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Comment on "Zemmouri earthquake rupture zone (M-w 6.8, Algeria): Aftershocks sequence relocation and 3D velocity model" by A. Ayadi et al. ArchiMer
Deverchere, Jacques; De Lepinay, Bernard Mercier; Cattaneo, Antonio; Strzerzynski, Pierre; Calais, Eric; Domzig, Anne; Bracene, Rabah.
Although often difficult to characterize, the relationship between a seismic rupture, its aftershock sequence, and cumulative subsurface or surface faulting or folding is an important challenge to modern seismology and seismotectonics. Among other benefits, it helps document fault length, slip, and magnitude relationships, reconstruct the evolution of the rupture process through historical and prehistorical times and identify the complexity of the deformation in its path toward the surface. This approach is a prerequisite to any seismic hazard assessment but is particularly difficult for faults whose surface trace projects offshore. A specific effort to identify and quantify the source parameters of large earthquakes in coastal areas is therefore needed,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Boumerdès-Zemmouri earthquake; Deformation; Kinematics; Margin.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Deep structure of the continental margin and basin off Greater Kabylia, Algeria – New insights from wide-angle seismic data modeling and multichannel seismic interpretation ArchiMer
Aidi, Chafik; Beslier, Marie-odile; Yelles-chaouche, Abdel Karim; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Bracene, Rabah; Galve, Audrey; Bounif, Abdallah; Schenini, Laure; Hamai, Lamine; Schnurle, Philippe; Djellit, Hamou; Sage, Francoise; Charvis, Philippe; Deverchere, Jacques.
During the Algerian-French SPIRAL survey aimed at investigating the deep structure of the Algerian margin and basin, two coincident wide-angle and reflection seismic profiles were acquired in central Algeria, offshore Greater Kabylia, together with gravimetric, bathymetric and magnetic data. This ~260 km-long offshore-onshore profile spans the Balearic basin, the central Algerian margin and the Greater Kabylia block up to the southward limit of the internal zones onshore. Results are obtained from modeling and interpretation of the combined data sets. The Algerian basin offshore Greater Kabylia is floored by a thin oceanic crust (~4 km) with P-wave velocities ranging between 5.2 and 6.8 km/s. In the northern Hannibal High region, the atypical 3-layer...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean Sea; Algerian margin; Crustal structure; Tectonic inversion; Post-accretion magmatism; Deep seismics.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Geophysical evidence for a transform margin offshore Western Algeria: a witness of a subduction-transform edge propagator? ArchiMer
Badji, Rabia; Charvis, Philippe; Bracene, Rabah; Galve, Audrey; Badsi, Madjid; Ribodetti, Alessandra; Benaissa, Zahia; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Medaouri, Mourad; Beslier, Marie-odile.
For the first time, a deep seismic data set acquired in the frame of the Algerian-French SPIRAL program provides new insights regarding the origin of the westernmost Algerian margin and basin. We performed a tomographic inversion of traveltimes along a 100-km-long wide-angle seismic profile shot over 40 ocean bottom seismometers offshore Mostaganem (Northwestern Algeria). The resulting velocity model and multichannel seismic reflection profiles show a thin (3-4 km thick) oceanic crust. The narrow ocean-continent transition (less than 10 km wide) is bounded by vertical faults and surmounted by a narrow almost continuous basin filled with Miocene to Quaternary sediments. This fault system, as well as the faults organized in a negative-flower structure on the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seismic tomography; Continental margins: transform; Crustal structure; Africa; Europe..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Holocene turbidites record earthquake supercycles at a slow-rate plate boundary ArchiMer
Ratzov, Gueorgui; Cattaneo, Antonio; Babonneau, Nathalie; Deverchere, Jacques; Yelles, Karim; Bracene, Rabah; Courboulex, Francoise.
Ongoing evidence for earthquake clustering calls for records of numerous earthquake cycles to improve seismic hazard assessment, especially where recurrence times overstep historical records. We show that most turbidites emplaced at the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary off west Algeria over the past ∼8 k.y. correlate across sites fed by independent sedimentary sources, requiring a regional trigger. Correlation with paleoseismic data inland and ground motion predictions support that M ∼7 earthquakes have triggered the turbidites. The bimodal distribution of paleo-events supports the concepts of earthquake supercycles and rupture synchronization between nearby faults: 13 paleo-earthquakes underpin clusters of 3–6 events with recurrence intervals of ∼300–600 yr,...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Recent and active deformation pattern off the easternmost Algerian margin, Western Mediterranean Sea: New evidence for contractional tectonic reactivation ArchiMer
Kherroubi, Abdelaziz; Deverchere, Jacques; Yelles, Abdelkarim; De Lepinay, Bernard Mercier; Domzig, Anne; Cattaneo, Antonio; Bracene, Rabah; Gaullier, Virginie; Graindorge, David.
We describe for the first time a set of large active thrusts and folds near the foot of the easternmost Algerian margin, Western Mediterranean, from swath bathymetry and high-resolution seismic data acquired in 2005 during the Maradja2/Samra cruise. This active system resumes a previous passive margin and creates growth strata deposition on the limbs of large folds, resulting in the development of perched basins at the foot of the margin since less than similar to 1 Ma. They form a set of overlapping fault segments verging toward the Algerian basin, in a way similar to what has been observed off eastern Algiers on the rupture zone of the 2003 Mw 6.8 Boumerdes earthquake. The horizontal shortening rate across large folds is estimated to be of the order of 1...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Subduction inception; Africa Eurasia convergence; Seismic reflection; Seismic hazards; Growth strata; Folding; Active faulting; Annaba; Algerian margin.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Searching for the Africa-Eurasia Miocene boundary offshore western Algeria (MARADJA'03 cruise) ArchiMer
Domzig, Anne; Yelles, Karim; Le Roy, Charlotte; Deverchere, Jacques; Bouillin, Jean-pierre; Bracene, Rabah; De Lepinay, Bernard Mercier; Le Roy, Pascal; Calais, Eric; Kherroubi, Abdelaziz; Gaullier, Virginie; Savoye, Bruno; Pauc, Henri.
We present new results from the MARADJA'03 cruise depicting the geological structures offshore central and western Algeria. Using swath bathymetry and seismic reflection data, we map and discuss the offshore limits of the Internal Zones corresponding to relics of the AIKaPeCa domain that drifted and collided the African plate during the Miocene. We identify large reverse faults and folds that reactivate part of these limits and are still active today. The morphology of the westernmost NE-SW margin suggests a former strike-slip activity accommodating a westward block translation responsible for the shift of the Internal Zones towards the Moroccan Rif.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sismique réflexion; Bathymétrie multifaisceau; Évolution tectonique du Bassin méditerranéen; Néotectonique; Zones Internes; Marge Algérienne; Seismic reflection; Swath bathymetry; Tectonic evolution of the Mediterranean; Internal zones neotectonics; Algerian margin.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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