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Farm level adoption decisions of soil and water management technologies in semi-arid Eastern Kenya AgEcon
Bett, Charles.
In this paper the conceptual framework of individual farmers' adoption decisions of new agricultural technologies is used to identify factors that influence adoption modified fanya juu terraces in semi-arid eastern Kenya. The adoption decision model was specified using farm and farmers' characteristics and technology characteristics though likely to influence farmers' adoption behaviour. To test intensity of adoption a Torbit model was specified and estimated. Results of logit regression analysis reveal that access to markets, education, costs, technology attributes, labour, credit and risk preferences significantly influenced adoption decisions. Results from the estimated intensity of adoption model (tobit) show that variation in the proportion of land...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Logit analysis; Tobit analysis; Modified terraces; Adoption; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Markets Access, Approaches and Opportunities for Quality Protein Maize Products AgEcon
Ouma, James Okuro; Bett, Charles; Githaigah, T..
Lack of access to nutritious food is an underlying and major cause of child mortality in Africa. Improving the nutritional quality of food crops, through biofortification, would be a useful complementary strategy to other agricultural and public health interventions. Quality Protein Maize (QPM) varieties have been developed through biofortification. Consumption of these varieties leads to greater protein utilisation in adults and children. In Kenya three QPM varieties have been released. In Central Kenya, particularly Kirinyaga district, farmers have come together through Innovation Platform for Technology Adoption ( IPTA) with the aim of production, value addition and marketing of QPM based products. These groups require information on the potential...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Market; Products; Quality Protein Maize; Rapid market appraisal; Crop Production/Industries; Marketing.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Participatory Farmer Evaluation of Stem borer Resistant Maize varieties in three maize growing ecologies of Kenya AgEcon
Ouma, James Okuro; Odendo, Martins; Bett, Charles; De Groote, Hugo; Mugo, Stephen; Mutinda, Charles; Gethi, James; Njoka, Stephen; Ajanga, S.; Shuma, J..
Insect Resistant Maize for Africa Project (IRMA) aims at developing and deploying insect resistant maize varieties to reduce grain losses due to insect pests. As part of incorporating farmer’s perceptions and improving the adoption of the developed varieties, participatory approaches are adopted. The paper analysis farmer’s preferences of maize germplasm developed through conventional breeding. The paper uses data collected from evaluations conducted at the end of 2006 April and October rains. Nine stem borer resistant maize varieties were evaluated alongside six commercial checks in the moist transitional zones (East and West) at vegetative and harvest stage, while in the dry transitional zone and dry mid altitude zones, 6 new varieties were evaluated...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Seed Industry for Dryland Crops in Eastern Kenya AgEcon
Muhammad, Lutta; Njoroge, Kiarie; Bett, Charles; Mwangi, Wilfred; Verkuijl, Hugo; De Groote, Hugo.
The development and promotion of improved crop varieties as well as efficient seed production, distribution, and marketing systems have contributed significantly to increased agricultural production and food security in Kenya. However, these impacts have not been replicated in the semi-arid midlands due to climatic, soil, and institutional factors. Following the liberalization of agriculture in the late 1980s, there has been greater participation of the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and voluntary agencies in the area. This study examined the extent to which these developments affected farmers’ access to dryland crops. The study found that the low quantity of seed traded, high cost of production, and high seed supply prices constrained the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Agricultural situation; Seed industry; Seed production; Food security; Marketing; Production costs; Distribution costs; Private sector; Public sector; Farmers; Farming systems; Dry farming; Crop husbandry; Kenya; Crop Production/Industries; E16; F01.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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