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A new species of Leptotyphlops from Surinam 16
Brongersma, L.D..
In his paper on a collection of Reptiles and Amphibians from Surinam VAN LIDTH DE JEUDE (1904, p. 84) mentions a specimen of Glauconia (= Leptotyphlops) macrolepis PTRS. Examination of this specimen showed that it differs in several characters from that species and I believe it to be a species new to science which I propose to name in honor of Professor Dr. J. E. W. IHLE of the Zoological Laboratory, University of Amsterdam, who always takes such a kind interest in my work and whom I always find willing to help me with advice. Leptotyphlops ihlei nov. spec. Syn.: Glauconia macrolepis. VAN LIDTH DE JEUDE, Notes Leyden Museum XXV, 1904, p. 84. (non PETERS). Type: A single specimen from Toegoemoetoe, Surinam, 19—II—1903, collected by the Saramacca Expedition;...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1933 URL:
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Contributions to Indo-Australian Herpetology 16
Brongersma, L.D..
A complete account of all the reptiles then known to occur in the Indo-Australian Archipelago was published by De Rooij in 1915 and 1917. Since this time several new species have been described, while others have been suppressed or revived. Also the problem of geographical variation begins to penetrate in herpetology more and more. While studying the herpetological collections of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden and the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, it became clear to me that, though De Rooij's books offer a sound basis for further studies on the reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archipelago, a great deal of revisional work must still be done before our knowledge of the herpetological fauna of that region will be fairly complete. As I can...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1934 URL:
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Ein „neuer" javanischer Fundort von Phrynoglossus laevis laevis ( Gthr.) 16
Brongersma, L.D..
In der herpetologischen Sammlung, die dem Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, vor etwa hundert Jahre von Boie und Macklot übersandt wurde, befanden sich zwei Exemplare von Phrynoglossus laevis laevis (Gthr.). Diese Stücke wurden von Van Kampen (1923, p. 232 Fussnote: Oxyglossus laevis) in seinem Buche über die Indo-Australischen Amphibien angeführt; da die Art seitdem nie mehr auf Java angetroffen war, meinte dieser Autor, dass die Fundortsangabe ,,Java" wahrscheinlich unrichtig sei. Deshalb wurde die Art in Faunenlisten der Insel Java meistens nicht erwähnt und in verschiedenen zoogeographischen Arbeiten wurde sie angeführt als auf der Insel Java fehlend. Diese Tatsache war dadurch um so merkwürdiger, dass die Art sowohl auf Sumatra und Borneo...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1935 URL:
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European Atlantic Turtles 16
Brongersma, L.D..
CONTENTS Preface ................... 3 Introduction .................. 5 Identification.................. 13 The records................... 25 I. Dermochelys coriacea (L.), Leathery Turtle......... 30 IA. List of records of Dermochelys coriacea (L.)......... 31 IB. List of records of unidentified turtles, which probably were Dermochelys coriacea (L.)................. 96 IC. Dermochelys coriacea (L.). Discussion.......... 100 II. Caretta caretta (L.), Loggerhead (Turtle)......... 109 IIA. List of records of Caretta caretta (L.).......... 110 IIB. List of records of unidentified turtles, which probably were Caretta caretta (L.)................. 141 IIC. Caretta caretta (L.). Discussion............ 144 III. Lepidochelys kempii (Garman), Kemp's Ridley...........
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Frogs and snakes from the island of Morotai (Moluccas) 16
Brongersma, L.D..
Van Kampen (1924, p. 284) mentions only two species of frogs from Morotai Island; the identification of one of these was considered to be doubtful. Of snakes De Jong (1928, p. 149) records five species from this island. The study of a small collection of frogs and snakes from Morotai, presented to the Leiden Museum in 1862 by H. A. Bernstein, and of two frogs collected by Prof. H. J. Lam in 1926, allows of some additions to be made to previous lists. The species not mentioned by either Van Kampen or De Jong are indicated by an asterisk. * Hyla infrafrenata Gthr. 4 specimens, Morotai, leg. H. A. Bernstein, 1862, reg. no. 1833. * Hyla rueppelli Bttgr. 2 ♂ ♂, between Bilowoh and Goegoeti, Morotai, VI. 1926, leg. Prof. H. J. Lam. These two specimens show some...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1948 URL:
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Frogs from the Leeward group, Venezuela and eastern Colombia 16
Brongersma, L.D..
The present notes deal with a small collection of frogs that was made by Dr. P. WAGENAAR HUMMELINCK during his visits to the islands of the Leeward Group, Venezuela and Eastern Colombia. I have included in this study the specimens of Pleurodema brachyops (Cope) already present in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, and in the Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam. The amphibian fauna of the Dutch Leeward Islands is very poor indeed. It consists of a single species Pleurodema brachyops (Cope)) that occurs in Aruba, Curaçao, Bonaire and Klein Bonaire. Bufo marinus (L.) has apparently been introduced into Aruba within the last few years (cf. p. 91). J. H. R. NEERVOORT VAN DE POLL, who visited Aruba in 1885, took a specimen of a Leptodactylus species....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1948 URL:
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Herpetological note XIII 16
Brongersma, L.D..
Pseudothecadactylus nom. nov. In this journal I (Brongersma, 1934, p. 176) described a new genus of gekkonid lizards under the name Torresia. As Dr H. A. Longman, Brisbane, kindly pointed out to me this name is preoccupied by Torresia Castelnau, 1875 (cf. D. S. Jordan, The Genera of Fishes, part III, 1919, p. 378). The genus of gekkonid lizards may now be named: Pseudothecadactylus, type of genus: Thecadactylus australis Gthr., 1877. For the description I may refer to my previous paper on this subject. Dendroaspis Schlegel In recent literature on African herpetology it is usual to give the name Dendraspis Schlegel to a genus of snakes of which Elaps jamesoni Traill, 1843, is the type. Schlegel (1848?, p. 5), however, gave the name Dendroaspis to this...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1936 URL:
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Herpetological Notes I - IX 16
Brongersma, L.D..
I. Lygosoma nieuwenhuisii VAN LIDTH DE JEUDE. Mertens (1929, p. 215, note) mentioned already that the young Lygosoma from Sandakan Bay, North Borneo, which had been referred to L. smaragdinum Less. by Van Lidth de Jeude (1893, p. 252) did not belong to that species but that it was related to L. nieuwenhuisii Lidth (1905, p. 195). Comparison of this young specimen with the type of L. nieuwenhuisii proved that it belonged to this species. The description of the type must however be corrected in some minor points. This single type-specimen was collected during the Dutch Scientific Expedition in Central-Borneo 1894 ('sRijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie, Herpet. n° 4455). The frontal is slightly shorter than the frontoparietals and interparietal together; it...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1933 URL:
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Herpetological Notes X - XII 16
Brongersma, L.D..
X. NOTES ON THE NEWLY DESCRIBED GENUS CACOPHRYNE DAVIS Recently Davis (1935) pointed out that the toad known in literature as Bufo borbonicus (Tschudi) or Nectophryne borbonica (Tschudi) does not belong to either of these genera, and that it even does not belong to the Bufonidae, for the species differs from the true toads (Bufonidae) in two important characteristics, as it lacks Bidder's organs and does not possess testes of an elongated shape. Moreover the pectoral girdle proved to be firmisternal instead of arciferal. A new genus, Cacophryne, in the family Atelopodidae, was erected for this species by Davis, and this author (1935, p. 90) mentions that possibly some other species at present included in the genus Bufo, i.e., Bufo penangensis (Stol.),...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1935 URL:
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Herpetological Notes XIV - XVI 16
Brongersma, L.D..
At the request of Dr K. P. Schmidt, Chicago, I recently examined the types of Psammophis antillensis Schl. This species as originally described was a composite, and it is, therefore, necessary to select a lectotype to restrict the name antillensis to one of the species involved. The difficulty is that Schlegel did not label his types as such, and that in most cases he did not mention how many specimens he actually examined. From the introduction to his Essai we know that Schlegel visited Paris, that the collections of the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle were placed at his disposal, and that he was allowed to take the undescribed species with him to Leiden for further studies (Schlegel, 1837, I, p. XXIV). What happened in the case of Psammophis...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1937 URL:
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Investigations in and around the Ría de Arosa, North-West Spain, 1962—1964 16
Brongersma, L.D.; Pannekoek, A.J..
Investigaciones en la Ría de Arosa y sus alrededores, 1962—1964. Introducción. En los veranos de 1962 y 1963 y en el invierno y verano de 1964 un grupo científico holandés hizo investigaciones sedimentológicas, oceanógraficas, zoológicas y botánicas en la Ría de Arosa y sus alrededores. Se tomaron muestras en 934 localidades indicadas en el mapa (Apéndice I). Los nombres de los participantes han sido mencionados en el Apéndice II. El centro de las investigaciones era la fábrica de Don Luis Losada Lago en la Punta Preguntoiro en Villajuán cerca de Villagarcía de Arosa. En el texto siguiente se mencionan los periódicos en que serán publicados los resultados.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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Note on Celestus de la sagra (Cocteau) 16
Brongersma, L.D..
In his key to the species of the genus Diploglossus, Boulenger (1885, p. 284) distinguishes between two groups of species, viz., one group in which the digits terminate in "a large compressed sheath, into which the claw may be entirely or nearly entirely retracted", while in the other group such a sheath is absent. Barbour (1910, p. 297) considers the presence or absence of an ungual sheath as a character of generic value ; he separates the species lacking such a sheath from the true Diploglossus, and revives the genus Celestus Gray for them 1). Burt & Burt (1931, pp. 241-242) also stress the importance of this character. Indeed the sheath is absent in Celestes occiduus (Shaw), of which Celestus striatus Gray (the type of the genus) is a synonym. Of...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1946 URL:
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Note on Idiopholis collaris Mocquard 16
Brongersma, L.D..
Two species of the genus Idiopholis Mocq. have been described of which I. collaris Mocq. is said to differ from I. everetti Shelf, chiefly in possessing a small azygous shield between the internasals, and in having a yellowishwhite collar (De Rooij, 1917, p. 142). Both species apparently are very rare. During his expeditions in Central Borneo (1894-1900) Dr. A. W. Nieuwenhuis on the Upper Mahakkam river collected two small snakes which must be referred to this genus, and which agree with I. collaris in having a whitish collar, while they agree with I. everetti in lacking the azygous shield between the internasals. As these specimens also agree with the description of I. collaris as given by De Rooij (1917, p. 142, fig. 58) with regard to the relative...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1946 URL:
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Note on Leptomicrurus collaris (Schlegel) (Reptilia, Serpentes) 16
Brongersma, L.D..
An attempt to prepare a survey of the poisonous snakes of Surinam led to the discovery of a specimen of the very rare coral snake Leptomicrurus collaris (Schlegel) in the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, and to tracing another specimen in the Staatliche Museum für Naturkunde, Ludwigsburg (Stuttgart Museum). For long years the species was known under the name of Hemibungarus collaris (Schlegel), and as such it was supposed to occur in the Philippine Islands. The history of Elaps collaris Schlegel, 1837, was briefly discussed by Schmidt (1937), who transferred the species (together with Elaps narduccii Jan, 1863) to a separate genus Leptomicrurus Schmidt, 1937. At the time, Schmidt believed the specimen of Leptomicrurus collaris, which he described from...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1966 URL:
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Note on Vipera russelii (Shaw) 16
Brongersma, L.D..
This note deals mainly with the systematic position of the subspecies of Vipera russelii occurring in the Malay Archipelago, and with its distribution; some remarks are added concerning the distribution of V. russelii outside the archipelago. Two subspecies of Vipera russelii have been described from the Malay Archipelago. Mertens (1927, p. 183) made a specimen from Endeh Island the type of a new subspecies: Vipera russelii limitis Mertens. In a later paper, Mertens (1930, p. 327) refers the two specimens taken in the island of Komodo by Dunn (1927, p. 4) to this same subspecies, and according to Neuhaus (1935, p. 49) the Javan specimen described by him also belongs to Vipera russelii limitis. Kopstein (1936, pp. 259-262, pl. 3) discusses the differences...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1958 URL:
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Notes on Maticora bivirgata (Boie) and on Bungarus flaviceps Reinh. 16
Brongersma, L.D..
Loveridge (1944) published a key to the species and subspecies belonging to the genus Maticora Gray. This author emphasized that a much larger material than he had at his disposal should be examined, and that all records from literature should be studied, if a clear picture of the subspecies and their ranges was to be obtained. This led me to study the forms of Maticora occurring in the Netherlands East Indies. In the present paper the subspecies of Maticora bivirgata (Boie) are discussed, and some notes on Bungarus flaviceps are given, as specimens of the latter species have been referred to Maticora by several authors. The material examined by me consists of 110 specimens from the collections of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden (67...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1948 URL:
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Notes on Scincid Lizards 16
Brongersma, L.D..
Lygosoma (Sphenomorphus) florense barbouri Dunn (Pl. VI fig. 1) Sphenomorphus florense barbouri Dunn, Amer. Mus. Nov., no. 288, 1927, p. 5, and Dunn, in: Burden, Dragon Lizards of Komodo, 1927, p. 203. 1 ♂, Noil Toko, Timor, 1937, leg. P. F. van West, Mus. Leiden, reg. no. 7033. 5 ♂ ♂, 6 ♀ ♀, Timor, leg. Müller & Macklot, Mus. Leiden, reg. no. 2535. 3 ♂ ♂, 7 ♀♀,2??, Samao, leg. Müller & Macklot, Mus. Leiden, reg. no. 2534. These specimens are provisionally referred to the subspecies barbouri, described by Dunn from Wetar .Id. The dark colour of the throat apparently is a character dependent on age; with four exceptions all specimens of a head and body length above 51 mm have black throats or at least some black spots on the throat. Of the four...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1942 URL:
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Notes on some recent and fossil cats, chiefly from the Malay Archipelago 16
Brongersma, L.D..
INTRODUCTION The present paper contains notes on some recent cats in the collections of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, as well as descriptions of the fossil Felidae in the "Collectie Dubois", Leiden, which its Director Prof. Dubois entrusted to me. The fossils were collected in Java 1) by Prof. Eug. Dubois during his searches for remains of the precursor of man, and with the intention to gather data about the geological age and ecology of this precursor (cf. Dubois, 1888). The age of the deposits from which the fossil cats were collected, has been much discussed. A review of the literature (up to 1931) on this subject has been given by Van Es (1931), who concludes that the Trinilfauna must be referred to the lower plistocene age, while...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 38.22; 42.84.
Ano: 1935 URL:
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Notes on the species of Arthrosaura Blgr. (Teiidae) 16
Brongersma, L.D..
In 1904 two Teiid lizards from Surinam were described by VAN LIDTH DE JEUDE who named them: Arthrosaura versteegii and Prionodactylus kockii. Of the latter species I (1928) was able to show that it did not belong to the genus Prionodactylus but that it was also an Arthrosaura and that A. dorsistriata L. MϋLLER (1923, p. 147) was a synonym of it. The status of the different Arthrosaura-species is again discussed by Ch, E. and M. D. BURT (1931, p. 312—313) in a very interesting study on the South-American lizards in the American Museum of Natural History. At the same time these authors describe a new species, Arthrosaura tatei, from Venezuela, so that they refer four species (reticulata, versteegii, kockii, tatei) to this genus. Dealing with the two species...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1932 URL:
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Notes upon some Sea Turtles 16
Brongersma, L.D..
In recent years much attention is being paid to marine turtles, and it is the merit of Deraniyagala, Carr, and others to have contributed much to our knowledge of this group. Nevertheless, our knowledge of the species and subspecies that may be recognized, and that of their distribution is as yet far from complete. Before a satisfactory classification can be reached, many more data will have to be assembled. In the meantime, notes on variations in individual cases, and locality records may be of some value to future research. It is with this in mind that the present notes are published. They are based upon specimens in the collections of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden (ML), of the Zoölogisch Museum, Amsterdam (ZMA), of the British Museum...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.82.
Ano: 1961 URL:
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