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Etude du macrobenthos, de la méiofaune et des Bactéries en Baie de Morlaix ArchiMer
Boucher, Guy; Cabioch, Louis; Chamroux, Simone; Dauvin, Jean-claude.
Les travaux font partie du programme de "VEILLE ECOLOGIQUE DES COTES BRETONNES" et portent sur le domaine des substrats meubles, en complément d'autres travaux réalisés par le Laboratoire d'Océanographie Biologique de l'Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Michel GLEMAREC) et le Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Lacaze, Oudot, Renauld-Mornant, Ricard, Van Praet) avec lesquels ils devront être étroitement harmonisés. A/ Sur l'Estran (BOUCHER/CHAMROUX) Le site du Courduff (rivière de Morlaix) I.V. = 9, correspond à une zone d'accumulation en mode calme (slikke) des polluants d'origine terrestre et océanique. Il constitue une station de référence importante de la veille écologique en Baie de Morlaix. Celle-ci a fait l'objet d'un suivi intensif de la...
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Ano: 1983 URL:
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Oxygen and carbon dioxide fluxes at the water-sediment interface of a tropical lagoon ArchiMer
Boucher, Guy; Clavier, Jacques; Garrigue, Claire.
Oxygen demand, carbon dioxide release and total alkalinity shift were calculated from changes in oxygen, pH and total alkalinity produced by bottom dark incubations at the water-sediment interface of the 3 bottom types identified in a southwest lagoon in New Caledonia. Total sediment oxygen demand (AO?) was corrected from nonbioloyical oxygen demand (NBOD) In order to obtain the apparent biological activity (AOlO)T.o tal carbon dioxide flux (AC02)w as corrected from total alkalinity shift in order to estimate organic carbon processes. The resulting mean carbon dioxide flux (ACOzO= 2.58 mm01 m-' h-', SE = 0.12) exceeded biological oxygen demand (AO," = 1.60 mm01 m-' h-', SE = 0.08). The highly significant ratio estimates from functional regression lines of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbon flux; Metabolism; Tropical lagoon.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Spatial and temporal variability of CO2 fluxes at the sediment-air interface in a tidal flat of a temperate lagoon (arcachon bay, France) ArchiMer
Migne, Aline; Davoult, Dominique; Spilmont, Nicolas; Ouisse, Vincent; Boucher, Guy.
This study aimed to explore the spatial and temporal variability of benthic metabolism in a temperate mesotidal lagoon. This was achieved by measuring fluxes of CO2 in static chambers during emersion, both under light and dark conditions. Three sample sites were selected according to their tidal level (upper or mid), their sediment type (sand or mud) and the presence/absence of the seagrass Zostera noltei. The three sites were investigated at three seasons (end of winter, spring and beginning of autumn). At each site and each season, three benthic chambers were used simultaneously in successive incubations over the emersion period. The sediment chlorophyll-a content varied seasonally in the upper sands (reaching 283 mg.m− 2 in spring) but not in the mid...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Intertidal sediment; Benthic metabolism; Primary production; Respiration; French Atlantic coast; Arcachon lagoon.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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