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A New Phytochemical Screening Programme used for Crops grown with Organic and Conventional Methods Organic Eprints
Ravn, Dr. Helle Weber; Kristensen, Charlotte V.; Christensen, Trine F.; Diedrichsen, Brigitte; Brandt, Kirsten.
A broad screening programme, covering the most general phytochemical groups of compounds, was developed on the basis of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). A total of 46 TLC systems, comprising 26 derivatization reagents, 3 stationary phases, and 4 mobile phases, were included. The TLC systems were classified according to the groups of phytochemical compounds detected: Alcohols and phenolic compounds; Carbohydrates; N-containing compounds; Organic acids and lipids; P-containing compounds; S-containing compounds, and Terpenoids. Furthermore, one group of TLC systems detected compounds from several of the mentioned groups. The screening programme was applied in the screening of potatoes (S. tuberosum L.), peas (P. sativum L.), kale (B. oleracea L.), carrots...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Specific methods.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Agronomy as a manipulative tool Organic Eprints
Brandt, Kirsten.
The general ecological mechanisms that determine the interactions between availability of re-sources (nutrients, water) and synthesis of defence related secondary metabolites in the plants will be presented. In short, under normal conditions in nature, where growth is limited by a relatively constant availability of nitrogen at a moderate level, plants strike a balance between defence and growth. They use a fraction of resources such as carbohydrate, N and S to reach a genetically determined normal level of defence mechanisms, which will prevent or quickly overcome most types of infections. If the local availability of nitrogen happens to increase (e.g. from decomposition of animal faeces), the growth rate increases, and the balance shifts. The...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Farm nutrient management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Apfelproduktion Überwachung von Qualität und Sicherheit in biologischen Lebensmittelketten Organic Eprints
Velimirov, Alberta; Brandt, Kirsten; Lück, Lorna; Wyss, Gabriela; Torjusen, Hanne.
Dieses Informationsblatt zeigt Produzenten und weiteren an der Produktion von Äpfeln beteiligten Fachleuten auf, was zur Optimierung von Qualität und Sicherheit von biologisch erzeugten Äpfeln entlang der gesamten Produktionskette, zusätzlich zu den Zertifizierungsanforderungen und generellen Lebensmittelstandards, gemacht werden kann. Weitere Informationsblätter informieren über die Produktion anderer Lebensmittel oder sprechen Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsbedürfnisse des Handels und der Konsumierenden an.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Assessment of current procedures for animal food production chains and critical control points regarding their safety and quality: preliminary results from the Organic HACCP-project Organic Eprints
Wyss, Gabriela; Brandt, Kirsten.
Within the 5th EU-framework project “Recommendations for improved procedures for securing consumer oriented food safety and quality of certified organic foods from plough to plate“(QLRT-2002-02245; “Organic HACCP”), a systematic analysis was carried out among selected certified organic food production chains, such as eggs and milk but also wheat bread,cabbage, tomatoes, apples and wine, to investigate current procedures of production management and quality assurance. For each of seven quality and safety criteria, such as microbial toxins and abiotic contaminants, potential pathogens, natural plant toxicants, freshness and taste, nutrient content and food additives, fraud as well as social and ethical aspects the information was analysed to identify...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Autenticidad y Fraude Información destinada a los Consumidores sobre el Control de la Calidad y Seguridad Alimenticia en las Cadenas de Producción Orgánica Organic Eprints
Elzakker, Bo van; Torjusen, Hanne; Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty; Brandt, Kirsten.
Este catálogo se destina a los consumidores y suministra una visión práctica acerca de lo que se ha hecho para garantizar la autenticidad y la integridad de 7 tipos de productos orgánicos, donde hay posibles mejoras y lo que los consumidores pueden hacer para mantener esfuerzos que salen al encuentro de sus exigencias. Otros catálogos destinados a los consumidores cubren el “Sabor, Frescor y Contenido en Nutrientes” y la “Seguridad y Contaminación”. Existen otros catálogos destinados a los vendedores y otros a la producción específica de determinados productos.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Autenticidad y Fraude Información destinada a los Vendedores sobre el Control de la Calidad y Seguridad Alimenticia en las Cadenas de Producción Orgánica Organic Eprints
Elzakker, Bo van; Neuendorff, Jochen; Torjusen, Hanne; Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty; Brandt, Kirsten.
Este catálogo se destina a los vendedores y suministra una visión práctica acerca del que se ha realizado para garantizar la autenticidad y la integridad de 7 tipos de productos orgánicos donde mejorías son posibles y lo que los vendedores pueden hacer para mantener esfuerzos que salen al encuentro de las exigencias de los consumidores. Otros catálogos para los minoristas cubren el sabor, frescor y nutrientes o seguridad y contaminación. Existen aún otros catálogos que se destinan a los consumidores o la producción específica de determinados productos.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Autenticidade e Fraude Informação aos Consumidores visando o Controlo da Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar em Cadeias de Produção Biológica Organic Eprints
Elzakker, Bo van; Torjusen, Hanne; Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty; Brandt, Kirsten.
Este desdobrável destina-se aos os consumidores e fornece uma visão prática acerca do que se tem feito para garantir a autenticidade e a integridade de 7 tipos de produtos biológicos, onde melhorias são possíveis e o que os consumidores podem efectuar para manter esforços que vão ao encontro das suas exigências. Outros desdobráveis destinados aos consumidores cobrem o sabor, frescura e nutrientes ou a segurança e contaminação. Existem ainda outros desdobráveis que visam os retalhistas ou a produção específica de determinados produtos.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Autenticidade e Fraude Informação aos Retalhistas visando o Controlo da Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar em Cadeias de Produção Biológica Organic Eprints
Elzakker, Bo van; Neuendorff, Jochen; Torjusen, Hanne; Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty; Brandt, Kirsten.
Este desdobrável destina-se aos retalhistas e fornece uma visão prática acerca do que se tem realizado para garantir a autenticidade e a integridade de 7 tipos de produtos biológicos onde melhorias são possíveis e o que os retalhistas podem efectuar para manter esforços que vão ao encontro das exigências dos consumidores. Outros desdobráveis para os retalhistas cobrem o sabor, frescura e nutrientes ou segurança e contaminação. Existem ainda outros desdobráveis que se destinam aos visam os consumidores ou a produção específica de determinados produtos.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Autenticità e Frode Informazioni per i consumatori sui Controlli di Qualità e Sicurezza nelle Filiere di Produzione Biologica Organic Eprints
Elzakker, Bo van; Torjusen, Hanne; Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty; Brandt, Kirsten.
Questo opuscolo rappresenta una piccola guida pratica per i consumatori su ciò che è fatto allo scopo di assicurare l’autenticità e l’integrità degli alimenti biologici sino a che questi raggiunge il consumatore.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Autenticità e Frode Informazioni per i dettaglianti sui Controlli di Qualità e Sicurezza nelle Filiere di Produzione Biologica Organic Eprints
Elzakker, Bo van; Neuendorff, Jochen; Torjusen, Hanne; Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty; Brandt, Kirsten.
Questo opuscolo rappresenta una piccola guida pratica per i venditori al dettaglio su ciò che viene fatto allo scopo di assicurare l’autenticità e l’integrità di 7 alimenti biologici, dove è possibile apportare miglioramenti e su cosa possono fare i dettaglianti per venire incontro alle richieste dei consumatori. Altri opuscoli per i dettaglianti riguardano il sapore, la freschezza, i nutrienti o la salubrità e la presenza di contaminanti, altri opuscoli sono indirizzati ai consumatori o alla produzione di specifici alimenti.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Authenticity and Fraud Information to Consumers regarding Control of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains Organic Eprints
Elzakker, Bo van; Torjusen, Hanne; Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty; Brandt, Kirsten.
This leaflet provides a practical overview for consumers of what is done to secure the authenticity and integrity of 7 types of organically produced foods, where improvements are possible and what the consumers can do to support efforts that meet their demands. Other leaflets for consumers cover taste, freshness and nutrients or safety and contamination, and separate leaflets aim at retailers or at production of specific commodities.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Authenticity and Fraud Information to Retailers regarding Control of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains Organic Eprints
Elzakker, Bo van; Neuendorff, Jochen; Torjusen, Hanne; Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty; Brandt, Kirsten.
This leaflet provides a practical overview for retailers of what is done to secure the authenticity and integrity of organically produced foods, where improvements are possible and what the retailers can do to support efforts that meet their customers’ demands. Other leaflets for retailers cover taste, freshness and nutrients or safety and contamination, and separate leaflets aim at consumers or at production of specific commodities.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Authentizität und Betrug Information für den Handel zur Überwachung von Qualität und Sicherheit in biologischen Lebensmittelketten Organic Eprints
Elzakker, Bo van; Neuendorff, Jochen; Torjusen, Hanne; Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty; Brandt, Kirsten.
Dieses Informationsblatt gibt Händlerinnen und Händlern einen praktischen Überblick über Massnahmen zur Gewährleistung von Authentizität und Glaubwürdigkeit bei sieben biologisch erzeugten Produkten entlang der gesamten Produktionskette. Es zeigt auf, wo Verbesserungen möglich sind und was der Handel tun kann, um diese Bemühungen zu unterstützen. Weitere Informationsblätter für den Handel informieren über «Geschmack, Frische und Nährstoffe» sowie «Sicherheit und Kontamination». Zusätzliche Informationsblätter sprechen Konsumenten und Produzentinnen der sieben Lebensmittel an.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Authentizität und Betrug Informationen für Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten über die Überwachung der Qualität und Sicherheit in biologischen Lebensmittelketten Organic Eprints
Elzakker, Bo van; Torjusen, Hanne; Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty; Brandt, Kirsten.
Dieses Informationsblatt gibt Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten einen praktischen Überblick über Massnahmen zur Gewährleistung von Authentizität und Glaubwürdigkeit bei sieben biologisch erzeugten Produkten entlang der gesamten Produktionskette. Es zeigt auf, wo Verbesserungen möglich sind und was die Konsumentenschaft tun kann, um diese Bemühungen zu unterstützen. Weitere Informationsblätter für Konsumenten informieren über «Geschmack, Frische und Nährstoffe» sowie «Sicherheit und Kontamination». Zusätzliche Informationsblätter sprechen den Handel und die Produzierenden an.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Biologische Qualität: Mögliche Auswirkungen biologisch erzeugter Lebensmittel auf die menschliche Gesundheit Organic Eprints
Brandt, Kirsten; Lück, Lorna; Schmidt, Christoph; Seal, Chris; Leifert, Carlo.
The greatly increased market share of organic food, has prompted increasing interest in investigating whether there are actual differences in the effects of organic and conventional food on health. Previous studies have focussed on composition analyses and have therefore not been able to provide definitive proof for differences between these two food production systems in terms of long-term impact on human health. Also the designs of some of these studies were inadequate to provide proof for definite composition differences. There are virtually no human dietary intervention and cohort studies, which can provide definite proof for potential health impacts. When taking into account the present knowledge in nutrition, toxicology, physiology and ecological...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Effects of Cultivation Conditions for Apples on Growth Rates of Fruit Fly Larvae and Contents of Phenolics Organic Eprints
Brandt, Kirsten; Ejlersen, Astrid; Nørbæk, Rikke; Lindhard Petersen, Hanne.
Apples were grown with 3 different alleyway groundcover management strategies, providing a wide range of nutrient availabilities to the trees, spanning the ranges normally found in both conventional and organic orchards. These treatments had significant effects on both yields and incidence of fungal diseases. However, the differences in yields and disease incidence cancelled each other out, resulting in identical average yields of marketable fruit, as reported earlier (Lindhard Petersen & Bertelsen 2002). These results indicated that the composition of the fruit may also differ, and that this material is useful as a model for investigating how growth conditions influence the content of nutritionally relevant compounds, and thus may affect the...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries Food security; Food quality and human health Crop health; Quality; Protection.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Egg Production and Packaging Control of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains Organic Eprints
Ogden, Iain; Lück, Lorna; Wyss, Gabriela; Brandt, Kirsten.
This leaflet provides a practical overview for producers and others involved in egg production and packaging, of what can be done at these steps to improve quality and safety of organically produced eggs, in addition to certification and general food safety require-ments. Other leaflets cover production of other commodities and separate leaflets aim at consumers and retailers.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Eier: Produktion und Verpackung Überwachung von Qualität und Sicherheit in biologischen Lebensmittelketten Organic Eprints
Ogden, Iain; Lück, Lorna; Wyss, Gabriela; Brandt, Kirsten.
Dieses Informationsblatt zeigt Produzenten und weiteren an der Eierproduktion beteiligten Fachleuten auf, was zur Optimierung von Qualität und Sicherheit von biologisch erzeugten Eiern entlang der Produktionskette, zusätzlich zu den Zertifizierungsanforderungen und generellen Lebensmittelstandards, gemacht werden kann. Weitere Informationsblätter informieren über die Produktion anderer Lebensmittel oder sprechen Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsbedürfnisse des Handels und der Konsumierenden an.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Fødevaresikkerhed og fo-rurening Information til detailhandlere om kontrol af kvalitet og sikkerhed i økologiske produktionskæder Organic Eprints
Ogden, Iain; Rosa, Eduardo; Wyss, Gabriela; Brandt, Kirsten.
Denne brochure giver detailhandlere en oversigt over, hvad der gøres for at sikre sikkerhed og renhed af 7 typer af økologisk producerede fødevarer, og hvad forbrugeren kan gøre for at støtte disse bestræbelser og bevare fødevaresikkerheden frem til køb. Andre brochurer for detailhandlere omfatter dels troværdighed og forfalskning, dels smag, friskhed og næringsstoffer, og der er særlige brochurer rettet mod forbrugere og mod producenter af bestemte fødevarer.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Fødevaresikkerhed og forurening. Information til forbrugere om kontrol af kvalitet og sikkerhed i økologiske produktionskæder Organic Eprints
Ogden, Iain; Rosa, Eduardo; Wyss, Gabriela; Brandt, Kirsten.
Denne brochure giver forbrugere en oversigt over hvad der bliver gjort for at sikre sikkerhed og renhed af 7 typer af økologisk producerede fødevarer, og hvad forbrugeren kan gøre for at støtte disse bestræbelser og bevare fødevaresikkerheden efter køb. Andre brochurer for forbrugere behandler troværdighed og forfalskning samt smag, friskhed og næringsstoffer. I samme serie findes brochurer rettet mod detailhandlere samt mod producenter af bestemte fødevarer.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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