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Comments on "The Depth-Dependent Current and Wave Interaction Equations: A Revision" ArchiMer
Bennis, Anne-claire; Ardhuin, Fabrice.
Equations for the wave-averaged three-dimensional momentum equations have been published in this journal. It appears that these equations are not consistent with the known depth-integrated momentum balance, especially over a sloping bottom. These equations should thus be considered with caution, because they can produce erroneous flows, particularly outside of the surf zone. It is suggested that the inconsistency in the equations may arise from the different averaging operators applied to the different terms of the momentum equation. It is concluded that other forms of the momentum equations, expressed in terms of the quasi-Eulerian velocity, are better suited for three-dimensional modeling of wave current interactions.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Mixing parameterization: Impacts on rip currents and wave set-up ArchiMer
Bennis, Anne-claire; Dumas, Franck; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Blanke, Bruno.
Wave set-up is often underestimated by the models (e.g. Raubenheimer et al., 2001). Our paper discusses how the wave set-up may be changed by the inclusion of turbulent mixing in the bottom shear stress. The parameterization developed in Mellor (2002) for phase-averaged oscillatory boundary layer is used for this purpose. Two studies are carried out. The dependence of the parameterization on the vertical discretization and on the magnitude of the near-bottom wave orbital velocity is investigated. The function that distributes the turbulent terms over the vertical is modified, giving a good agreement with the average of the phase-resolved velocities, but an overestimation of the turbulent phase-resolved velocities. Applying that parameterization to simulate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bottom friction; Vertical mixing; Wave set-up; Nearshore processes.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Numerical modelling of three-dimensional wave-current interactions in complex environment: Application to Alderney Race ArchiMer
Bennis, Anne-claire; Furgerot, Lucille; Bailly Du Bois, Pascal; Dumas, Franck; Odaka, Tina; Lathuilière, Cyril; Filipot, Jean-francois.
Modelling three-dimensional wave-current-turbulence interactions in extreme tidal environments is still challenging and necessary for the development of the tidal industry, particularly for the dimensioning of tidal converters. Following this objective, we focus our study on the most energetic tidal site in Western Europe, the Alderney Race (France). Due to the strong tidal current at this location, wave-current interactions were poorly studied by the past and often neglected. We propose to assess how they impact the Alderney Race hydrodynamic by the use of numerical modelling and in-situ measurements. In this study, the following wave-current interactions were observed: (i) Stokes drift effects inducing an increase/decrease in the current depending on the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Numerical Wave Modeling in Conditions with Strong Currents: Dissipation, Refraction, and Relative Wind ArchiMer
Ardhuin, Fabrice; Roland, Aron; Dumas, Franck; Bennis, Anne-claire; Sentchev, Alexei; Forget, Philippe; Wolf, Judith; Girard, Francoise; Osuna, Pedro; Benoit, Michel.
Currents effects on waves have led to many developments in numerical wave modeling over the past two decades, from numerical choices to parameterizations. The performance of numerical models in conditions with strong currents is reviewed here, and observed strong effects of opposed currents and modulations of wave heights by tidal currents in several typical situations are interpreted. For current variations on small scales, the rapid steepening of the waves enhances wave breaking. Using different parameterizations with a dissipation rate proportional to some measure of the wave steepness to the fourth power, the results are very different, none being fully satisfactory, which points to the need for more measurements and further refinements of...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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On the coupling of wave and three-dimensional circulation models: Choice of theoretical framework, practical implementation and adiabatic tests ArchiMer
Bennis, Anne-claire; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Dumas, Franck.
Many theoretical approaches and implementations have been proposed for the coupling of the three-dimensional ocean circulation with waves. The theoretical models are reviewed and it is shown that the formulation in terms of the quasi-Eulerian velocity circumvents the essential difficulty of alternative formulations for the Lagrangian mean velocity. Namely, models based on this Lagrangian velocity require an estimation of wave-induced motions to first order in the horizontal gradients of the wave field in order to estimate the vertical flux of wave pseudo-momentum. So far, only three-dimensional wave models have been able to provide these estimates, and all published theories based on the simpler Airy theory are not consistent at the leading order, because...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wave-current coupling; Radiation stresses; MARS3D; WAVEWATCH III.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Surface currents in the Alderney Race from high-frequency radar measurements and three-dimensional modelling ArchiMer
Lopez, G.; Bennis, Anne-claire; Barbin, Y.; Sentchev, A.; Benoit, L.; Marié, Louis.
Two weeks of high-frequency radar measurements collected at the Alderney Race are compared with the results of a three-dimensional fully coupled wave–current model. Spatial current measurements are rare in this site, otherwise well investigated through modelling. Thus, the radar measurements offer a unique opportunity to examine the spatial reliability of numerical results, and can help to improve our understanding of the complex currents in the area. Comparison of observed and modelled surface current velocities showed a good agreement between the methods, represented by root mean squared errors ranging from 14 to 40 cm s−1 and from 18 to 60 cm s−1 during neap and spring tides, respectively. Maximum errors were found in shallow regions with consistently...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: HF radar; Surface current; Alderney Race; MARS 3D; WW3; High-frequency radar.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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The Alderney Race: General hydrodynamic and particular features ArchiMer
Bailly Du Bois, P; Dumas, Franck; Morillon, M; Furgerot, L; Voiseux, C; Poizot, E; Mear, Y; Bennis, Anne-claire.
This study presents an overview of the main hydrodynamic features of the Alderney Race strait based on in-situ measurements and 2D hydrodynamic model simulations. The strait encompasses a large amplitude of tidal properties (tidal range and tidal wave propagation) and particularly strong currents exceeding 5 m.s-1 with associated counter currents and gyres. Variations in depth, sea bottom roughness, coastal topography and current orientation around the La Hague Cape provide access to a large variety of original hydrodynamic regimes. Some are revealed as locations with a 0.4 m drop in the mean sea level associated with strong average currents. A resonance effect associated with the offshore currents can also be observed close to the coasts. The "St Martin...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alderney Race; La Hague Cape; Current; Tide; Hydrodynamics; Model.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Turbulence Modeling and Wave-Current Interactions ArchiMer
Bennis, Anne-claire; Dumas, Franck; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Blanke, Bruno.
The mechanics of rip currents are complex, involving interactions between waves, currents, water levels and the bathymetry, that present particular challenges for numerical models. Here, the effects of a grid-spacing dependent horizontal mixing on the wave-current interactions are studied. Near the shore, wave rays diverge from channels towards bar crests because of refraction by topography and currents, in a way that depends on the rip current intensity which is itself modulated by the horizontal mixing. At low resolution with the grid-spacing dependent horizontal mixing, the wave motion is the same for both coupling modes because the wave deviation by the currents is weak. In high resolution case, however, classical results are found with the stabilizing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Numerical modeling; Rip currents; Turbulence modeling; Wave-current interactions.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Un nouveau modèle couplé vagues-courant 3D : développement et validation ArchiMer
Bennis, Anne-claire; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Odaka, Tina; Dumas, Franck.
A numerical model coupling the three-dimensional oceanic circulation, thanks to the MARS3D model, and the sea state computed by the WAVEWATCH III model, is developed in order to study the hydrodynamic of the nearshore zone. The main principle of the coupled model based on the coupler PALM and the necessary modifications made for the coupling procedure to both numerical codes are described. First tests in horizontal two-dimension are made and they allowed us to develop a primary version. For three-dimensional flow, we show that the coupled model must solve the quasi-Eulerian velocity. In fact, a coherent analytical form of the wave forcing for the Lagrangian velocity does not exist. This point is illustrated by one example with large errors in comparison...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisation couplée; Circulation côtière; MARS3D; WAVEWATCH III.; Wave-current modeling; Nearshore zone; MARS3D; WAVEWATCH III.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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