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Lindsey, Patricia J.; Bohman, Mary.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Gibson, Paul R.; Wainio, John; Whitley, Daniel B.; Bohman, Mary.
High protection for agricultural commodities in the form of tariffs continues to be the major factor restricting world trade. The large differences in average tariffs across countries make it possible for farmers in one country to benefit from tariff protection while farmers in other countries lose income because of lower prices resulting from those tariffs. This report provides the first comprehensive analysis of agricultural tariffs and tariff-rate quotas (limits on imported goods) across a large number of countries and commodities and finds that high average tariffs create barriers to markets for U.S. and other farmers.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Market access; Megatariffs; Tariff profiles; Over-quota tariffs; In-quota tariffs; Tariff-rate quotas; World Trade Organization; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Targeted and Global Export Subsidies and Welfare Impacts AgEcon
Bohman, Mary; Carter, Colin A.; Dorfman, Jeffrey H..
A three-country model of export subsidies is developed with an exporter, an importer, and a third country, representing the rest of the world, that can act on either side of the market. The welfare effect of an export subsidy targeted toward one importing country is shown to depend on whether the third country is an exporter or an importer, the market shares, and demand elasticities. The possibility of the paradoxical result that the targeted country can lose welfare as a result of receiving a subsidy is demonstrated to exist, and conditions are derived that determine when this result occurs. It is also demonstrated that when the rest of the world is a net exporter, a country offering a targeted export subsidy will suffer a welfare loss, while either its...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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U.S. Export Subsidies in Wheat: Strategic Trade Policy or An Expensive Beggar-My-Neighbor tactic? AgEcon
Anania, Giovanni; Bohman, Mary; Carter, Colin A..
This paper examines the domestic and international impacts of the United States' Export Enhancement Program (EEP) in the wheat market. EEP uses targeted in-kind subsidies to expand U.S. exports and was specifically designed to compete with subsidized exports from the European Community (EC). Theoretically, we argue that the EEP program cannot be a welfare improving trade policy for the U.S., even when considering strategic trade theory. We then model EEP as an in-kind, constrained targeted export subsidy and determine its price, quantity and budgetary effects. Our empirical results show that no exporting country gains from EEP and that the intended loser, the EC, is only slightly harmed. We find only a small increase in U.S. wheat exports due to the export...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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