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Bioavailability of particulate metal to zebra mussels: Biodynamic modelling shows that assimilation efficiencies are site-specific 5
Bourgeault, Adeline; Gourlay-france, Catherine; Priadi, Cindy; Ayrault, Sophie; Tusseau-vuillemin, Marie-helene.
This study investigates the ability of the biodynamic model to predict the trophic bioaccumulation of cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) in a freshwater bivalve. Zebra mussels were transplanted to three sites along the Seine River (France) and collected monthly for 11 months. Measurements of the metal body burdens in mussels were compared with the predictions from the biodynamic model. The exchangeable fraction of metal particles did not account for the bioavailability of particulate metals, since it did not capture the differences between sites. The assimilation efficiency (AE) parameter is necessary to take into account biotic factors influencing particulate metal bioavailability. The biodynamic model, applied with AEs...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioaccumulation; Active biomonitoring; Bioavailability of particulate metals; Assimilation efficiency; Chemical sequential extraction.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Diffuse urban pollution increases metal tolerance of natural heterotrophic biofilms 5
Fechner, Lise C.; Gourlay-france, Catherine; Bourgeault, Adeline; Tusseau-vuillemin, Marie-helene.
This study is a first attempt to investigate the impact of urban contamination on metal tolerance of heterotrophic river biofilms using a short-term test based on beta-glucosidase activity. Tolerance levels to Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni and Pb were evaluated for biofilms collected at three sites along an urban gradient in the Seine river (France). Metallic pollution increased along the river, but concentrations remained low compared to environmental quality standards. Biofilm metal tolerance increased downstream from the urban area. Multivariate analysis confirmed the correlation between tolerance and contamination and between multi-metallic and physico-chemical gradients. Therefore, tolerance levels have to be interpreted in relation to the whole chemical and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Metal tolerance; Beta-glucosidase; Freshwater biofilm; ARISA; Environmental quality standards; PICT; Heterotrophic communities.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Spatio-temporal variability of solid, total dissolved and labile metal: passive vs. discrete sampling evaluation in river metal monitoring 5
Priadi, Cindy; Bourgeault, Adeline; Ayrault, Sophie; Gourlay-france, Catherine; Tusseau-vuillemin, Marie-helene; Bonte, Philippe; Mouchel, Jean-marie.
In order to obtain representative dissolved and solid samples from the aquatic environment, a spectrum of sampling methods are available, each one with different advantages and drawbacks. This article evaluates the use of discrete sampling and time-integrated sampling in illustrating medium-term spatial and temporal variation. Discrete concentration index (CI) calculated as the ratio between dissolved and solid metal concentrations in grab samples are compared with time-integrated concentration index (CI) calculated from suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected in sediment traps and labile metals measured by the diffusive gel in thin films (DGT) method, collected once a month during one year at the Seine River, upstream and downstream of the Greater...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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