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Cinématique de l'Atlantique Nord et Central ArchiMer
Jolivet, J.l.; Bonnin, J; Beuzart, Paul; Auzende, Jean-marie.
The three central chapters of this work constitute an explanatory comment of the jointed Central North Atlantic reconstruction maps. In the first chapter, the model is situated relatively to other works devoted to the evolution of the Atlantic ocean, the data used and the methods followed are exposed. In th fifth chapter, we discuss some of the several implications of the model. The main characteristic of this approach is that it aims to integrate from the beginningthe major plate system constituted by: the North American, Eurasian and African plates. For each geological period, results of the detailed regional studies are referred to the evolution of the whole system and evaluated according to it. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Deep-penetration heat flow probes raise questions about interpretations from shorter probes ArchiMer
Géli, Louis; Turon, J.-l.; Aslanian, Daniel; Balut, Y.; Beuzart, Paul; Cochran, J.; Francheteau, J.; Harmegnies, Francois; Landuré, Jean-yves; Le Suavé, Raymond; Mazaud, A.; Michel, E.; Normand, Alain; Pichon, Jack; Vlastelic, Ivan.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2001 URL:
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La marge continentale armoricaine, résultats d'observations en submersible et de dragages dans le canyon Shamrock ArchiMer
Pastouret, Léo; Auffret, Gérard-andré; Auzende, Jean-marie; Beuzart, Paul; Dubois, Paul; Seguret, Michel; Sigal, Jacques; Vanney, Jean-rené.
Observations gathered with Cyana submersible and dredge sampling in the Shamrock canyon area during the CYMOR cruise allow us to specify the geological evolution of this part of the northern Bay of Biscay margin. At least during the Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian to Albian) there existed a subsident basin limited by highs. The hiatus located between Albian and Tertiary formations indicates that this process was interrupted during the Late Cretaceous by a possible tectonic event. From the Oligocene the sedimentation became turbiditic. Active erosion processes on the canyon flanks and turbiditic massive flows have been observed. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Nouvelle carte bathymétrique au 1/100000 du banc de Gorringe (SW Portugal) ArchiMer
Beuzart, Paul; Le Lann, Alain; Monti, Serge; Auzende, Jean-marie.
A recent survey made with Seabeam allows us to present a bathymetric map (scale 1/100 000) of Gorringe Bank (SW Portugal). [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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The jan mayen ridge synthesis of geological knowledge and new data ArchiMer
Gairaud, H; Jacquart, G; Aubertin, F; Beuzart, Paul.
The Jan Mayen Ridge and its southern extension were studied by means of multichannel reflection seismic profiles gathered during the Cepan 1 (Cercle Polaire Atlantique Nord) 1975 survey. These data have been interpreted with reference to the evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, which may be chronologically summarized as follows : 1) opening of the Norwegian basin from the now-extinct Aegir axis 60 myrs ago ( magnetic anomalies 23 to 20) ; 2) westward jumping of the spreading axis : this new axis (Iceland Plateau Extinct Axis) lasted between 5 D and 6 A anomaly times (24 to 18 myrs) ; 3) second westward ridge jump leading to the setting of the currently active Kolbeinsey ridge. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1978 URL:
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