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Benthic Foraminiferal response to sea level change in the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system of southern Ashmore Trough (Gulf of Papua) ArchiMer
Carson, Brooke E.; Francis, Jason M.; Leckie, R. Mark; Droxler, Andre W.; Dickens, Gerald R.; Jorry, Stephan J.; Bentley, Sam J.; Peterson, Larry C.; Opdyke, Bradley N..
Ashmore Trough in the western Gulf of Papua (GoP) represents an outstanding modern example of a tropical mixed siliciclastic-carbonate depositional system where significant masses of both river-borne silicates and bank-derived neritic carbonates accumulate. In this study, we examine how benthic foraminiferal populations within Ashmore Trough vary in response to sea level-driven paleoenvironmental changes, particularly organic matter and sediment supply. Two 11.3-m-long piston cores and a trigger core were collected from the slope of Ashmore Trough and dated using radiocarbon and oxygen isotope measurements of planktic foraminifera. Relative abundances, principal component analyses, and cluster analyses of benthic foraminiferal assemblages in sediment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Papua New Guinea; Margins; Foraminifera.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bundled turbidite deposition in the central Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua) since Last Glacial Maximum: Linking sediment nature and accumulation to sea level fluctuations at millennial timescale ArchiMer
Jorry, Stephan J.; Droxler, Andre W.; Mallarino, Gianni; Dickens, Gerald R.; Bentley, Sam J.; Beaufort, Luc; Peterson, Larry C.; Opdyke, Bradley N..
Since Last Glacial Maximum (23-19 ka), Earth climate warming and deglaciation occurred in two major steps (Bolling-Allerod and Preboreal), interrupted by a short cooling interval referred to as the Younger Dryas (12.5-11.5 ka B. P.). In this study, three cores (MV-33, MV-66, and MD-40) collected in the central part of Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua) have been analyzed, and they reveal a detailed sedimentary pattern at millennial timescale. Siliciclastic turbidites disappeared during the Bolling-Allerod and Preboreal intervals to systematically reoccur during the Younger Dryas interval. Subsequent to the final disappearance of the siliciclastic turbidites a calciturbidite occurred during meltwater pulse 1B. The Holocene interval was characterized by a lack...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Younger dryas event; Oxygen isotope records; Meltwater pulse 1a; Great barrier reef; Pacific warm pool; Carbonate platforms; Tropical atlantic; Surface salinity; Nicaragua rise; Caribbean sea.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Neogene evolution of the mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system in the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea ArchiMer
Tcherepanov, Evgueni N.; Droxler, Andre W.; Lapointe, Philippe; Dickens, Gerald R.; Bentley, Sam J.; Beaufort, Luc; Peterson, Larry C.; Daniell, James; Opdyke, Bradley N..
This paper outlines the evolution of the late Cenozoic mixed carbonate-siliciclastic depositional system in the Gulf of Papua (GoP), using seismic, gravity, multibeam bathymetry, well data sets, and Landsat imagery. The deposition of the mixed sedimentary sequences was influenced by dynamic interplay of tectonics, eustasy, in situ carbonate production, and siliciclastic sediment supply. The roles of these major factors are estimated during different periods of the GoP margin evolution. The Cenozoic mixed system in the GoP formed in distinct phases. The first phase ( Late Cretaceous-Paleocene) was mostly driven by tectonics. Rifting created grabens and uplifted structural blocks which served later as pedestals for carbonate edifices. Active neritic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Great barrier reef; Sea level; Tectonic controls; Ice volume; Platforms; Sedimentation; Fluctuations; Deposition; Australia; Foreland basin.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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