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Aspects techniques d’exploitation du métier trémails à crevettes dans le golfe de Gabès 20
Bdioui, M.; M’rabet, R.; Ben Naceur, L.; Missaoui, H.; Ben Salem, S..
The investigations realised with fishermen and the consultation of the statistical official documents, confirmed the importance of shrimp’s trammel nets métier in this area. The concerned fleet could be divided into two categories: a modern fleet characterised by variables means of production and sophisticated equipments. The second, the most numerous was a typically small scale fleet which suffers of the lack of means. Moreover, these investigations gave arise to the identification of several models of shrimp’s trammel nets assembly.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trammel nets; Trémails à crevettes <; Penaeus kerathurus>; Shrimp fisheries.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Essai et mise au point d'un chalut de fond à grande ouverture verticale (gov) 20
Bdioui, M.; M’rabet, R.; Ben Naceur, L..
The main object of this study is to develop a big vertical opening bottom trawl (GOV) adapted to the Tunisian fisheries. Two models of trawls were tested. One for a trawler with 600 horse power engine and another model for a trawler with 900 horse power engine. The obtained results in this study show that the two models of trawls tested are efficient, especially in the areas where we found benthic and pelagic species together. Further more, the yield of these trawls is higher than that of the shrimp’s trawl, the most gear used in Tunisian water.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Chalut de fond; Fisheries technologies; Technique de pêche; Bottom trawl; Trawls.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Evaluation des intercations entre les dauphins et les filets de pêche des sardiniers de la région de Mahdia et réduction de leur impact par l'utilisation des ondes acoustiques générées par le "tube dauphin". 20
Ben Naceur, L.; Bdioui, M.; M'rabet, R..
ن ارتفاع تكلفة صيانة الشباك الدائرة و العينية جراء هجمات الدلافين،يؤثر كثيرا علي مرد ودية وحدات الصيد. و للحد من هذه الهجمات، ابتكر المعهد الوطني لعلوم وتكنلوجيا البحار آلة ميكانيكية سميت "انبوب الدلفين"، تبعث عند طرقها، ذبذبات صوتية قادرة علي إجبار الدلافين علي مغادرة مكان تواجد شباك الصيد . بعد مدة استعمال ناجحة نسبيا طفت المشكلة علي الساحة من جديد وبأكثر حدة. لهذا الغرض أنجز برنامج عمل، مكن من تقييم التفاعل بين الدلافين والشباك الدائرة لصيد الأسماك الصغيرة العائمة بجهة المهدية ومن إدخال بعض التحسينات علي "أنبوب الدلفين" الذي أثبتت التجارب الميدانية بأنه أصبح قادرا علي تشويش جهاز الرصد عند الدلافين مع بعث حدة صوتية لا يتحملها الجهاز الحسي السمعي لهذا الحيوان.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Gillnets; Gear research; Interactions; Interactions; Marine mammals; Pelagic fisheries; Seine nets; Sound waves; Gillnets; Sound waves; Pelagic fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Première mention du poisson-bourse <Stephanolepis diaspros> (Fraser - Brünner, 1940) dans la lagune de Bizerte 20
Haouas-Gharsallah, I.; Bdioui, M.; Ben Naceur, L.; M’rabet, R..
The present study signals for the first time the presence of the reticulated leatherjacket, <Stephanolepis diaspros> in Bizerte lagoon. The specimen was fished in October 2004 by trammel nets between 5 and 7 meter depth.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: MED Tunisia Bizerte L. <; Stephanolepis diaspros>; Geographical distribution Fish Geographical distribution
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Recensement du grand dauphin <Tursiops truncatus> 20
Ben Naceur, L.; Gannier, A.; Bradai, M.N.; Drouot, V.; Bourreau, S.; Laran, S.; Khalfallah, N.; M’rabet, R.; Bdioui, M..
In the setting of a program of census and identification of cetaceans in the Tunisian waters, started in 2001 by a pilot campaign limited to the region of the Sahel (of Sousse to The Chebba), the INSTM (National Institute of Sea Sciences and Technologies of Tunisia) and the CRC-Marineland (Center of Research on the Cetacean Antibes, France) achieved a second prospecting campaign from the first to May 28, 2003. This campaign, baptized « ASPIS 2003 », concerned the zone of the 15 MN of Kélibia to Zarzis, in the east and the south of the country. The north zone has not been prospected practically following bad weather. The density of the common bottlenose dolphin <Tursiops truncates> has been estimated to 0,19 animals/km2, with a coefficient of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Recensement; Cétacés; Cetaceans <; Tursiops truncatus>; Tunisia Census Marine mammals.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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