Bot, Anna; Geoffroy, Laurent; Authemayou, Christine; Bellon, Herve; Graindorge, David; Pik, Raphael. |
At the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula, we characterize the onshore structures and kinematics associated with crustal necking leading up to the Pliocene breakup and early East Pacific Rise seafloor spreading. From a combination of tectonic field investigations, K-Ar and cosmogenic isotope dating and geomorphology, we propose that the Los Cabos block represents the exhumed footwall of a major detachment fault. This north trending detachment fault is marked by a conspicuous low-dipping brittle-ductile shear zone showing a finite displacement with top to the SE ending to the ESE. This major feature is associated with fluid circulations which led to rejuvenation of the deformed Cretaceous magmatic rocks at a maximum of 17.5Ma. The detachment... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00639/75085/75553.pdf |
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