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Hepatitis C virus infection among Brazilian hemophiliacs: a virological, clinical and epidemiological study BJMBR
Carmo,R.A.; Oliveira,G.C.; Guimarães,M.D.C.; Oliveira,M.S.; Lima,A.A.; Buzek,S.C.; Corrêa-Oliveira,R.; Rocha,M.O.C..
We determined and analyzed risk factors of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected Brazilian hemophiliacs according to their virological, clinical and epidemiological characteristics. A cross-sectional and retrospective study of 469 hemophiliacs was carried out at a Brazilian blood center starting in October 1997. The prevalence of HCV infection, HCV genotypes and factors associated with HCV RNA detection was determined. The seroprevalence of anti-HCV antibodies (ELISA-3.0) was 44.6% (209/469). Virological, clinical and epidemiological assessments were completed for 162 positive patients. There were seven (4.3%) anti-HCV seroconversions between October 1992 and October 1997. During the same period, 40.8% of the positive anti-HCV hemophiliacs had abnormal alanine...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hepatitis C virus; HCV genotypes; Hemophilia; Chronic liver disease; Transfusion; Brazil.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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