossil localities occur at approximately the same level in the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.22. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317454 |
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Beets, C.. |
1. Vorbemerkungen. Lange Zeit kannte man nur eine Art dieser interessanten Gattung aus dem Obereocän der Insel Java, nämlich Buccinulum jogjacartense (Martin) [Martin, 1914, S. 142]. Vor kurzem beschrieb dann Oostingh eine zweite javanische Art, nun aus dem Pliocän von Süd-Bantam (1939, S. 117). Inzwischen hatten aber Wanner und Hahn (1935, S. 250) zwei Arten dieser in der rezenten indopacifischen Fauna nicht vertretenen Gattung als eine Art beschrieben und sie ausserdem unter die Gattung Siphonalia eingereiht. Dank der Freundlichkeit von Herrn Prof. Wanner erhielt ich die Originale dieser Arten zwecks weiterer Untersuchung und konnte dabei feststellen, dass die Beschreibung, welche seinerzeit zwei Arten unter einer einzigen zusammenfasste, nicht... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505999 |
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Beets, C.. |
During a reconnaissance of the Tertiary formations in the western Vogelkop in 1929/1930 for the Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij, The Hague, the geologists J.P. Roothaan and J.B. Woolley collected a number of fossil molluscs in the outcrop area of the Klasaman Formation, later to be dated as 'Late Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene' on the basis of foraminiferal studies carried out in the course of a 25 years' search for oil (1935-1960), by the Nederlandsche Nieuw Guinea Petroleum Maatschappij. In 1930, Dr K. Martin made a preliminary examination of the fossils, which in recent years were restudied by the present writer, the number of species identified thereby being raised from 16 to 35. Unfortunately, an attempt to determine the ages of at least the two... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.22. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317460 |
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Beets, C.. |
1) Examining the Semper-collection of mollusca from the Philippines kept in the Leyden Geological Museum, I met with some generic undetermined specimens of a representative of the genus Atopodonta (from Tertiary strata only rarely recorded), all belonging to one and the same species, which appeared never to have been described before. This genus 1) is known from the Eocene of the Paris basin represented by two species, viz. the typespecies Atopodonta conformis (Deshayes), 1860 [Deshayes,. Anim. s. vert., I, p. 419, plate 28, fig. 14—16 (“Venus”); Cossmann, Catal. ill., I, 1886, p. (98— 100) 99, plate 6, fig. 3—6 (excl. plate 8, fig. 3—4)] and A. tapina Cossmann, 1886 (l.c., p. 100, plate 6, fig. 7—9). These are the only European species. In 1941 I was in a... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505961 |
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Beets, C.. |
The Mentawir Beds, so named by L. M. R. Rutten, comprise a succession of Neogene sediments outcropping in the Balikpapan Bay area and originally thought to be of Late Miocene age. Subsequently their lower part was correlated with the Lower Balikpapan Layers and classified as Tf2. The type locality in the Sungai Mentawir area visited by Rutten in 1911 yielded a few Larger Foraminifera and Mollusca. A re-examination of the latter and a revision of the overall data now suggest a Preangerian age, Tf3. Also, the age determination, Tf3, of a related fauna from the basal Menkrawit Beds of Mangkalihat Peninsula made in 1941 is reconsidered. No unquestionable new departure emerging, the writer adheres to a Preangerian age as originally based on the examination of... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.22. |
Ano: 1981 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317430 |
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Beets, C.. |
An attempt was made to assemble what is known at present of Buccinulum in the Indo-Western Pacific Region, fossil and Recent, more scope being offered by the discovery of new Miocene fossils from Java and Sumatra, and the recognition of further fossil species from India and Burma. This induced comparisons with, and revisions of some of the fossil and living species occurring in adjacent zoogeographical provinces. The Recent distribution of the subgenus Euthria appears to be much more extensive than when recorded by Wenz (1938-1944), the minimum enlargement encompassing an area stretching from the eastern Indian Ocean to Japan, via the Philippines and Ryukyu Islands. The knowledge of its fossil distribution, in the Indopacific Region long confined to... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 38.22. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317495 |
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Beets, C.. |
INTRODUCTION In the summer of 1950, the present writer spent a three weeks' holiday dredging in the Great Bitter Lake. Plans to collect specimens in that area for the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie at Leiden had, unfortunately, to be drawn up somewhat hurriedly, but at least the most essential equipment was complete by the beginning of the writer's stay at Fayed, on the western shore of the Lake. Between August 18th and September 5th, the Great Bitter Lake was explored as well as possible under the circumstances. The investigation discussed below was, as is fully realised, of a limited character; it consisted almost exclusively of operations for collecting marine organisms, though on a fairly large scale. However, it was considered preferable to do... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.92. |
Ano: 1953 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318344 |
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Beets, C.. |
1. Es sind bisher über die merkwürdige rezente marine Gastropoden-Gruppe Thatcheria Angas, 1877 sehr wenige Gegebenheiten bekannt, vergleichende Untersuchungen mit fossilen Arten fehlen (fast) vollkommen und auch die Frage ihrer systematischen Stellung ist nie in befriedigender Weise gelöst worden. Auf Grund vergleichender Forschungen bei der Bestimmung gewisser fossiler, systematisch schwieriger, doch morphologisch einfacher ostindischer Arten glaube ich diese Frage endlich — jedenfalls zum grössten Teil — lösen zu können, dank auch der von N.B. Eales ausgeführten anatomischen Untersuchung der einzigen lebenden Art dieser „Gattung”. Angas beschrieb 1877 eine Schale der hiesigen Art, Thatcheria mirabilis von Japan; er betrachtete sie vorläufig als Glied... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505991 |
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Beets, C.. |
This paper presents the results of the examination of a fairly big collection of mollusca from the island of Mandul, north of Tarakan, East-Borneo. The material was collected by Dr. Van Holst Pellekaan while investigating the geology of Mandul in the service of the “Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij” (Royal Dutch/Shell). It was sent to Prof. K. Martin of Leyden for closer examination, and afterwards was embodied into the collections of the Leyden Geological Museum. Prof. Martin recorded the results of his preliminary examination, which excluded the bivalves, in a report to the “Bataafsche”, dated 12th January 1917. He came to the conclusion that the fossils were of a Pliocene age. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1950 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505917 |
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Beets, C.. |
1) In the “Rijksmuseum van Geologie en Mineralogie”, Leyden, there is a small collection of Lower Tertiary mollusca from S.W. Celebes which allows of comparison with Abendanon's Celebes fossils described by Dollfus and kept in the “Instituut voor Mijnbouwkunde”, Delft. The present note deals especially with Turritella krooni Dollfus (S.W. Central Celebes; said to be of Cretaceous age), a new subspecies T. krooni batukuënsis (S.W. Celebes; Eocene), and the new T. krooni kalosiensis, formerly described as T. cf. angulata Sowerby and T. cf. assimilis Sowerby (S.W. Central Celebes; probably of Upper Eocene age, formerly considered to be of Oligocene age). |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1950 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505646 |
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Beets, C.. |
In the collections of the Leyden Geological Museum is a set of fossiliferous clay-stones which was long ago collected by the mining engineer Hulshoff-Pol in the coal quarries of Batoe Panggal 1), Eastern Borneo. He presented the collection in 1902 to Dr M. Schmidt, who at that time was making geological investigations in Borneo. After Dr Schmidt’s appointment to a professorship in Stuttgart, the fossil collections made by him in Borneo were acquired by the Leyden Geological Museum (1920). Fig. 1 roughly indicates the locality of Batoe Panggal, while Fig. 2 depicts the delta area of the Mahakkam or Koetei river and its neighbouring areas. The dotted area is again represented in Fig. 3 below. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1950 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505718 |
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Beets, C.. |
The numbers (St. ...) quoted in the present systematic part, are the registration numbers of specimens in the Geological Museum at Leiden. The molluscan collection from Poeloe Boenjoe comprises the numbers St. 41757—’61 (inclusive), ’63—’70, ’73—’97, ’99—41802, ’04—’09; Tarakan: St. 41742—’50, ’98. Other organisms: Boenjoe: St. 41762, ’71, ’72, ’95, 41803; Tarakan: St. 41751, ’52, ’53, ’54, ’55. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1950 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505858 |
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Beets, C.. |
Material: one well-preserved entire shell and another one, of which the ventral valve was destroyed for the greater part for the sake of chemical analysis in the „Rijkswegenbouw-Laboratorium”. Dimensions: the ventral valve of the holotype (fig. 9) has a length of 48.2 mm from the posterior or cardinal to the anterior border; the dorsal valve (fig. 8) is 45.2 mm long. The dorsal valve of the paratype (fig. 16) has a length of 53.8 mm. The breadth of the type is 49 mm, the thickness 32.6 mm. The habitus is more rhynchonelloid than terebratuloid, as e. g. in Gryphus Cubensis (Pourtalès) or Abyssothyris Thomson, 1927, or in some cretaceous groups (cf. Sahni, 1925). The shell is exactly bilaterally symmetrical, the ventral (pedicle-) valve being somewhat larger... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1942 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505606 |
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Registros recuperados: 24 | |