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Transport of steroid hormones in the vadose zone after land application of beef cattle manure NWISRL
Van Donk, S.J.; Bigas, S; Kranz, W.L.; Snow, D.D.; Bartlelt-Hunt, S.L.; Mader, T.L.; Shapiro, C.A.; Shelton, D.P.; Tarkalson, D.D.; Zhang, T.C.; Ensley, S.M..
A variety of naturally occurring steroid hormones are regularly excreted by livestock, while additional steroid hormones have been used as growth promoters by the livestock industry. Depending on manure age and storage conditions, both groups of compounds are likely to be present during application to crops. Recent research suggests that some estrogens, androgens and progestagens in surface waters may originate from runoff after land application of livestock manure. Groundwater may also be impacted by livestock manure when used as a nutrient source to crops and may be indicated by excess nitrate in water. Few studies have been conducted to investigate the potential of steroid hormones contamination of groundwater. The objective of this study was to monitor...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Feed preference; Chemistry; Fertility.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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