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Apoptotic mimicry: an altruistic behavior in host/Leishmania interplay BJMBR
Wanderley,J.L.M.; Benjamin,A.; Real,F.; Bonomo,A.; Moreira,M.E.C.; Barcinski,M.A..
Apoptosis is the most common phenotype observed when cells die through programmed cell death. The morphologic and biochemical changes that characterize apoptotic cells depend on the activation of a diverse set of genes. Apoptosis is essential for multicellular organisms since their development and homeostasis are dependent on extensive cell renewal. In fact, there is strong evidence for the correlation between the emergence of multicellular organisms and apoptosis during evolution. On the other hand, no obvious advantages can be envisaged for unicellular organisms to carry the complex machinery required for programmed cell death. However, accumulating evidence shows that free-living and parasitic protozoa as well as yeasts display apoptotic markers. This...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Apoptosis; Phosphatidylserine; Leishmania; Phagocyte.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Linking immunity and hematopoiesis by bone marrow T cell activity BJMBR
Monteiro,J.P.; Bonomo,A..
Two different levels of control for bone marrow hematopoiesis are believed to exist. On the one hand, normal blood cell distribution is believed to be maintained in healthy subjects by an "innate" hematopoietic activity, i.e., a basal intrinsic bone marrow activity. On the other hand, an "adaptive" hematopoietic state develops in response to stress-induced stimulation. This adaptive hematopoiesis targets specific lineage amplification depending on the nature of the stimuli. Unexpectedly, recent data have shown that what we call "normal hematopoiesis" is a stress-induced state maintained by activated bone marrow CD4+ T cells. This T cell population includes a large number of recently stimulated cells in normal mice whose priming requires the presence of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: T cell; Hematopoiesis; Innate immunity; Adaptive immunity; Bone marrow; Immunological memory.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Plasticity of neutrophils reveals modulatory capacity BJMBR
Perobelli,S.M.; Galvani,R.G.; Gonçalves-Silva,T.; Xavier,C.R.; Nóbrega,A.; Bonomo,A..
Neutrophils are widely known as proinflammatory cells associated with tissue damage and for their early arrival at sites of infection, where they exert their phagocytic activity, release their granule contents, and subsequently die. However, this view has been challenged by emerging evidence that neutrophils have other activities and are not so short-lived. Following activation, neutrophil effector functions include production and release of granule contents, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). Neutrophils have also been shown to produce a wide range of cytokines that have pro- or anti-inflammatory activity, adding a modulatory role for this cell, previously known as a suicide effector. The presence of cytokines almost...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Autoimmunity; Cancer; Infection; Inflammation; Neutrophil; Suppression.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Prolonged acceptance of skin grafts induced by B cells places regulatory T cells on the histopathology scene BJMBR
Langier,S.; Galvani,R.G.; Alves,A.P.G.; Fidelis,R.; Nunes,P.H.C.; Silva,M.H.; Castilho,L.R.; Monteiro,J.P.; Bonomo,A..
The participation of regulatory T (Treg) cells in B cell-induced T cell tolerance has been claimed in different models. In skin grafts, naive B cells were shown to induce graft tolerance. However, neither the contribution of Treg cells to B cell-induced skin tolerance nor their contribution to the histopathological diagnosis of graft acceptance has been addressed. Here, using male C57BL/6 naive B cells to tolerize female animals, we show that skin graft tolerance is dependent on CD25+ Treg cell activity and independent of B cell-derived IL-10. In fact, B cells from IL-10-deficient mice were able to induce skin graft tolerance while Treg depletion of the host inhibited 100% graft survival. We questioned how Treg cell-mediated tolerance would impact on...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Skin graft; Tolerance; B cells; Treg; Histopathology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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