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Conditions hydrobiologiques au large du Cap Gris-Nez (France) - premiers résultats ArchiMer
Brylinski, Jm; Dupont, J; Bentley, D.
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Ano: 1984 URL:
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Flux de nutriments entre la Manche et la Mer du Nord. Situation actuelle et évolution depuis dix ans ArchiMer
Bentley, D; Lafite, R; Morley, Nh; James, R; Statham, Pj; Guary, Jc.
As part of the MAST I-FluxManche initiative, a monthly (September 1990 to November 1991) sampling programme has been carried out in the Dover Strait. Samples were taken (weather permitting) at two depths at each of six standard stations between Folkestone and Cap Gris-Nez. Data from all surveys, in conjunction with estimates of water movement derived from hydrodynamic numerical model, have been used to calculate fluxes of nutrients between the Channel and the North Sea. Results demonstrate that although nutrient concentrations are lower in the central channel-waters than in the coastal zone, the dissolved nutrient flux to the North Sea is mom important for stations of the central part of the Dover Strait as water. Current concern about possible increases...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: NUTRIENTS; FLUXES; DOVER STRAIT.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Modeling the nitrogen cycle in the channel : a first approach ArchiMer
Hoch, Thierry; Menesguen, Alain; Bentley, D.
A simple model of the nitrogen cycle in the Channel is proposed. Based on the long-term circulation, this box-model permits the description of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the whole Channel. Spring western thermal stratification has not been taken into account; consequently, the earliest phytoplanktonic development is observed in the eastern Channel, followed by the western, deeper part. This model also shows the influence of nutrient supply from the rivers on the Channel ecosystem, and particularly the influence of the river Seine on the chlorophyll concentrations along the eastern French coast. Comparison of calculated data with measurements shows a fairly good agreement in the eastern Channel but discrepancies are encountered for the western part....
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Rôle du plancton dans le cycle biogéochimique du cadmium et du vanadium en baie de Seine orientale : premiers résultats ArchiMer
Miramand, P; Bentley, D; Guary, Jc; Brylinski, Jm.
Cd and V were analyzed in planktonic species (zooplankton and diatoms), in flocks and in total seston (suspended materials) collected at eleven stations for seven sampling periods in the eastern area of the bay of Seine. Cd concentrations measured in planktonic species of the bay of Seine are identical to those measured in other oceanic areas, but V concentrations are generally higher. In the conditions of sampling, the role of both planktonic species and flocks in the horizontal fluxes of Cd and V in the bay of Seine appears not to be important (Cd) or negligible (V) compared to non-living materials (tripton). Nevertheless, this study should be continued in periods of diatom blooms. Flocks which present high Cd and V concentration probably have an...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PLANKTON; CD; V; BAY OF SEINE.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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