Gonzalez, Jean-louis; Tapie, Nathalie; Budzinski, Helene; Guyomarch, Julien; Crenn, Vincent; Bretaudeau-sanjuan, Jane. |
L'objectif principal de cette première étude était d'évaluer, dans le contexte guyanais, l'opérationnalité de techniques d'échantillonnage et de faire une évaluation préliminaire de la contamination chimique de différentes masses d'eaux guyanaises (2 sites en eau de transition et 1 site en eau côtière). Deux types d'échantillonneurs passifs ont été mis en oeuvre: DGT (pour les métaux traces) et SBSE (pour les composés organiques hydrophobes). Les molécules hydrophiles ont été recherchées directement dans l'eau prélevée. Les mesures DGT montrent que le site de l'estuaire de Kourou se caractérise, pour tous les métaux, par des concentrations plus importantes que celles déterminées dans les deux autres stations. S'agissant de mesures ponctuelles, réalisées... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Guyane; DCE; Contamination chimique; Masses d'eau; Métaux traces; Composés hydrophiles et hydrophobes; Échantillonnage passif; DGT; SBSE. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00035/14623/11902.pdf |
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Brach-papa, Christophe; Chiffoleau, Jean-francois; Knoery, Joel; Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Auger, Dominique; Bretaudeau-sanjuan, Jane; Crochet, Sylvette; Rozuel, Emmanuelle; Thomas, Bastien; Vasileva, Emilia; Oriana, Anna Maria. |
The Loire River is one of the largest river systems in Western Europe and a major source of continental inputs to the marine environment in the Bay of Biscay. Its catchment area drains agricultural and industrial zones and its estuary is increasingly urbanized. Even if the Loire River is not considered as a highly polluted system, studies have shown estuarine Pb contamination due to industrial inputs and combustion of leaded gasoline until the mid 1990’s. A retrospective study, based on the analysis (Pb levels and isotopic composition) of mussel samples collected by the French mussel watch program (RNO/ROCCH) has highlighted this contamination and its trend between 1985-2005 (Couture et al., 2010). This poster furthers the work initiated by Couture et al.... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00188/29958/28404.pdf |
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Boutier, Bernard; Quintin, Jean-yves; Rozuel, Emmanuelle; Auger, Dominique; Bretaudeau-sanjuan, Jane. |
Two cores were sampled in the Bay of Biscay: one a few miles off the Gironde estuary (pointe de la Coubre), the other near the Spanish border (Capbreton canyon) to study past variations in sediment contamination. Radiochronology (210Pb, 137Cs) and total metal determinations by ICP-MS allowed the study of time trends for metal concentrations in sediment. Off the Gironde, during the time interval recorded by the core (1958–1999), all metal concentrations remained less than OSPAR background values. Some variations occurred along the Cd and Zn profiles, which may correspond to a very attenuated signal from the Gironde outputs. This suggests that this area was not submitted to any significant anthropogenic input of metals between 1958 and 1999. In the canyon of... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sediment; Metal contamination; Dating; Cores; Time trends. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00061/17254/16094.pdf |
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Cossa, Daniel; Cotte Krief, Marie-hélène; Mason, Robert P.; Bretaudeau-sanjuan, Jane. |
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the distribution and the relative importance of processes that affect mercury distribution in the water column at the shelf edge of the Celtic Sea, on the western European continental margin. The water column, down to 4500 m, was sampled during two cruises, one in winter 1994 and the other in June 1995, on eight stations. Total mercury concentrations ranged from 0.29 to 9.37 pM with the extreme values in the first 200 m. The highly variable concentrations in the surface layers are attributed to intense atmospheric-sea water exchange processes. The low concentrations encountered in the shelf water prelude any significant influence of continental waters in this area. In the mixed layer, biological uptake and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Regeneration; Atmospheric deposition; Deep profile; Upwelling; Atlantic ocean; Celtic Sea; Shelf break; Continental margin; Mercury. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2004/publication-660.pdf |
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