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Application of Moran Eigenvector Maps (MEM) to irregular sampling designs ArchiMer
Brind'Amour, Anik; Mahevas, Stephanie; Legendre, Pierre; Bellanger, Lise.
Moran’s eigenvectors maps (MEM) are attractive mathematical objects as they are fairly simple to calculate and can be used in most studies of spatially-explicit data. There is, however, an aspect of MEM analysis that still requires some investigation: the effect of irregular sampling on their modeling performance. This study investigates empirically the behavior of MEMs under different irregularity schemes. It is focusing on simulated scenarios representing sampling designs frequently encountered in ecology. We advocate that MEMs can be computed and correctly used with data coming from irregularly designed sampling surveys, given some precautions. We suggest that when the sampling sites are equally spaced but do not cover the entire study area, the MEMs...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Autocorrelation; Irregular sampling; Sampling schemes; Spatial analyses; Statistical methods.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Cluster analysis of linear model coefficients under contiguity constraints for identifying spatial and temporal fishing effort patterns ArchiMer
Mahevas, Stephanie; Bellanger, Lise; Trenkel, Verena.
For fisheries management purposes, it is essential to take into account spatial and seasonal characteristics of fishing activities to allow a reliable assessment of fishing impact on resource. This paper presents a novel technique for describing spatial and temporal patterns in fishing effort. The spatial and seasonal fishing activity patterns of the French trawler fleet in the Celtic Sea during the period 1991–1998 were analysed by modelling fishing effort (fishing time) with generalised linear models. The linear model for fishing effort included fixed effects for both spatial (statistical rectangles) and temporal units (months). In addition, spatial correlations in any given month were modelled by an exponentially decreasing function. Temporal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fleet dynamics; Allocation of Fishing effort; Spatial and seasonal pattern; Statistics for spatial data; Cluster analysis under contiguity constraints; Generalised linear model.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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