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A Random Utility Analysis of Southern Alberta Sportfishing AgEcon
Peters, T.; Adamowicz, Wiktor L.; Boxall, Peter C..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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An Econometric Analysis of Donations for Environmental Conservation AgEcon
Yen, Steven T.; Boxall, Peter C.; Adamowicz, Wiktor L..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Yen, Steven T.; Boxall, Peter C.; Adamowicz, Wiktor L..
As provincial governments in Canada trim budgets, fewer funds are available for environmental conservation programs. Many jurisdictions are letting private interests and/or users of the resource base help fund conservation projects. Thus funding for conservation is becoming more dependent on donations to environmental causes either through direct giving of funds or through memberships in organizations. This study explores some determinants of private contributions to environmental conservation activities through an econometric analysis of donations and memberships relating to wildlife habitat protection and enhancement. We use data from a 1991 survey conducted in the three prairie provinces that provides information on donation behavior, income,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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An Economic Evaluation of Woodland Caribou Conservation Programs in Northwestern Saskatchewan AgEcon
Tanguay, Mark; Adamowicz, Wiktor L.; Boxall, Peter C..
The purpose of this study was to identify the values Saskatchewan residents place on their Woodland Caribou conservation programs. Using contingent valuation methods, individual values for maintaining caribou numbers within Millar Western-NorSask Forest Management Licence agreement area were estimated. Using these value estimates, societal benefits were estimated for the implementation of a woodland caribou maintenance program within the forest licence agreement area. The data used in this study were collected using a mailout survey to Saskatchewan residents. Two contingent valuation formats were used, the opened ended willingness to pay and the dichotomous choice. A number of question structures were employed in order to judge the sensitivity of the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Englin, Jeffrey E.; Boxall, Peter C.; Hauer, Grant.
Fires are an important and natural component of forest ecosystems that affect the timber value of forests, and thus optimal rotations. Fire also affects amenity values provided by forests. This analysis examines the relationships among forest fire risk, timber values, and amenity values in a Faustmann rotation framework. An empirical application of the model is presented where jack pine growth in the Canadian Shield region is integrated with the nonmarket values associated with wilderness recreation. The results suggest that while the rotation period of jack pine is shorter in the presence of fire risk, the inclusion of this particular amenity would lengthen rotation periods. The level of visits to the wilderness area has a significant effect on the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Miller, Jamie; Boxall, Peter C.; Unterschultz, James R..
A simulation model of a ranch based in Southern Alberta was developed to evaluate the on-ranch economics of adopting different grazing management strategies to improve riparian health in rangeland. Under low cost scenarios, there are positive economic incentives to adopt strategies to maintain riparian zones that are already in good range condition. However, riparian zones in fair or poor range condition may require additional economic incentives to encourage ranches to adopt more costly management strategies. The economic incentives to adopt costly management strategies are highly sensitive to the riparian zone area, shape and rates of decline/improvement.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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An Experimental Examination of Target Based Conservation Auctions AgEcon
Boxall, Peter C.; Perger, Orsolya; Packman, Katherine.
Conservation auctions (CA) are typically employed to increase the provision of Ecological Goods and Services (EG&S) for achieving environmental goals. This paper exmaines the ability of a CA to meet an environmental target. Previous research on this topic used the number of contracts as a target rather than some specified environmental goal. We used experimental economic methods benchmarked to a wetlands restoration case study to examine a target constraint that must be met by bidders rather than a budget constraint. However, since no budget constraint is employed, agencies with limited resources might have to use other auction design procedures to ensure that financial outlays to pay winning bidders are not too high while meeting the target....
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Conservation auctions; Environmental target; Experimental economics; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q52; Q58; D44.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Boxall, Peter C.; Perger, Orsolya; Packman, Katherine.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Dosman, Donna; Haener, Michel K.; Adamowicz, Wiktor L.; Marois, Juanita; Boxall, Peter C..
The report describes the research design, data collection and preliminary analysis of an economic assessment of non-timber resource use by Aboriginal People in Northwest Saskatchewan. The project is designed to develop methods of valuing resource use by Aboriginal People so that these values can be incorporated into forest resource management decisions and to evaluate the impact of forest management actions on the economic well-being of Aboriginal People living in the region. Data on non-timber resource use are collected and spatially explicit economic models are developed in order to construct estimates of behavioral change and value associated with changes in the environment and landscape (through forestry, access, or other landscape changes).
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Assessing the recreation values at risk from wildfire: an exploratory analysis AgEcon
Neupane, Anish; Boxall, Peter C.; Pelletier, Rick.
The levels of participation in various types of outdoor recreation in forested areas are substantial. Studies have shown that over 18.5 million days, representing approximately 80% of recreation user days, were spent by Canadians in recreational activities in forested lands. Furthermore, recreation has significant social and economic value that should be reflected in management decisions if sustainable forest management is to be achieved. The importance of recreation in forests has resulted in the selection of measures of recreation participation as one of the relevant indicators of sustainable forest management reporting in Canada. This suggests that recreation areas should be an important component of the values of forest at risk due to loss from...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Conservation Auctions in Manitoba: A Summary of a Series of Workshops AgEcon
Packman, Katherine; Boxall, Peter C..
Currently, the effect of human impact on the environment is becoming increasingly apparent. The encroachment of human activity has inevitably resulted in the loss or impairment of ecological goods and services (EG&S) around the globe as well as in our own backyard. EG&S include features such as wildlife habitat, biodiversity, soil renewal, or nutrient cycling. The loss of such features has become a sobering reality for Manitobans in the face of the utrophication of Lake Winnipeg as a result of practices contributing to nutrient loading into the lake. Since EG&S are very important to Manitobans, efforts are being made to explore different vehicles to encourage their provision. In order to address some of the environmental issues transpiring in...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Market based instruments; Conservation auction; Tender; Wetland restoration; Environmental Economics and Policy; D44; Q20; Q57.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Consumer Attitudes, Willingness to Pay and Revealed Preferences for Different Egg Production Attributes: Analysis of Canadian Egg Consumers AgEcon
Goddard, Ellen W.; Boxall, Peter C.; Emunu, John Paul; Boyd, Curtis; Asselin, Andre; Neall, Amanda.
The Canadian egg industry has introduced a number of specialty eggs, including Omega-3, organic, free run/range, vitamin enhanced and vegetarian over the past few decades. These eggs are generally sold at prices higher than the ‘normal’ egg and there has been little analysis of the consumer awareness of and interest in purchasing these eggs. All previous econometric analysis of the Canadian egg market has assumed eggs and consumers are homogeneous. This study makes use of Stated preference and Revealed preference data to model the consumer interest in the different egg types. Stated preference surveys were conducted in two separate years: 2005 during which consumers were surveyed on their interest in Omega-3 and Vitamin Enhanced eggs relative to ‘normal’...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Consumer behaviour; Egg consumption; Differentiated products; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing; D12; Q11; Q18.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Fire and Recreational Values in Fire-Prone Forests: Exploring an Intertemporal Amenity Function Using Pooled RP-SP Data AgEcon
Boxall, Peter C.; Englin, Jeffrey E..
An important consideration in managing fire-prone forests is the intertemporal impacts of forest fires. This analysis examines these impacts in a forest recreation setting by fitting a combined stated and revealed data set to explicitly model the effects of forest regrowth following a fire on recreation economic values. The results are particularly useful as they provide clear measures of the time path of recovery of forest amenity values following a fire.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Forest fire; Recreation valuation; Revealed preferences; Stated preference; Travel cost model; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Boxall, Peter C.; Rollins, Kimberly S.; Englin, Jeffrey E..
This analysis breaks down the congestion levels experienced during specific parts of a wilderness canoe trip. By explicitly addressing the heterogeneity in preferences for congestion during a trip, we were able to determine the relative value canoeists place on solitude at different points of a trip. Our econometric model utilizes a random effects probit framework to efficiently estimate the welfare impacts of congestion on each trip portion. The welfare effects of congestion levels vary across wilderness areas, parts of a trip and individuals.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Shapansky, Bradford; Adamowicz, Wiktor L.; Boxall, Peter C..
Human values arising from forests include market and non-market values. Timber values and values of non-timber forest products traded in markets (berries, wild rice, etc.) are considered market values. Among non-market values are recreation values and values associated with wildlife harvesting by Aboriginal People. These are considered non-market because participation in these activities does not require the purchase of market based permits; prices do not function as rationing devices in these activities. In addition to non-market values arising from activities, individuals may also have values associated with forest conditions (biodiversity, etc.). These are referred to as passive use values since the value is not associated with any specific use of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Modeling Congestion as a Form of Interdependence in Random Utility Models AgEcon
Boxall, Peter C.; Hauer, Grant; Adamowicz, Wiktor L..
This paper develops a theory of interdependent utility functions in examining congestion in recreation demand equilibria. The notion is examined empirically through the development of congestion forecasting functions which individuals use to sort themselves among a set of recreation sites. These forecasts are used in site choice models estimated on revealed preference information. An interesting outcome of this exercise is that recreation site attribute changes, which are projected to provide positive utility, may in fact generate negative utility if the effect of the change on congestion is jointly considered.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Haener, Michel K.; Boxall, Peter C.; Adamowicz, Wiktor L..
This study examines the ability of revealed preference (RP), site-specific stated preference (SP), transferred SP, and various joint RP-SP models to predict aggregate and individual recreation site choice behavior in a holdout sample. For two statistical comparisons, the site-specific RP model provided the most accurate predictions of individual choices. However, the transferred SP model, applied directly or estimated jointly with the RP data, performed best in three aggregate and one individual prediction tests and second best in the other individual prediction comparisons. In every test examined the transferred SP models outperformed the site-specific SP models. This result is traced to the method used to collect the hypothetical choice data (mail...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Producer preferences towards vertical coordination: The case of Canadian beef alliances AgEcon
Steiner, Bodo E.; Lan, Kevin; Unterschultz, James R.; Boxall, Peter C.; Laate, Emmanuel; Yang, Danyi.
A survey among cow-calf producers was conducted during 2006 in Western Canada, to assess producers’ preferences towards participation in beef alliances. Producers’ choices were analyzed by varying the degree of vertical coordination in hypothetical lliance participation, while controlling for producer and farm-specific characteristics to explore risk, transaction cost and incentive considerations in participation decisions. Estimates from the attribute-based choice experiments suggest that information sharing regarding animal performance, revenue-risk and residual claimancy are important factors for producers driving alliance choices. Overall, cowcalf producers are willing to move toward higher levels of vertical coordination based on individual animal...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Beef value chain; Vertical coordination; Canada; Risk and Uncertainty; Q12; Q13; C83; D22..
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Research on Socioeconomic Impacts of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Alberta AgEcon
Adamowicz, Wiktor L.; Arnot, C.; Boxall, Peter C.; Dridi, Chokri; Goddard, Ellen W.; Jordan, M.; Forbes, K.; Laate, K.; Myshaniuk, K.; Parlee, B.; Petigara, M.; Unterschultz, James R.; Zimmer, N..
This report summarizes a series of projects undertaken by staff and students in the Department of Rural Economy which examine various socio-economic aspects of chronic wasting disease and its effect on a range of stakeholders in Alberta. The four projects included exploring impacts on the cervid farming industry, hunters, the general Albertan public, and certain Aboriginal groups. General results from these studies are presented with references that provide a more thorough analysis and discussion.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Chronic wasting disease; Socio-economic impacts; Aboriginals; Farming industry; Livestock Production/Industries; Production Economics; Q12; Q26; Q28.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Results from the Farm Behaviour Component of the Integrated Economic-Hydrologic Model for the Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial Management Practices Program AgEcon
Boxall, Peter C.; Weber, Marian; Perger, Orsolya; Cutlac, Marius; Samarawickrema, Antony.
This report summarizes preliminary results from the Farm Behavior component of the South Tobacco Creek Integrated Modeling Project (STC Project) which is being undertaken as part of the Watershed Evaluation of BMPs (WEBs) Program. WEBS is a partnership between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) established to evaluate the economic and environmental performance of BMPs for water quality at the watershed scale. Water draining from South Tobacco Creek eventually enters to Lake Winnipeg which is degraded from the cumulative effects of nutrient loading, particularly phosphorous. Many jurisdictions across the world, including Canada, use payments programs to encourage land owners to change land management practices in order...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Watersheds South Tobacco Creek water quality Environmental Economics and Policy Land Economics/Use Resource /Energy Economics and Policy Q12; Q52; D44.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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