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Constraints on fluid origins and migration velocities along the Marmara Main Fault (Sea of Marmara, Turkey) using helium isotopes ArchiMer
Burnard, P.; Bourlange, S.; Henry, Pierre; Geli, Louis; Tryon, M. D.; Natal'In, B.; Sengor, A. M. C.; Ozeren, M. S.; Cagatay, M. N..
Fluids venting from the submarine portion of the Marmara Main Fault (part of the North Anatolian Fault system, Turkey) were sampled in Ti bottles deployed by submersible. The fluids consist of mixtures of fault derived gases, fault related cold seep fluids, and ambient seawater; these components can readily be distinguished using the isotopes of He and the He/Ne ratios. He-3/He-4 ratios range between 0.03 +/- 0.1 and 4.9 +/- 0.4 Ra, indicating that both crustal and mantle derived sources of helium are sampled by the fault. The dominant gas in all the samples analyzed is methane with the abundance of CO2 below detection (<= 2%) in the mantle rich (high He-3/He-4) fluids. This is in contrast to nearly all mantle derived fluids where the C species are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fluids; Gas emission; Helium; Marmara Sea; North Anatolian Fault.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Gas and seismicity within the Istanbul seismic gap ArchiMer
Geli, Louis; Henry, P.; Grall, Celine; Tary, Jean-baptiste; Lomax, A.; Batsi, Evangelia; Riboulot, Vincent; Cros, Estelle; Gurbuz, C.; Isik, S. E.; Sengor, A. M. C.; Le Pichon, X.; Ruffine, Livio; Dupre, Stephanie; Thomas, Yannick; Kalafat, D.; Bayrakci, G.; Coutellier, Q.; Regnier, Thibaut; Westbrook, Graham; Saritas, H.; Cifci, G.; Cagatay, M. N.; Ozeren, M. S.; Gorur, N.; Tryon, M.; Bohnhoff, M.; Gasperini, L.; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Scalabrin, Carla; Augustin, Jean-marie; Embriaco, D.; Marinaro, G.; Frugoni, F.; Monna, S.; Etiope, G.; Favali, P.; Becel, A..
Understanding micro-seismicity is a critical question for earthquake hazard assessment. Since the devastating earthquakes of Izmit and Duzce in 1999, the seismicity along the submerged section of North Anatolian Fault within the Sea of Marmara (comprising the “Istanbul seismic gap”) has been extensively studied in order to infer its mechanical behaviour (creeping vs locked). So far, the seismicity has been interpreted only in terms of being tectonic-driven, although the Main Marmara Fault (MMF) is known to strike across multiple hydrocarbon gas sources. Here, we show that a large number of the aftershocks that followed the M 5.1 earthquake of July, 25th 2011 in the western Sea of Marmara, occurred within a zone of gas overpressuring in the 1.5–5 km depth...
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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Hydrology in the Sea of Marmara during the last 23 ka: Implications for timing of Black Sea connections and sapropel deposition ArchiMer
Vidal, L.; Menot, G.; Joly, C.; Bruneton, H.; Rostek, F.; Cagatay, M. N.; Major, C.; Bard, E..
Sediments deposited under lacustrine and marine conditions in the Sea of Marmara hold a Late Quaternary record for water exchange between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Here we report a multiproxy data set based on oxygen and strontium isotope results obtained from carbonate shells, major and trace elements, and specific organic biomarker measurements, as well as a micropaleontological study from a (14)C-dated sediment core retrieved from the Sea of Marmara. Pronounced changes occurred in delta(18)O and (87)Sr/(86)Sr values at the fresh and marine water transition, providing additional information in relation to micropaleontological data. Organic biomarker concentrations documented the marine origin of the sapropelic layer while changes in...
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Ano: 2010 URL:
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Pore fluid chemistry of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Sea of Marmara: A diversity of sources and processes ArchiMer
Tryon, M. D.; Henry, P.; Cagatay, M. N.; Zitter, T. A. C.; Geli, Louis; Gasperini, L.; Burnard, P.; Bourlange, S.; Grall, Celine.
As part of the 2007 Marnaut cruise in the Sea of Marmara, an investigation of the pore fluid chemistry of sites along the Main Marmara Fault zone was conducted. The goal was to define the spatial relationship between active faults and fluid outlets and to determine the sources and evolution of the fluids. Sites included basin bounding transtensional faults and strike-slip faults cutting through the topographic highs. The basin pore fluids are dominated by simple mixing of bottom water with a brackish, low-density Pleistocene Lake Marmara end-member that is advecting buoyantly and/or diffusing from a relatively shallow depth. This mix is overprinted by shallow redox reactions and carbonate precipitation. The ridge sites are more complex with evidence for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pore fluid; Fluid seeps; Marine hydrogeology; Methane seeps; Sea of Marmara; North Anatolian Fault.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Reply to Comment on "The timing and evolution of the post-glacial transgression across the Sea of Marmara shelf south of Istanbul" by Hiscott et al., Marine Geology 248, 228-236 ArchiMer
Eris, K. K.; Ryan, W. B. F.; Cagatay, M. N.; Lericolais, Gilles; Sancar, U.; Bard, E.; Menot, G..
In their comment Hiscott and co-authors adhere rigidly to ages and sources for sedimentary units in the subsurface of the Marmara shelf that they have previously reported in their publications from 2002 through 2007. This adherence is in spite of a superior age-depth model from our 13 m-long sediment core that penetrated deeply into the deposits under consideration and in disregard to the results of subsequent more-detailed and full-coverage mapping of the region under scrutiny. The age revisions are dismissed by the authors of the comment as representing sediments severely disturbed during coring. We rebut this criticism. The Bosporus source attributed by them to the sedimentary units sampled and dated by us appears to be driven by their conception that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spillway; Black Sea; Marmara Sea; Dardanelles; Bosporus.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Slip rate estimation along the western segment of the Main Marmara Fault over the last 405–490 ka by correlating mass transport deposits ArchiMer
Grall, Celine; Henry, P.; Thomas, Yannick; Westbrook, Graham; Cagatay, M. N.; Marsset, Bruno; Saritas, H.; Cifci, G.; Geli, Louis.
[1] High-resolution 3-D seismic data acquired in the Sea of Marmara on the Western High, along the northwestern branch of the North Anatolian Fault (also known as the Main Marmara Fault), shed new light on the evolution of the deformation over the last 500–600 ka. Sedimentary sequences in ponded basins are correlated with glacioeustatic cycles and transitions between marine and low sea/lake environments in the Sea of Marmara. In the 3 × 11 km2 of the 3-D seismic survey, deformation over the last 405–490 ka is localized along the main fault branch and north of it, where N130°–N140° trending normal faults and N40°–N50° folding accommodated strike-slip deformation associated with active argillokinesis. There is some evidence that deformation was more...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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