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Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 4 ArchiMer
Von Schuckmann, Karina; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Smith, Neville; Pascual, Ananda; Djavidnia, Samuel; Gattuso, Jean-pierre; Grégoire, Marilaure; Nolan, Glenn; Aaboe, Signe; Fanjul, Enrique Álvarez; Aouf, Lotfi; Aznar, Roland; Badewien, T. H.; Behrens, Arno; Berta, Maristella; Bertino, Laurent; Blackford, Jeremy; Bolzon, Giorgio; Borile, Federica; Bretagnon, Marine; Brewin, Robert J.w.; Canu, Donata; Cessi, Paola; Ciavatta, Stefano; Chapron, Bertrand; Trang Chau, Thi Tuyet; Chevallier, Frédéric; Chtirkova, Boriana; Ciliberti, Stefania; Clark, James R.; Clementi, Emanuela; Combot, Clement; Comerma, Eric; Conchon, Anna; Coppini, Giovanni; Corgnati, Lorenzo; Cossarini, Gianpiero; Cravatte, Sophie; De Alfonso, Marta; De Boyer Montégut, Clement; De Lera Fernández, Christian; De Los Santos, Francisco Javier; Denvil-sommer, Anna; De Pascual Collar, Álvaro; Dias Nunes, Paulo Alonso Lourenco; Di Biagio, Valeria; Drudi, Massimiliano; Embury, Owen; Falco, Pierpaolo; D’andon, Odile Fanton; Ferrer, Luis; Ford, David; Freund, H.; León, Manuel Garcia; Sotillo, Marcos García; García-valdecasas, José María; Garnesson, Philippe; Garric, Gilles; Gasparin, Florent; Gehlen, Marion; Genua-olmedo, Ana; Geyer, Gerhard; Ghermandi, Andrea; Good, Simon A.; Gourrion, Jerome; Greiner, Eric; Griffa, Annalisa; González, Marcelo; Griffa, Annalisa; Hernández-carrasco, Ismael; Isoard, Stéphane; Kennedy, John J.; Kay, Susan; Korosov, Anton; Laanemäe, Kaari; Land, Peter E.; Lavergne, Thomas; Lazzari, Paolo; Legeais, Jean Francois; Lemieux, Benedicte; Levier, Bruno; Llovel, William; Lyubartsev, Vladyslav; Lien, Vidar S.; Lima, Leonardo; Lorente, Pablo; Mader, Julien; Magaldi, Marcello G.; Maljutenko, Ilja; Mangin, Antoine; Mantovani, Carlo; Marinova, Veselka; Masina, Simona; Mauri, Elena; Meyerjürgens, J.; Mignot, Alexandre; Mcewan, Robert; Mejia, Carlos; Melet, Angélique; Menna, Milena; Meyssignac, Benoît; Mouche, Alexis; Mourre, Baptiste; Müller, Malte; Notarstefano, Giulio; Orfila, Alejandro; Pardo, Silvia; Peneva, Elisaveta; Pérez-gómez, Begoña; Perruche, Coralie; Peterlin, Monika; Poulain, Pierre-marie; Pinardi, Nadia; Quilfen, Yves; Raudsepp, Urmas; Renshaw, Richard; Révelard, Adèle; Reyes-reyes, Emma; Ricker, M.; Rodríguez-rubio, Pablo; Rotllán, Paz; Gelabert, Eva Royo; Rubio, Anna; Ruiz-parrado, Inmaculada; Sathyendranath, Shubha; She, Jun; Solidoro, Cosimo; Stanev, Emil V.; Staneva, Joanna; Storto, Andrea; Su, Jian; Bakhsh, Tayebeh Tajalli; Tilstone, Gavin H.; Tintoré, Joaquín; Toledano, Cristina; Tournadre, Jean; Tranchant, Benoit; Uiboupin, Rivo; Valcarcel, Arnaud; Valcheva, Nadezhda; Verbrugge, Nathalie; Vrac, Mathieu; Wolff, J.-o.; Zambianchi, Enrico; Zielinski, O.; Zinck, Ann-sofie; Zunino, Serena.
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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JERICO-NEXT. First valorisation results for each region ArchiMer
Puillat, Ingrid; Rubio, Anna; Artigas, Felipe; Karlson, Bengt; Seppala, Jukka; King, Andrew; Berta, Maristella; Griffa, Annalisa; Mourre, Baptise; Nair, Rajesh; Petihakis, Geroge.
WP4 of JERICO-NEXT aims to synthesize the project’s activities in the other WPs and gather the contributions around applied Joint Research Activity Projects (JRAPs) selected to benefit of and highlight JERICO-NEXT activities. In order to fulfil this objective, methodologies developed or improved in WP3 were applied in the JRAPs;the provision of data assembled and distributed was undertaken according to the WP5 recommendations; dedicated topical approaches of the scientific strategy matured jointly with WP1&4 (Deliverable D4.1) were applied within the JRAPs, providing then in return essential input to the future road map of the research infrastructures. Indeed, six JRAPs were implemented to address different key environmental issues and/or policy needs...
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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Observations of Shoaling Density Current Regime Changes in Internal Wave Interactions ArchiMer
Solodoch, Aviv; Molemaker, Jeroen M.; Srinivasan, Kaushik; Berta, Maristella; Marie, Louis; Jagannathan, Arjun.
We present in situ and remote observations of a Mississippi plume front in the Louisiana Bight. The plume propagated freely across the bight, rather than as a coastal current. The observed cross-front circulation pattern is typical of density currents, as are the small width (approximate to 100 m) of the plume front and the presence of surface frontal convergence. Acomparison of observations with stratified density current theory is conducted. Additionally, subcritical to supercritical transitions of frontal propagation speed relative to internal gravity wave (IGW) speed are demonstrated to occur. That is in part due to IGW speed reduction with decrease in seabed depth during the frontal propagation toward the shore. Theoretical steady-state density...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Report on final assessment of methodological improvements and testing ArchiMer
Griffa, Annalisa; Horstmann, Jochen; Mader, Julien; Rubio, Anna; Berta, Maristella; Orfila, Alejandro; Lars, Axel.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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