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Horizontal arrangements: strategy for reducing the asymmetry information for dairy farmers in Paraná, Brazil Ciência Rural
Brito,Marcel Moreira de; Bánkuti,Ferenc Istvan; Bánkuti,Sandra Mara Schiavi; Ferreira,Maria Clara Melo; Damasceno,Júlio César; Santos,Geraldo Tadeu dos; Zambom,Maximiliane Alavarse.
An empirical investigation was conducted to study whether dairy farmers involved in horizontal arrangements (HA) have lower information asymmetry than those who do not participate in HA. Our assumption is that greater access to information results in fewer risky decisions in production systems. One hundred and twenty semi-structured questionnaires were applied to dairy farmers located in four different geographical regions in Paraná State, Brazil. Exploratory factor analysis was used to define factors related to information asymmetry in dairy agribusiness system (DAS) and four factors were defined. In a second step, the 120 dairy farmers were split into two groups: the first one involved in HA and the second one not involved in HA. Mean test (t-student)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Business networking; Cooperation; Dairy agribusiness system.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Influence of milk production systems and practices on somatic cell count and total bacterial count in western Paraná R. Bras. Zootec.
Tinini,Rodrigo Cesar dos Reis; Zambom,Maximiliane Alavarse; Brito,Marcel Moreira de; Kazama,Daniele Cristina da Silva; Schneider,Cibele Regina; Fornari,Josias Luis; Lange,Maichel Jhonattas; Dessbesell,Jéssica Gabi.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate milk quality for somatic cell count (SCC) analysis and total bacterial count (TBC) in agroecological production systems and conventional systems, relating them to the frequency of milking practices and types of facilities. The study was conducted in 2013 and 2014, in the western region of Paraná State, Brazil. We used a semi-structured questionnaire to identify management practices of producers in the 17 dairy systems (DS) in the city of Diamante d'Oeste and the 27 DS in Toledo. Milk sampling was performed monthly. Data were analyzed using two statistical methods. These were then used to create cross tabulation of groups with production systems and practices that can influence product quality. Cluster...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agroecology; Cluster; Dairy product; Milk.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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