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Heat flow in the Western Mediterranean: Thermal anomalies on the margins, the seafloor and the transfer zones 5
Poort, Jeffrey; Lucazeau, Francis; Le Gal, Virginie; Dal Cin, Michaela; Leroux, Estelle; Bouzid, Abderrezak; Rabineau, Marina; Palomino, Désirée; Battani, Anne; Akhmanov G., Grigory; Ferrante G., Matilde; Gafurova R., Dina; Si Bachir, Roza; Koptev, Alexander; Tremblin, Maxime; Bellucci, Massimo; Pellen, Romain; Camerlenghi, Angelonghi; Migeon, Sebastien; Alonso, Belen; Ercilla, Gemma; Yelles-chaouche A., Karim; Khlystov M., Oleg.
The Western Mediterranean basin has been formed by Miocene back-arc extension and is underlain by a thin and young lithosphere. This young lithosphere is warm, as testified by an overall elevated offshore heat flow. Heat flow within the Western Mediterranean is, however, highly variable and existing data are unevenly distributed and poorly studied in the central part of the Liguro-Provençal and Algero-Balearic basins. This central part is floored by a young oceanic crust, bordered by different continental margins, cut by transform faults, and filled by up to 8 km of sediments. We present a total of 148 new heat flow data collected during the MedSalt and WestMedFlux cruises in 2015 and 2016 and aligned along seven regional profiles that show an important...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Heat flow; Western Mediterranean Sea; Liguro-Provencal basin; Algero-Balearic basin; Continental margins; Oceanic crust.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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The Last Glacial Maximum Balearic Abyssal Plain Megabed revisited 5
Cattaneo, Antonio; Badhani, Shray; Caradonna, Cristina; Bellucci, Massimo; Leroux, Estelle; Babonneau, Nathalie; Garziglia, Sebastien; Poort, Jeffrey; Akhmanov, Grigorii G.; Bayon, Germain; Dennielou, Bernard; Jouet, Gwenael; Migeon, Sebastien; Rabineau, Marina; Droz, Laurence; Clare, Michael.
Megabeds are thick sedimentary layers extending over thousands square kilometres in deep sea basins and are thought to result from large slope failures triggered by major external events. Such deposits have been found in at least three areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Although their discovery dates back to the early 1980s, many questions remain, concerning their initiation, source area, extent, and the nature of their emplacement. One of the largest previously documented megabeds was emplaced during the Last Glacial Maximum across the Balearic Abyssal Plain with a thickness of 8-10 m in water depths of up to 2800 m. New 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiles and sediment cores provide greater constraint on the lateral variability of the megabed and allow to map it...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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