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Investigation of thermo-oxidative ageing effects on the fatigue design of automotive anti-vibration parts ArchiMer
Broudin, Morgane; Marco, Yann; Le Saux, Vincent; Charrier, Pierre; Hervouet, Wilfried; Le Gac, Pierre Yves.
Elastomeric parts found in automotive anti-vibration systems are usually massive. Ageing therefore leads to heterogeneous properties, usually induced by several mechanisms due to the availability, or not, of oxygen in the part’s bulk. To better understand the effects of oxygen in the degradation process and on the fatigue properties, this paper aims at studying the ageing of a rubber material (semi-efficient vulcanization system) in aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic (without oxygen) conditions for a wide range of temperatures, relevant for under hood applications. The material studied here is a fully formulated compound NR/IR blend reinforced with carbon black. A specific protocol to perform ageing under anaerobic conditions was set up and validated....
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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Moisture sorption in polyamide 6.6: experimental investigation and comparison to four physical-based models ArchiMer
Broudin, Morgane; Le Saux, V.; Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Champy, C.; Robert, G.; Charrier, P.; Marco, Y..
Water sorption in polyamide 6.6 has been characterized for a wide range of temperature (25°C to 80°C) and various water activities using a Dynamic Vapor Sorption testing machine. Complex sorption mechanisms govern the water uptake in the material. The competition between two main temperature dependant mechanisms has been observed: a Henry’s sorption mechanism that mainly governs the sorption curve at low water activities, and a second mechanism at high water activities that could be related to the formation of water clusters. It is observed that the temperature dependency can mainly be attributed to the Henry’s contribution. Four physically based models are then used and identified thanks to the extended experimental database. It is shown that a simple...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Polyamide 6.6; Water sorption; Temperature; Relative humidity; Physically-based models.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Role of strain induced crystallization and oxidative crosslinking in fracture properties of rubbers ArchiMer
Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Broudin, Morgane; Roux, Gérard; Verdu, Jacques; Davies, Peter; Fayolle, Bruno.
Tensile properties and crack propagation properties, especially critical strain energy release rate in mode I, GIC, have been used to investigate fracture properties of elastomers and their relationships with microstructure. These investigations were mainly based on a series of comparisons: first, the behaviour of polychloroprene rubber (CR), undergoing stress hardening due to strain induced crystallization (SIC) and oxidative crosslinking (OCL) was compared with that of chlorinated polyethylene (CPE), which undergoes SIC but not OCL, and with a polyurethane based on hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (PU) which undergoes OCL but not SIC. Comparisons were also made on CR between fracture behaviour at ambient temperature, where SIC occurs and at 100°C where...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fracture; Rubber; Oxidation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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