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Carbon/polyamide 6 thermoplastic composite cylinders for deep sea applications ArchiMer
Arhant, Mael; Briancon, Christophe; Burtin, Christian; Davies, Peter.
The composite materials used at sea are today nearly all based on thermoset resins (polyester, epoxy). However, there is an increasing number of thermoplastic matrix polymers available on the market (PP, PA, PPS, PEEK…), which offer possibilities for forming by local heating, attractive mechanical properties and the potential for end of life recycling. The aim of this study was to design, manufacture and test thermoplastic composite pressure vessels for 4500 meter depth, in order to establish a technical, economic and ecological assessment of the use of these materials to replace traditional composites underwater. First, finite element calculations have been carried out to optimize the stacking sequence with respect to the external pressure and buckling...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thermoplastic; Polyamide; Carbon fibres; Buckling; Implosion.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Effect of sea water and humidity on the tensile and compressive properties of carbon-polyamide 6 laminates ArchiMer
Arhant, Mael; Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Le Gall, Maelenn; Burtin, Christian; Briancon, Christophe; Davies, Peter.
Thermoplastic matrix carbon fibre composites offer considerable potential for underwater applications. Various material options exist but there are questions concerning the tension/compressive behaviour and water sensitivity of the less expensive polymers (e.g. polyamides) for these applications. The aim of the current work is to model water diffusion and its effect on the mechanical properties of thick carbon fibre reinforced polyamide-6 composite cylinders immersed in sea water for deep sea applications. To provide the data for such a model, thin specimens (2 mm thick) have been aged under different humidity conditions and tested in tension and compression. As water enters the composite, a significant reduction in the laminate properties is observed. An...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thermoplastic; Carbon fibres; Environmental degradation; Mechanical testing.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Modelling the non Fickian water absorption in polyamide 6 ArchiMer
Arhant, Mael; Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Le Gall, Maelenn; Burtin, Christian; Briancon, Christophe; Davies, Peter.
This paper investigates the water absorption of polyamide 6. The high amount of absorbed water in the polymer and the large resulting decrease in the glass transition temperature (Tg) leads to a non Fickian water diffusion when samples are immersed, which is a significant difficulty when trying to model the water profile in thick specimens. The aim of this study is to be able to model this particular behaviour based on physical considerations. First, it is shown that the non Fickian water diffusion is caused by an increase in the diffusivity during water absorption. Two cases are then identified; one below Tg where the diffusivity is described using an Arrhenius law and one above Tg based on the free volume theory. Then, these two laws are implemented in a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water absorption; Free volume; Polyamide 6; Sea water; Modelling.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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