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Economics of Pre-Plant, Topdress, and Variable Rate Nitrogen Application in Winter Wheat AgEcon
Boyer, Christopher N.; Brorsen, B. Wade; Solie, John B.; Arnall, D. Brian; Raun, William R..
Past research about the efficiency of nitrogen application in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on source and timing has produced inconsistent results. The majority of the literature used data from few locations over short time periods. This study used a unique data set of yields and nitrogen quantities from 2002-2009 at ten different locations in Oklahoma, USA. The objective of this research was to determine wheat yield response for granular pre-plant, uniform foliar topdress, and variable rate foliar topdress. Topdress liquid nitrogen had a 19% higher NUE than pre-plant urea, and was the most profitable source of nitrogen.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Linear stochastic plateau; Nitrogen use efficiency; Profitability; Wheat; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Identifying Economies of Size in Conventional Surface Water Treatment and Brackish-Groundwater Desalination: Case Study in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas AgEcon
Boyer, Christopher N.; Rister, M. Edward; Sturdivant, Allen W.; Lacewell, Ronald D.; Harris, Bill L..
Two primary potable water-treatment technologies used in South Texas include conventional surface-water and reverse-osmosis (RO) desalination of brackish-groundwater. As the region's population continues to grow, municipalities are searching for economical means to expand their water supplies. Economies of size for both technologies are an important consideration for future expansion decisions.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Community/Rural/Urban Development; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Profitability of Conventional vs. Variable Rate Nitrogen Application in Wheat Production AgEcon
Boyer, Christopher N.; Brorsen, B. Wade; Solie, John B.; Raun, William R..
A variable rate nitrogen applicator based on optical reflectance measurements was developed to increase profits in wheat production by reducing the cost of production or by increasing grain yield. This paper determines if yields and profits from the variable rate treatments are significantly different from the conventional treatments.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Profitability; Variable rate application; Optical reflectance sensing; Wheat; Farm Management; Production Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Law of the Minimum and Sources of Nonzero Skewness for Crop Yield Distributions AgEcon
Tumusiime, Emmanuel; Brorsen, B. Wade; Boyer, Christopher N..
Crop yields are not commonly found to be normally distributed, but the cause of the non-normal distribution is unclear. The non-normality might be due to weather variables and/or an underlying von Liebig law of the minimum (LoM) production function. Our objective is to determine the degree to which an underlying linear response stochastic plateau production function can explain the skewness of Oklahoma wheat yields at varied nitrogen rates. We use farm-level wheat data from a long-term experiment in Oklahoma, which is a unique data set to the literature. The Tembo et al. (2008) production function provides negative skewness at all levels of nitrogen with skewness near zero for both very high and very low levels of nitrogen. Observed skewness for wheat...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Linear plateau model; Non-normal distributions; Skewness; Wheat; Yield distribution; Production Economics; Risk and Uncertainty; Q10.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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