Lavaud, Romain; Thomas, Yoann; Pecquerie, Laure; Benoit, Hugues P.; Guyondet, Thomas; Flye-sainte-marie, Jonathan; Chabot, Denis. |
Like many marine species around the globe, several stocks of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) live in increasingly hypoxic waters. In the Gulf of Saint Lawrence (GSL) in Canada, the deep channels traversing the semi-enclosed sea exhibit year-round hypoxia, identified as one of the limiting factor for the recovery of GSL cod in its northern part. While many individuals in the northern GSL are known to venture in deeper, warmer, and more hypoxic waters of the Gulf channels, those in the southern GSL live in a shallower, colder, and more oxygenated environment. In this study, we use the modeling framework of the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory to disentangle the effects of hypoxia, temperature and food on the life-history traits of these two populations of cod... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Hypoxia; Dynamic energy budget; Atlantic cod; Growth; Temperature; Gulf of Saint-Lawrence. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00448/55966/57472.pdf |
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