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LiDAR offshore structural mapping and U/Pb zircon/monazite dating of Variscan strain in the Leon metamorphic domain, NW Brittany 5
Le Gall, Bernard; Authemayou, Christine; Ehrhold, Axel; Paquette, Jean-louis; Bussien, Denise; Chazot, Gilles; Aouizerat, Arthur; Pastol, Yves.
An exceptional structural picture of the immerged Variscan basement, offshore the Leon metamorphic domain, is supplied by high-resolution LiDAR and echosounder data recorded in the Molene archipelago, western Brittany (France). Various types of fabrics are identified and, from in situ rock sample analyses further combined with field structural data, are interpreted on a lineament trajectory map as the trace of magmatic and tectonic structures. Our onshore/offshore study leads us to propose a two-phase kinematic model that emphasizes the role of a strike-slip duplex in an EW-trending relay zone linking the North Armorican and Pierres Noires ductile shear zones (NASZ, PNSZ). Dextral shearing occurred within a transtensional setting, synchronously with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Armorican massif; Leon metamorphic domain; Offshore structural mapping; LiDAR records; Dextral ductile shearing; U/Pb zircon/monazite dating.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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