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Deep crustal structure across a young passive margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (The SARDINIA Experiment) - I. Gulf of Lion's margin ArchiMer
Moulin, Maryline; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Afilhado, Alexandra; Aslanian, Daniel; Schnurle, Philippe; Nouze, Herve; Rabineau, Marina; Beslier, Marie-odile; Feld, Aurelie.
The conjugate margins system of the Gulf of Lion and West Sardinia (GLWS) represents a unique natural laboratory for addressing fundamental questions about rifting due to its landlocked situation, its youth, its thick sedimentary layers, including prominent palaeo-marker such as the MSC event, and the amount of available data and multidisciplinary studies. The main goals of the SARDINIA experiment, were to (i) investigate the deep structure of the entire system within the two conjugate margins: the Gulf of Lion and West Sardinia, (ii) characterize the nature of the crust, and (iii) define the geometry of the basin and provide important constrains on its genesis. This paper presents the results of P-wave velocity modelling on three coincident near-vertical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marge continentale passive; Structure crustale; Réfraction; Golfe du Lion; Croûte océanique; Domaine transitionnel; Continental passive margin; Crustal structure; Wide-angle seismic; Gulf of Lion; Oceanic crust; Transitional domain.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Deep structure of the continental margin and basin off Greater Kabylia, Algeria – New insights from wide-angle seismic data modeling and multichannel seismic interpretation ArchiMer
Aidi, Chafik; Beslier, Marie-odile; Yelles-chaouche, Abdel Karim; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Bracene, Rabah; Galve, Audrey; Bounif, Abdallah; Schenini, Laure; Hamai, Lamine; Schnurle, Philippe; Djellit, Hamou; Sage, Francoise; Charvis, Philippe; Deverchere, Jacques.
During the Algerian-French SPIRAL survey aimed at investigating the deep structure of the Algerian margin and basin, two coincident wide-angle and reflection seismic profiles were acquired in central Algeria, offshore Greater Kabylia, together with gravimetric, bathymetric and magnetic data. This ~260 km-long offshore-onshore profile spans the Balearic basin, the central Algerian margin and the Greater Kabylia block up to the southward limit of the internal zones onshore. Results are obtained from modeling and interpretation of the combined data sets. The Algerian basin offshore Greater Kabylia is floored by a thin oceanic crust (~4 km) with P-wave velocities ranging between 5.2 and 6.8 km/s. In the northern Hannibal High region, the atypical 3-layer...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean Sea; Algerian margin; Crustal structure; Tectonic inversion; Post-accretion magmatism; Deep seismics.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Geophysical evidence for a transform margin offshore Western Algeria: a witness of a subduction-transform edge propagator? ArchiMer
Badji, Rabia; Charvis, Philippe; Bracene, Rabah; Galve, Audrey; Badsi, Madjid; Ribodetti, Alessandra; Benaissa, Zahia; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Medaouri, Mourad; Beslier, Marie-odile.
For the first time, a deep seismic data set acquired in the frame of the Algerian-French SPIRAL program provides new insights regarding the origin of the westernmost Algerian margin and basin. We performed a tomographic inversion of traveltimes along a 100-km-long wide-angle seismic profile shot over 40 ocean bottom seismometers offshore Mostaganem (Northwestern Algeria). The resulting velocity model and multichannel seismic reflection profiles show a thin (3-4 km thick) oceanic crust. The narrow ocean-continent transition (less than 10 km wide) is bounded by vertical faults and surmounted by a narrow almost continuous basin filled with Miocene to Quaternary sediments. This fault system, as well as the faults organized in a negative-flower structure on the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seismic tomography; Continental margins: transform; Crustal structure; Africa; Europe..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Seismic Exploration of the Deep Structure and Seismogenic Faults in the Ligurian Sea by Joint Multi Channel and Ocean Bottom Seismic Acquisitions: Preliminary Results of the SEFASILS Cruise ArchiMer
Dessa, Jean-xavier; Beslier, Marie-odile; Schenini, Laure; Chamot-rooke, Nicolas; Corradi, Nicolà; Delescluse, Matthias; Déverchère, Jacques; Larroque, Christophe; Sambolian, Serge; Canva, Albane; Operto, Stéphane; Ribodetti, Alessandra; Agurto-detzel, Hans; Bulois, Cédric; Chalumeau, Caroline; Combe, Laure.
The north Ligurian margin is a complex geological area in many ways. It has witnessed several phases of highly contrasting deformation styles, at both crustal scale and that of shallower cover tectonics, simultaneously or in quick succession, and with significant spatial variability. This complex interplay is mirrored in the resulting intricate structures that make it hard to identify active faults responsible for both, the significant seismicity observed, and the tectonic inversion undergone by the margin, identified at longer time scales on morphostructural grounds. We present here the first preliminary results of the leg 1 of SEFASILS cruise, conducted in 2018 offshore Monaco, in an effort to answer these questions by means of modern deep seismic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Western Mediterranean; Ligurian basin; Tectonic inversion; Salt tectonics; Crustal geophysical exploration; Multichannel seismic imaging; Wide-angle seismic recording.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Structure and evolution of the eastern Gulf of Aden: insights from magnetic and gravity data (Encens-Sheba MD117 cruise) ArchiMer
D'Acremont, Elia; Leroy, Sylvie; Maia, Marcia; Patriat, Philippe; Beslier, Marie-odile; Bellahsen, Nicolas; Fournier, Marc; Gente, Pascal.
Magnetic and gravity data gathered during the Encens-Sheba cruise (2000 June) in the eastern Gulf of Aden provide insights on the structural evolution of segmentation from rifted margins to incipient seafloor spreading. In this study, we document the conjugate margins asymmetry, confirm the location of the ocean-continent transition (OCT) previously proposed by seismic data, and describe its deep structure and segmentation. In the OCT, gravity models indicate highly thinned crust while magnetic data indicate presence of non-oceanic high-amplitude magnetic anomalies where syn-rift sediments are not observed. Thus, the OCT could be made of ultra-stretched continental crust intruded by magmatic bodies. However, locally in the north, the nature of the OCT...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Aden; Kinematic evolution; Ocean-continent transition; Passive continental margin; Seafloor spreading; Segmentation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The GROSMarin experiment: three dimensional crustal structure of the North Ligurian margin from refraction tomography and preliminary analysis of microseismic measurements ArchiMer
Dessa, Jean-xavier; Simon, Soazig; Lelievre, Marjorie; Beslier, Marie-odile; Deschamps, Anne; Bethoux, Nicole; Solarino, Stefano; Sage, Francoise; Eva, Elena; Ferretti, Gabriele; Bellier, Olivier; Eva, Claudio.
The deep structure of the North Ligurian margin and its contiguous Ligurian basin as well as the seismicity recorded in these zones are neither well understood nor precisely constrained. In order to better address these questions, there is a need for offshore instrumenting, which was realised for a duration of nearly 6 months during the GROSMarin (Grand Reseau d'Observation Sous-Marin) experiment. An array of 21 ocean bottom seismometers was deployed over the most active area of the margin and was complemented on land by mobile seismological stations that densified existing permanent networks. We also realised the acquisition of deep refraction seismic shots at sea in order to get a 3D distribution of velocities along the margin through travel time...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North Ligurian margin; Ocean bottom seismometers; Refraction tomography; Velocity structure; Crustal units; Microseismicity.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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