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Cultivating biomass locally or importing it? LCA of biomass provision scenarios for cleaner electricity production in a small tropical island 5
Chary, Killian; Aubin, Joel; Guinde, Loic; Sierra, Jorge; Blazy, Jean-marc.
Biomass is a promising renewable alternative to decarbonize and to secure energy production on small islands, as most insular power generation systems rely heavily on imported fossil fuels. Feedstock procurement is a key aspect of bioenergy chain sustainability, and local resources as well as imported biomass can be considered if the electricity generated presents environmental benefits. We used Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impacts of 1 kWh of electricity produced in Guadeloupe from the combustion of locally grown energy cane and imported wood pellets. The energy cane agricultural supply was simulated using a bio-economic model to elaborate and analyze five scenarios involving different biomass mixes and geographical areas of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: LCA; Electricity; Energy cane; Wood pellet; Islands; Saccharum sp..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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