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Ability of taxonomic diversity indices to discriminate coastal lagoon environments based on macrophyte communities ArchiMer
Mouillot, David; Gaillard, Sylvain; Aliaume, Catherine; Verlaque, Marc; Belsher, Thomas; Troussellier, Marc; Chi, Thang.
Lagoons are highly productive areas representing more than 50% of the coastline area in Languedoc-Roussillon (South of France, Mediterranean sea). These lagoons are very different in their environmental conditions, human influences, eutrophication levels and aquaculture intensity. Based on macrophyte communities associated with soft substrates, two indices of taxonomic diversity (the "average taxonomic distinctness" (Delta(+)) and the "variation in taxonomic distinctness" (Lambda(+))) were used to discriminate four of these lagoons (Thau, Salse-Leucate, Bages-Sigean and Mauguio). Bages-Sigean presented a significant higher average taxonomic distinctness (p < 0.05) and Salse-Leucate had a significant higher variation in taxonomic distinctness (p <...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Languedoc Roussillon; Exotic species; Human impact; Eutrophication; Biodiversity.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Acquisition de données sur l'expansion de Caulerpa taxifolia et Caulerpa racemosa en rade d'Hyères et en rade de Toulon (France) ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas; Lunven, Michel; Le Gall, Erwan; Caisey, Xavier; Dugornay, Olivier; Mingant, Christian.
The oceanographic cruise Califa 2000, as the previous cruise, which concerned the "Parc National de Port-Cros", had for its principal objective to furnish some elements susceptible to help in the control of Caulerpa taxifolia expansion and in the protection of particularly sensitive areas (national parks, patrimonial sectors, regions of socio-economic importance). The cruise lasted from the 4th to the 21st of September 2000 in the rade d'Hyeres, Porquerolles island included, and the rade of Toulon. This detailed prospection gives a location of C. taxifolia and C. racemosa, a new invasive seaweed. (C) 2003 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rade de Toulon; Rade d' Hyeres; Cartography; Caulerpa racemos; Caulerpa taxifolia; Invasive species; Rade de Toulon; Rade d'Hyères; Cartographie; Caulerpa racemosa; Caulerpa taxifolia; Espèces invasives.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Acquisition d'éléments qualitatifs et quantitatifs sur l'expansion de CAULERPA TAXIFOLIA en 1994 (Alpes Maritimes et Principauté de Monaco) ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas; Dimeet, Joel; Raillard, Jean-michel; Coïc, Daniel; Grillo, Marie Christine; Veglia, André; Pucci, Roland.
Une campagne océanographique, menée à bord du N/0 "L'Europe", en mars 1994, complète celles effectuées en mars et octobre 1992 à bord du N/0 "Roselys II". La progression et le recouvrement de l'algue Caulerpa taxifolia ont été évalués. L'analyse des sédiments de plusieurs stations a été menée et des données biométriques sur l'algue acquises.
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Ano: 1995 URL:
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Acquisition d'éléments qualitatifs et quantitatifs sur l'expansion de Caulerpa taxifolia en 1995 et 1996 (Alpes Maritimes et Principauté de Monaco). ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas.
Plusieurs campagnes océanographiques, menées à bord du N.O « L'Europe » (Ifremer) et du « Vitamar II » (Services de l'Environnement et de la Marine, Monaco), au cours des années 1995 et 1996, ont permis d'établir la cartographie de C. taxifolia le long des côtes des Alpes Maritimes et de la Principauté de Monaco. L'expansion de l'algue continue, notamment en profondeur. Une étude in situ du métabolisme et de la production primaire des champs de C. taxifolia et de P. oceanica a été également initiée.
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Ano: 1997 URL:
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Conséquences de l'invasion de l'étang de Thau par des algues japonaises. Résultats scientifiques 1984-1985 ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas; Boudouresque, Charles-françois; Ben Maiz, Naceur; Dubois, Alain; Gerbal, Maryse; Lauret, Michel; Riouall, Raoul.
L'algue d'origine japonaise Sargassum muticum (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) est maintenant bien établie dans l'Etang de Thau, à la suite de l'importation de naissain de l'huitre japonaise Crassostrea gigas. S. muticum vit fixé sur des substrats durs (roche, pierres, coquilles, cordes). Malgré les apparences, la biomasse de S. muticum est relativement modérée, si on la compare avec celle de certaines grandes Phaeophyceae méditerranéennes ou atlantiques. Des individus libres, la ramification du tronc (chez des individus âgés) la formation de nouvelles tiges dressées (à aspect de germinations) à partir de proliférations des crampons, et des thalles cespiteux, sont des caractères originaux qui caractérisent peut-être les populations de l'Etang de Thau. Les relations...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Eléments cartographiques et évolution de Caulerpa taxifolia en Méditerranée (Alpes Maritimes et Monaco, 1992) ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas; Youenou, Gilles; Dimeet, Joel; Raillard, Jean-michel; Bertrand, Sylvie; Mereau, Nicole.
Elements of cartography and changes of Caulerpa taxifolia in 1992 along the Alpes Maritimes and Monaco coasts, Mediterranean Sea. During 1992, two oceanographic campaigns were conducted with the IFREMER vessel Roselys 2, along the French (Alpes Maritimes) and Monaco coasts. Monitoring of Caulerpa taxifolia has revealed a continued expansion and variations.
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Ano: 1994 URL:
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Etude bibliographique de quelques espèces planctoniques et benthiques littorales de la Manche - Volume 4 - Espèces phytobenthiques ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas; Bove, J; De Cayeux, M.b..
This document is the fourth volume of a bibliographical survey of some of the species studied by IFREMER Brest's Coastal Environment Department (DEL) on a regular basis. It consists of an exhaustive review of the up-to-date knowledge on four of those species, both highly used in the French algae industry and commonly met in the marine domain of thermo-nuclear plants: -Laminaria digitata (Linné) Lamouroux -Laminaria hyperborea (Gunnerus) Foslie -Fucus serratus Linné -Ascophyllum nodosum (Linné) Le Jolis A general bibliography survey on Kelps and Fucales concludes the document. (unverified OCR)
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ascophyllum nodosum; Fucus serratus; Laminaria hyperborea; Laminaria digitata; English sea channel; Phytobentic species; Planktonic species; Ascophyllum nodosum; Fucus serratus; Laminaria hyperborea; Laminaria digitata; Manche; Espèces phytobentiques; Espèces planctoniques.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Etude de la flore introduite dans le Bassin d'Arcachon ArchiMer
Verlaque, Marc; Auby, Isabelle; Plus, Martin; Belsher, Thomas.
An inventory of the marine macrophytes introduced into the Arcachon Basin has been carried out through an exhaustive bibliographical analysis complemented by several sampling campaign made in November 2005, July 2006, February and December 2007. As a result, 22 introduced species have been listed. Nine of them are new to the region, and Herposiphonia parca and Pterosiphonia tanakae, are recorded for the first time from the Atlantic Ocean. Of this exotic flora, 17 species have also been introduced into the Thau Lagoon (France, Mediterranean). Except for some old introductions for which the most probable vector is the shipping, an introduction along with shellfish transfers, directly from Japan or via other aquaculture sites is highly probable. The great...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arcachon; Macrophytes marins; Inventaire; Espèces introduites; France.; Arcachon; Marines macrophytes; Checklist; Introduced species; France..
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Etude de surveillance écologique sur le site de Flamanville année 1983 ArchiMer
Gentien, Patrick; Erard, Evelyne; Arnal, Olivier; Obaton, M; Quintin, Jean-yves; Belsher, Thomas; Chevalier, Claire; Dreves, Luc; Gresselin, Frederic; Guillaumont, Brigitte; Hamon, Dominique; Loarer, Ronan; Piriou, Jean-yves; Walker, Patrice.
In the framework of the building of a nuclear plant on the site of Flamanville, the C.N.E.X.O. was asked by Electricité de France, to take care of the ecological studies. These studies divide into three main phases: - Pilot studies, which are limited and aim to draw, initially, a portrait of the site. The Flamanville report was published in April 1976. - Project studies, which were spread over two years and resulted in the writing of a reference ecological assessment. These studies were carried out on the Flamanville site from July 1976 to July 1978 and the report was published in 1979. - Monitoring studies, which focus on the more significant or sensitive parameters of the site. This report presents the result of the first monitoring year (1983) and deals...
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Ano: 1985 URL:
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Etude écologique d'avant-projet sur le site de Flamanville ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas; Hamon, Dominique; Jouan, Gérard; Cabioch, Louis; Retiere, Christian.
This report was written in the framework of the pilot studies aimed at drawing, within a few months, the main aspects of a possible installation site for a plant. Electricité de France made the National Centre for the Exploitation of Oceans (C.N.E.X.O.) responsible for an ecological study on the Flamanville site. This site is located on the west coast of Cotentin, about twenty kilometres from the Hague Cape.
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Ano: 1976 URL:
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Etude Ecologique de Projet. Site de FLAMANVILLE. 2e cycle. Volume 2 : Le domaine benthique. ArchiMer
Chardy, Pierre; Belsher, Thomas; Guillaumont, Brigitte; Hamon, Dominique.
The first study year led to the broad definition of the site's phyto and zoobenthic inventory. The reference state thus obtained was then precised, for some selected sectors, by the monitoring and dynamic study of some populations.
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Ano: 1986 URL:
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Evolution de Caulerpa taxifolia devant les côtes des Alpes Maritimes et de la principauté de Monaco. Observations par vidéo-tractée (mars et octobre 1992) ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas; Youenou, Gilles; Dimeet, Joel; Raillard, Jean-michel; Bertrand, Sophie; Mereau, N..
Deux campagnes océanographiques, menées à partir du N.O. "Roselys 2", au cours de l'année 1992, ont permis d'établir la cartographie de l'algue Caulerps taxifolia pour plusieurs secteurs des côtes des Alpes Maritimes et de la Principauté de Monaco. Des survols, effectués à bord de l'hélicoptère des Douanes, ont précédé chacune de ces campagnes. L'expansion rapide de l'algue, ses capacités de fixation à grande profondeur, ainsi que d'importantes variations saisonnières ont pu ainsi être mises en évidence.
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Ano: 1993 URL:
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Evolution de Caulerpa taxifolia devant les côtes des Alpes Maritimes et la Principauté de Monanco - Observations par vidéo-tractée (mars et octobre 1992) ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas; Youenou, Gilles; Dimeet, Joel; Raillard, Jean-michel; Bertrand, Sophie; Mereau, N.
Deux campagnes océanographiques, menées à partir du N.O. "Roselys 2", au cours de l'année 1992, ont permis d'établir la cartographie de l'algue Caulerpa taxifolia pour plusieurs secteurs des côtes des Alpes Maritimes et de la Principauté de Monaco. Des survols, effectués à bord de l'hélicoptère des Douanes, ont précédé chacune de ces campagnes. L'expansion rapide de l'algue, ses capacités de fixation à grande profondeur, ainsi que d'importantes variations saisonnières ont pu ainsi être mises en évidence.
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Ano: 1993 URL:
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Expansion de l'algue d'origine japonaise Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt, sur les côtes françaises, de 1983 à 1987 ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas; Pommellec, S.
L'enquête organisée depuis 1983 au sujet de l'expansion de l'algue japonaise Sargassum muticum sur les côtes françaises a permis de cerner globalement les limites de répartition de cette algue, ainsi que l'évolution quantitative de ses peuplements. Cette note rassemble les résultats des enquêtes de 1984, 1986 et début 1987.
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Ano: 1988 URL:
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Experimental assessment of oyster transfers as a vector for macroalgal introductions ArchiMer
Mineur, Frederic; Belsher, Thomas; Johnson, Mark P.; Maggs, Christine A.; Verlaque, Marc.
Introduction of non-indigenous species can alter marine communities and ecosystems. In shellfish farming, transfer of livestock, especially oysters, is a common practice and potentially constitutes a pathway for non-indigenous introductions. Many species of seaweeds are believed to have been accidentally introduced in association with these transfers, but there is little direct evidence. We experimentally simulated the transfer of oysters from the Thau Lagoon (France). These transfers involved increasing periods of aerial emersion and additional brine and hot water treatments. The brine and hot water treatments were evaluated as a means of reducing the probability of algal introductions with oyster transfers. Shells were cultured for 40 days in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Elimination treatments; Transport; Marine macrophytes; Thau Lagoon; Shells; Crassostrea gigas; Biological invasions.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Installation du Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt sur les côtes françaises. Problèmes et prospectives au 31 mars 1983 ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas; Boyen, Catherine.
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Ano: 1983 URL:
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Modelling of oxygen and nitrogen cycling as a function of macrophyte community in the Thau lagoon ArchiMer
Plus, Martin; Chapelle, Annie; Lazure, Pascal; Auby, Isabelle; Levavasseur, G; Verlaque, M; Belsher, Thomas; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Zaldivar, J; Murray, C.
A three-dimensional model coupling physical and biological processes for the whole Than lagoon (Mediterranean coast of France) was developed in order to assess the relationships between macrophytes and the oxygen and nitrogen cycles. Ten species have been inserted as forcing variables in the model. Plankton dynamics, shellfish cultivation impact and mineralization of organic matter are also considered, as well as nutrient and oxygen exchanges between the sediment and the water column. Simulations with and without the macrophytes have shown that the system can be characterized as having a highly structured pattern involving lagoon nitrogen and oxygen cycles. This pattern is created by the combined influence of macrophytes, watershed and oyster farming....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thau lagoon; Biogeochemical cycles; Ecological modelling; Macrophytes.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Morphology and reproduction of Asiatic Ulva pertusa (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) in Thau Lagoon (France, Mediterranean Sea) ArchiMer
Verlaque, Marc; Belsher, Thomas; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc.
A detailed study of vegetative and reproductive phases of several populations of a common species of Ulva from Thau Lagoon (France, Mediterranean Sea) showed that the material is in good agreement with Asiatic Ulva pertusa Kjellman. Since October 1994, the date of its first observation in Thau Lagoon, U. pertusa has developed abundant reproductive populations. It is highly probable that this species was introduced at Thau along with oyster transfers from the Pacific. Ulva pertusa is new to the Mediterranean Sea.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ulva pertusa; Species introduction; Mediterranean Sea; Marine algae; France; Ulva pertusa; Méditerranée; France; Introduction d'espèces; Algues marines.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Première évaluation des potentialités du satellite Spot pour la cartographie des peuplements benthiques superficiels de Méditerranée occidentale ArchiMer
Meinesz, Alexandre; Belsher, Thomas; Boudouresque, Charles-françois; Lefevre, Jean-robert.
A Spot satellite image was processed to assess the suitability of this facility for the cartography of epibenthic populations and bottom types in the Mediterranean sublittoral fringe. The area studied was on the north coast of Porquerolles island (Hyeres, SE France). The treated data were compared with mapping carried out by diving. We show that satellite remote sensing may permit a distinction between certain epibenthic populations and bottom types down to 10 m depth. Thus the usefulness of the satellite is reduced where the sublittoral is steeply shelving, as the mappable area is narrow and represented by only a few pixels, each of which tends to overlap several separate biocoenoses. The image treated was obtained in June under very favourable...
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Programme LIFE DG XI. Suivi de l'expansion de l'algue Caulerpa taxifolia. Actions menées par l'IFREMER ArchiMer
Belsher, Thomas.
DÉFINITION DU PROGRAMME : Au début de l'année 1992, à la demande du Ministère de la Mer, une réunion s'est tenue au siège de l'Ifremer. Présidée par son Directeur de l'Environnement, elle a proposé un programme d'intervention et arrêté le principe d'un suivi de l'expansion. La Commission interministérielle de la mer a par la suite, décidé de lancer un programme national. Dans le cas d'un début de colonisation, les questions essentielles, afin de décider des moyens à mettre en œuvre, sont les suivantes: - quelle est son ampleur ? - quelles sont ses limites bathymétriques? - quelle est sa dynamique? quels sont les moyens de la limiter? L'Ifremer participant à deux programmes européens LIFE DGXI (1993-1995 et 1996-1998) coordonnés par le Pr. C.F. Boudouresque...
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Ano: 2000 URL:
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