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Global political responsibility for the conservation of albatrosses and large petrels ArchiMer
Beal, Martin; Dias, Maria P.; Phillips, Richard A.; Oppel, Steffen; Hazin, Carolina; Pearmain, Elizabeth J.; Adams, Josh; Anderson, David J.; Antolos, Michelle; Arata, Javier A.; Arcos, José Manuel; Arnould, John P. Y.; Awkerman, Jill; Bell, Elizabeth; Bell, Mike; Carey, Mark; Carle, Ryan; Clay, Thomas A.; Cleeland, Jaimie; Colodro, Valentina; Conners, Melinda; Cruz-flores, Marta; Cuthbert, Richard; Delord, Karine; Deppe, Lorna; Dilley, Ben J.; Dinis, Herculano; Elliott, Graeme; De Felipe, Fernanda; Felis, Jonathan; Forero, Manuela G.; Freeman, Amanda; Fukuda, Akira; González-solís, Jacob; Granadeiro, José Pedro; Hedd, April; Hodum, Peter; Igual, José Manuel; Jaeger, Audrey; Landers, Todd J.; Le Corre, Mathieu; Makhado, Azwianewi; Metzger, Benjamin; Militão, Teresa; Montevecchi, William A.; Morera-pujol, Virginia; Navarro-herrero, Leia; Nel, Deon; Nicholls, David; Oro, Daniel; Ouni, Ridha; Ozaki, Kiyoaki; Quintana, Flavio; Ramos, Raül; Reid, Tim; Reyes-gonzález, José Manuel; Robertson, Christopher; Robertson, Graham; Romdhane, Mohamed Salah; Ryan, Peter G.; Sagar, Paul; Sato, Fumio; Schoombie, Stefan; Scofield, R. Paul; Shaffer, Scott A.; Shah, Nirmal Jivan; Stevens, Kim L.; Surman, Christopher; Suryan, Robert M.; Takahashi, Akinori; Tatayah, Vikash; Taylor, Graeme; Thompson, David R.; Torres, Leigh; Walker, Kath; Wanless, Ross; Waugh, Susan M.; Weimerskirch, Henri; Yamamoto, Takashi; Zajkova, Zuzana; Zango, Laura; Catry, Paulo.
Migratory marine species cross political borders and enter the high seas, where the lack of an effective global management framework for biodiversity leaves them vulnerable to threats. Here, we combine 10,108 tracks from 5775 individual birds at 87 sites with data on breeding population sizes to estimate the relative year-round importance of national jurisdictions and high seas areas for 39 species of albatrosses and large petrels. Populations from every country made extensive use of the high seas, indicating the stake each country has in the management of biodiversity in international waters. We quantified the links among national populations of these threatened seabirds and the regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) which regulate fishing in...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Resolving and Parameterising the Ocean Mesoscale in Earth System Models ArchiMer
Hewitt, Helene T.; Roberts, Malcolm; Mathiot, Pierre; Biastoch, Arne; Blockley, Ed; Chassignet, Eric P.; Fox-kemper, Baylor; Hyder, Pat; Marshall, David P.; Popova, Ekaterina; Treguier, Anne-marie; Zanna, Laure; Yool, Andrew; Yu, Yongqiang; Beadling, Rebecca; Bell, Mike; Kuhlbrodt, Till; Arsouze, Thomas; Bellucci, Alessio; Castruccio, Fred; Gan, Bolan; Putrasahan, Dian; Roberts, Christopher D.; Van Roekel, Luke; Zhang, Qiuying.
Purpose of Review Assessment of the impact of ocean resolution in Earth System models on the mean state, variability, and future projections and discussion of prospects for improved parameterisations to represent the ocean mesoscale. Recent Findings The majority of centres participating in CMIP6 employ ocean components with resolutions of about 1 degree in their full Earth System models (eddy-parameterising models). In contrast, there are also models submitted to CMIP6 (both DECK and HighResMIP) that employ ocean components of approximately 1/4 degree and 1/10 degree (eddy-present and eddy-rich models). Evidence to date suggests that whether the ocean mesoscale is explicitly represented or parameterised affects not only the mean state of the ocean but also...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean models; Resolution; Parameterisation; Mesoscale; Submesoscale.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Synthesis of new scientific challenges for GODAE OceanView ArchiMer
Schiller, Andreas; Bell, Mike; Brassington, Gary; Brasseur, Pierre; Barciela, Rosa; De Mey, Pierre; Dombrowsky, Eric; Gehlen, Marion; Hernandez, Fabrice; Kourafalou, Villy; Larnicol, Gilles; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Martin, Matthew; Oke, Peter; Smith, Gregory C.; Smith, Neville; Tolman, Hendrik; Wilmer-becker, Kirsten.
The marine environment plays an increasingly important role in shaping economies and infrastructures, and touches upon many aspects of our lives, including food supplies, energy resources, national security and recreational activities. Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) and GODAE OceanView have provided platforms for international collaboration that significantly contribute to the scientific development and increasing uptake of ocean forecasting products by end users who address societal issues such as those listed above. Many scientific challenges and opportunities remain to be tackled in the ever-changing field of operational oceanography, from the observing system to modelling, data assimilation and product dissemination. This paper...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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The roadmap for a GMES operational oceanography mission ArchiMer
Drinkwater, Mark; Rebhan, Helge; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Phalippou, Laurent; Cotton, David; Johannessen, Johnny; Ruffini, Giulio; Bahurel, Pierre; Bell, Mike; Chapron, Bertrand; Pinardi, Nadia; Robinson, Ian; Santoleri, Lia; Stammer, Detlef.
Oceans cover approximately 70% of the Earth's surface and, with about 60% of the World's population living within 200 km of the coast, they have an untold impact on all of us. Not surprisingly, for people living close to the coast or those who depend on the ocean for their livelihood, regular forecasts of ocean conditions are just as important as traditional weather forecasts. Therefore, development of the infrastructure needed to support and sustain independent, European operational ocean forecasting, and the associated coastal and marine information services, are key priorities of the joint Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative by the European Commission and ESA.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Meteorology; Infrastructure; Maturation; World's oceans.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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