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Estudos sôbre a alimentação mineral da mandioca (Manihot utilissima Pohl.) Anais da ESALQ
Malavolta,E.; Pacheco,J. A. de C.; Graner,E. A.; Coury,T.; Brasil Sobr.,M. O. C. Do.
1. The present work was carried out to study the effects of mineral nutrients in the yield as well as in the composition of cassava roots. The variety "Branca de Sta. Catarina" was grown by the sand culture method, the following treatments being used: N0 P0 K0, N0 P1 Kl, N1 P0 K1, N2 P1 K0, N2 P1 K1, N1 P2 K1, and N1 P1 K2, where the figures 0, 1, and 2 denote the relative proportion of a given element. The nutrients were given as follows: N = 35 grams of ammonium nitrate per pot loaded with 120 pounds of washed sand; P1 = 35 grams of monocalcium phosphate; Kl = 28 grams of sulfate of potash. Besides those fertilizers, each pot received 26 grams of magnesium sulfate and weekly doses of micronutrients as indicated by HOAGLAND and ARNON (1939). To apply the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1954 URL:
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Vinhaça e adubos minerais(I) Anais da ESALQ
Ranzani,G.; Brasil Sobr.,M. O. C. Do; Malavolta,E.; Coury,T..
In this paper it is studied the action of vinasse as compared to mineral fertilizers. Beans, corn, cotton and sesame were cultivated in randomized blocks receiving the following treatments: A = mineral fertilizers (N, P, K); V = vinasse at the rate of 1,000,000 liters per Ha; AV = mineral fertilizers + vinasse; T = control. Statistical analysis of the experiments has consistently revealed the superiority of vinasse either combined or not with the mineral fertilizers over the remaining treatments. There was no significant difference between V and AV which shows the surprizing role of vinasse when applied to light soils such as those employed in the present experiments. By employing 1,000,000 liters of vinasse to the hectare the following amounts of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1953 URL:
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