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Results of SFA preliminary experiments on artificial spat collection of the black pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera OceanDocs
Bautil, B.; Boulle, D.P..
Forty oyster spat collector bags were submerged at two different sites near Mahe island fofr a period between 3.2 and 11 months. Strong currents in the south-east monsoon period resulted in a few bags lying in the sand which was detrimental to spat settlement. The mean settlement rate was calculated at 15.6 oysters per bag, however 71_310= of the bags had more than 10 oysters per bag. Considering only those bags, the settlement averaged at 27 oysters per bag. The sizes of oysters in collector bags after different soaking times, indicate that growth rate in the first few months is higher than on French Polynesia. Growth rates of oysters maintained in a cage indicated an average increase of 21.7 mm in five months, between the size of 25.9 mm and 47.76 mm....
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Pearl culture; Seed collection; Seychelles; Spat PINCTADA MARGARITIFERA Aquaculture development Oyster culture Oyster culture
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Seychelles artisanal fisheries statistics for 1997 OceanDocs
Azemia, R.; Boulle, D.P..
(1). During 1997 an estimated total of 4095 tonnes of fish was landed on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue by 348 fishing boats. 83.5% of the total catch was landed on Mahe alone. The catch volume has decreased by 415 tonnes compared to the 1996 catch and the number of boats operating has increased by 21 over the same period. (2). The most important species groups landed (greater than 5% of the total catch) were carangues (38.1%), job (11.3%), maquereau doux (7.3%) and capitaine (5.4%). (3). Peak landings occurred in April (701.8 MT) and the lowest catch was recorded in June (150 MT). The average catch per month was 341.2 tonnes. (4). A marked seasonal variation in catches of demersal species was observed, with low catches being recorded during the period of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Landing statistics; Catch composition; Fish catch statistics.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Seychelles artisanal fisheries statistics for 1998 OceanDocs
Boulle, D.P.; Azemia, R.T..
(1). During 1998 an estimated total of 3334.3 tonnes of fish was landed on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue by 355 fishing boats. 86% of the total catch was landed on Mahe alone. The catch volume has decreased by 716 tonnes compared to the 1997 catch and the number of boats operating has increased by 7 vessels over the same period. (2). The most important species groups landed (greater than 5% of the total catch) were carangues (30.2%), job (18.1%), capitaine (8.4%), red snappers (including bourgeois) 12.7% and barracuda (4.5%). (3). Peak landings occurred in November (507.1 MT) and the lowest catch was recorded in March (172.2 MT). The average catch per month was 277.8 tonnes this is 63.4 tonnes less on average per month than for 1997. (4). A marked seasonal...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Landing statistics; Catch composition; Fish catch statistics.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Seychelles artisanal fisheries statistics for 1999 OceanDocs
Boulle, D.P.; Azemia, R.T..
(1). During 1999 an estimated total of 4842 Metric Tonnes (MT) of fish was landed on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue by 345 fishing boats. 88.9% of the total catch was landed on Mahe alone. The catch volume has increased by 1508 MT compared to the 1998 catch and the number of boats operating decreased by 10 vessels over the same period. (2). The most important species groups landed (greater than 5% of the total catch) were carangues (30.4%), job (17%), red snapper (10%), cordonnier (5,1%) and capitaine (5.9%). (3). Peak landings occurred in April (560.1 MT) and October (565.4 MT) and the lowest catch was recorded in August (254 MT). The average catch per month was 403.5 tonnes. (4). Seasonal variation in catches of demersal species was observed, however this...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Landing statistics; Catch composition; Fish catch statistics.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Seychelles artisanal fisheries statistics for 2000 OceanDocs
Azemia, R.T.; Boulle, D.P..
(1). During 2000 an estimated total of 4764 tonnes of fish was landed on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue by 330 fishing boats. 89.6% of the total catch was landed on Mahe alone. The catch volume has decreased by 78 tonnes compared to the 1999 catch and the number of boats operating has increased by 15 over the same period. (2). The most important species groups landed (greater than 5% of the total catch) were carangues (37.0%), job (11.6%), capitaine (8.9%) and maquereau doux (6.2%). (3). Peak landings occurred in September (750.0 MT) and the lowest catch was recorded in June (236.3 MT). The average catch per month was 397 tonnes. (4). A marked seasonal variation in catches of demersal species was observed, with low catches being recorded during the period of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Landing statistics; Catch composition; Fish catch statistics.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Seychelles artisanal fisheries statistics for 2001 OceanDocs
Boulle, D.P.; Azemia, R.T..
(1). During 2001 an estimated total of 4290 tonnes of fish was landed on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue by 377 fishing boats. 84.3% of the total catch was landed on Mahe alone. The catch volume has decreased by 474 tonnes compared to the 2000 catch and the number of boats operating has dereased by 30 over the same period. (2). The most important species groups landed (greater than 5% of the total catch) were carangues (30.0%), job (16.4%). capitaine (11.3%) and bourgeois (8.0%). (3). Peak landings occurred in June (478.0 MT) and the lowest catch was recorded in September (161.7 MT). The average catch per month was 357 tonnes. (4). A seasonal variation in catches of demersal species was observed, however this was less marked when compared to previous years. Low...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Landing statistics; Catch composition; Fish catch statistics.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Seychelles fisheries country profile : 1990-1994 OceanDocs
Boulle, D.P..
Seychelles is composed of over 100 islands with a land area of approximately 455 km², centred close to 4°30'S and 55°30'E. The combined coastline is approximately 600 km long, the oceanic shelf totals about 50 000 km² and the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is over 1 370 000 km². The total population (1994 census) stands at just under 74 000. in 1994, the population registered a growth rate of 2.2%. The GDP (1994) was SR 2373.8 million, fisheries representing 4.8% of this sum. Licensing agreements for foreign fishing activities provided a yearly revenue of SR8 million. Port Victoria is seen as a prime centre for tuna fishing operations in the Indian Ocean. In the artisanal fishery just under 900 persons are working. The largest contributor to catch by...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Country profile; Fisheries; Seychelles Fishery statistics statistics Fisheries.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Seychelles fisheries country profile : 1990-1994 OceanDocs
Boulle, D.P..
Seychelles is composed of over 100 islands with a land area of approximately 455 km², centred close to 4°30'S and 55°30'E. The combined coastline is approximately 600 km long, the oceanic shelf totals about 50 000 km² and the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is over 1 370 000 km². The total population (1994 census) stands at just under 74 000. in 1994, the population registered a growth rate of 2.2%. The GDP (1994) was SR 2373.8 million, fisheries representing 4.8% of this sum. Licensing agreements for foreign fishing activities provided a yearly revenue of SR8 million. Port Victoria is seen as a prime centre for tuna fishing operations in the Indian Ocean. In the artisanal fishery just under 900 persons are working. The largest contributor to catch by...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Country profile; Fisheries; Seychelles Fishery statistics.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Seychelles krab ziraf (Ranina ranina) fishery: the status of the stock OceanDocs
Boulle, D.P..
The local commonly used kreol name for Ranina ranina is krab ziraf. The krab ziraf fishery in Seychelles started functioning as a commercial fishery in 1986 when the resource was identified as potentially viable. Prior to this time these crab stocks were unexploited. In keeping with the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) policy of monitoring catch and effort in new fisheries a research programme was implemented to assess the state of the Seychelles stock and determine the viability of the fishery as a whole. The objective of this report is to provide an indication of the state of the crab stock at the present fishing levels and give estimates of the standing stock biomass and the potential yield of the fishery. The biomass estimates give a range of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Ranina ranina; Seychelles Biomass Crab fisheries Potential yield Stock assessment Biomass Stock assessment
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Spiny lobster fishery around the Mahe Plateau, November 1994 - January 1995 OceanDocs
Domingue, G.; Boulle, D.P..
This report reviews the spiny lobster fishery on the Mahe Plateau during the 1994 - 1995 fishing season. Following the recommendations made after the 1992 fishing season, the fishery was reopened in 1993 for two months, November and December. The monitoring programme set up in 1992 was continued to gather more information on the spiny lobster stocks so as to improve the management of this resource around the Mahe Plateau. A total of 33 licenses were issued (compared to 28 in 1993); 25 on Mahe, 2 on Praslin and 6 on La Digue. A licensed fishing unit comprised, on average, of three men. Snorkelling was used by 27 fishing units as the only catching method, 3 fishing units used traps only whilst 3 fishing units combined snorkelling with the use of traps....
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Lobster fishery; Lobster stock; Seychelles Panulirus versicolor Panulirus penicillatus Panulirus longipes Resource management Lobster fisheries Resource management
Ano: 1995 URL:
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