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An atlas of long-term currents in the channel 5
Salomon, Jean-claude; Breton, Marguerite.
The last diagram shows the magnitude of the dispersion coefficient. This enables a dilution computation to be added to the advective part of dissolved substances and microorganism movements.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Computed residual flow through the Dover Strait 5
Salomon, Jean-claude; Breton, Marguerite; Guegueniat, Pierre.
A two-dimensional numerical model was used for the empirical deduction of a mathematical expression of water flow through the Dover Strait, for all conditions of tide, wind and ocean slope. The theoretical results were correlated with sea measurements of radioactive tracers discharged at La Hague cape. Nine actual years (1983-1991) were then examined, determining an average annual flow of 114000 mas-1 with a very high monthly variability, but with little difference from one year to the next. These residual currents being highly sensitive to weather conditions, the mildness of the past few years has occasioned a decrease in fluxes towards the North Sea
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Manche; Pas de Calais; Débit; Modèle; Marée; Channel; Dover Strait; Flow; Model; Tide.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Courants residuels de maree dans la Manche 5
Salomon, Jean-claude; Breton, Marguerite.
A two-dimensional mathematical model of the Channel has been used to reveal tide-related advective physical structures, at synoptic time scales. Results show a complete circulation pattern composed of a nearly axial "river" carrying a water flux of about 27,000 m super(3)/s, for an average tide, from the Atlantic to the North Sea and lateral gyres of various intensities, linked to the topography. The modest velocity of the mean flow makes it probably subject to strong temporal modifications by meteorological forcings. Conversely, some strong gyres may play an important role on the residence time of particles and the local memorization of water mass characteristics.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Étude de la flore bactérienne d'un estuaire breton (Élorn, rade de Brest, France) 5
Pommepuy, Monique; Cormier, Michel; Brunel, Laurence; Breton, Marguerite.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the behaviour of the bacterial flora of a macrotidal estuary, originating from different sources: the Elorn freshwater river, a sewage treatment plant (STP), and the sediment. Viable counts were done using severa} culture media in order to determine where bacteria originated. Principal component analysis showed that the estuary was subjected to two well-defined conditions. On the one band, during periods of low turbulence (neap tide), resuspension of bottom sediments did not occur. Bacterial flora decreased from the upper reaches of the estuary to its lower part, coming mainly from two sources (river and STP). As a function of salinity variations, bacterial flora showed a progressive increase of the endogeneous...
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Ano: 1987 URL:
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Etude de la qualité du milieu marin littoral en Martinique (Baie de Fort de France) 5
Breton, Marguerite; Caprais, Marie-paule; Derrien, A.; Douillet, P; Dubois, E; Dupray, E; Gourmelon, Michele; Guillerm, Denise; Kempf, Marc; Lazure, P.; Le Guyader, Soizick; Le Menn, Remi; Menard, Dominique; Pommepuy, Monique; Salomon, Jean-claude.
Les départements et territoires d'outre mer sont généralement l'objet d'enjeux économiques importants, et de conflits d'activités liés au développement touristique, aquacole, agricole et industriel. Les études font généralement état d'une lente dégradation de l'environnement marin avec diminution des coraux et de la faune associée, au profit d'une augmentation de la couverture algale. On constate parfois un envasement ou un ensablement des sites, la présence dans l'eau de polluants organiques, dont des pesticides, des métaux ainsi que des microorganismes d'origine fécale. En Martinique, ce dernier aspect, lié à l'assainissement des zones rurales, urbaines et touristiques est actuellement considéré comme une préoccupation majeure pour les prochaines années....
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Ano: 1994 URL:
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Etude mathématique de la dispersion des flux d'azote provenant du Quillimadec et de l'Alanan 5
Salomon, Jean-claude; Breton, Marguerite.
Des marées vertes se produisent fréquemment en baie de Tréssény. Les algues dérivent en majorité dans la zone de marnage, entre la cote zéro et la limite supérieure de l'estran. Ces événements semblent liés à l'apport de sels nutritifs par les deux cours d'eau qui se jettent dans la baie ou à proximité : le Quillimadec et l'Alanan.
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Ano: 1999 URL:
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Impact du régime du barrage d'Arzal sur la stratification a l'embouchure de la Vilaine : étude par modélisation numérique 5
Le Hir, Pierre; Duchene, C.; Merel, A; De Nadaillac, G.; Merceron, Michel; Breton, Marguerite.
The rate of flow of the fresh water releases at the Arzal Dam into the Vilaine is likely to influence the haline structure of Vilaine Bay. In order to determine the rate of flow that causes a minimum downstream stratification, a vertical two-dimensional mathematical modelling of the Vilaine's estuary was undertaken. We obtain very similar stratification flows for different fresh water release scenarios, in spite of the rather different desalinisations and currents.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water release; Stratification; Estuary; Numerical model; Vilaine; Rejet de barrage; Stratification; Estuaire; Modèle numérique; Vilaine.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Les courants en baie de Vilaine - Synthèse des Résultats 5
De Nadaillac, Guy; Breton, Marguerite.
Quatre mouillages de deux courantomètres ont été réalisés en baie de Vilaine. Ils ont duré 4 mois et demi. Ils permettent de connaître les courants de marée, les excursions de marée et des schémas de circulation résiduelle. Celle-ci est essentiellement dûe au vent et peut s'inverser pour des conditions m6téorologiques différentes. La présence d'une stratification donne une inversion entre la surface et le fond.
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Ano: 1986 URL:
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Mathematical Model of Mont Saint Michel Bay 5
Salomon, Jean-claude; Breton, Marguerite.
The present modelling task is part of a more general research multinational program dedicated to salt marshes ecosystem studies. This program, named EUROSSAM - European Salt Marshes Modelling - has been selected by the European Community authorities for funding inside the core program Environment and Climate (ref. ENV4-CT97-0436).
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Ano: 2000 URL:
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Modèle général du plateau continental Nord Européen 5
Salomon, Jean-claude; Breton, Marguerite.
Ce rapport présente un modèle courantologique bidimensionnel du plateau continental nord-ouest européen. On discute la situation géographique des limites du modèle et on examine sa réponse vis-à-vis des trois forçages extérieurs : la marée, le vent, les gradients de pression
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Ano: 1990 URL:
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Perspectives offertes par la communication entre un modèle hydrodynamique et un SIG pour l'aide au diagnostic environnemental : caractérisation de la dynamique et la qualité des masses d'eaux côtières. 5
Loubersac, Lionel; Salomon, Jean-claude; Breton, Marguerite; Durand, Christophe; Gaudineau, Caroline.
This paper presents a set of solutions based on the synergy between GIS and a numerical model to help in diagnosis and decision making for water quality related matters. After an overview of the model features, it describes the computer interface (ModelView) implemented as an extension of the Arc View (ESRI) GIS System to provide operational data communication between the model and the GIS in vector or raster form. The paper particularly focuses on changes in the quality of coastal waters from river discharges. It looks at the spatio-temporal representation of this behaviour and the spatial analysis of sensitive areas that can be impacted. Examples are given of a French coastal area subject to strong human pressure, i.e. marine cultures and recreational...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Rejets urbains. Volet Manche - Atlantique - Site de Morlaix - Etudes sédimentologique et Bathymétrique de l' estuaire de Morlaix 5
Bassoullet, Philippe; L'Yavanc, Jacky; Guillaud, Jean-francois; Loarer, Ronan; Breton, Marguerite.
In order to increase our knowledge about sediment transport in the bay and maritime part of the River of Morlaix (Finistère), measurernènts have been perforrned on site. This report gives the granulometrical and physical parameters of the sediments as weIl as the hydrodynamics, used for a model of particulate transport in the area. The rnodel and its application will be published later
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rejet urbain; Sédiment; Granulométrie; Hydrodynamique; Modèle de transport particulaire; Sable; Vase; Estuaire de Morlaix.; Urban wastes; Model; Sediment; Granulometry; Hydrodynamics; Sand; Mud; Sedimentary transport model; Morlaix estuary.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Suivi de flotteurs dans la zone Loire Vilaine 5
Kerdreux, Michel; Merceron, Michel; Le Hir, Pierre; Breton, Marguerite.
During one month in summer of 1985 the courses of ten drifters, dropped at the mouth of Loire and Vilaine Rivers, were monitored. Results show: -the marked influence of wind on the movement of this region's bodies of water, -the possibility of an intrusion of the Loire's waters in Vilaine Bay, -the very likely absence of any influence of the Loire's waters in the bottom waters' anoxia that occurred in Vilaine Bay during the summer of 1982.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anoxia; Vilaine; Currents; Drifters; Anoxie; Vilaine; Loire; Courants; Flotteurs.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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