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An Unstructured Numerical Model to Study Wind-Driven Circulation Patterns in a Managed Coastal Mediterranean Wetland: The Vaccares Lagoon System ArchiMer
Boutron, Olivier; Bertrand, Olivier; Fiandrino, Annie; Hoehener, Patrick; Sandoz, Alain; Cherain, Yves; Coulet, Eric; Chauvelon, Philippe.
The spatiotemporal structure of wind-driven circulation patterns and associated water exchanges can drive important bio-hydrodynamic interactions in shallow lagoons. The Vaccares lagoon system is a complex shallow hydrosystem located in the central part of the Rhone Delta (France). It is internationally recognized as part of a biosphere reserve within the framework of UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Programme, and as a RAMSAR site. Due to its frequent occurrence in this area, and considering the shallowness of the Vaccares lagoon system, wind is assumed to play a major role in the hydrodynamic and biological processes. In this study, a hydrodynamic model was developed to investigate the structure of wind-driven circulations in the Vaccares lagoon system, to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal lagoon; Mathematical model; Hydrodynamics; Calibration; Validation; Wind-driven circulation.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Seventy-year chronology of Salinas in southern France: coastal surfaces managed for salt production and conservation issues for abandoned sites ArchiMer
De Wit, Rutger; Vincent, Alice; Foulc, Ludovic; Klesczewski, Mario; Scher, Olivier; Loste, Claudine; Thibault, Marc; Poulin, Brigitte; Ernoul, Lisa; Boutron, Olivier.
After World War II, twenty-nine coastal Salinas (122 km2), located in the vicinity of coastal lagoons and in deltas, were exploited along the Mediterranean coastlines in South France. Today, only five of these are still actively producing salt, currently representing 175 km2. Concomitant with the abandonment of many of the smaller Salinas, the larger Salinas in the Rhône delta (Camargue) strongly increased their surfaces at the expense of natural ecosystems, of which a part has also been abandoned after 2009. This paper documents these changes in landscape use by chronological GIS mapping and describes the fate of the 91 km2 of abandoned Salina surfaces. The majority of this area (88 km2) is included in the Natura 2000 network, among which most (74 km2)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Corine land cover 4.2.2; Microbial mats; Waterfowl; Halophytes; Coastal lagoon; Delta.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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