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Benchmarking analogue models of brittle thrust wedges ArchiMer
Schreurs, Guido; Buiter, Susanne J. H.; Boutelier, Jennifer; Burberry, Caroline; Callot, Jean-paul; Cavozzi, Cristian; Cerca, Mariano; Chen, Jian-hong; Cristallini, Ernesto; Cruden, Alexander R.; Cruz, Leonardo; Daniel, Jean-marc; Da Poian, Gabriela; Garcia, Victor H.; Gomes, Caroline J. S.; Grall, Celine; Guillot, Yannick; Guzman, Cecilia; Hidayah, Triyani Nur; Hilley, George; Klinkmuller, Matthias; Koyi, Hemin A.; Lu, Chia-yu; Maillot, Bertrand; Meriaux, Catherine; Nilfouroushan, Faramarz; Pan, Chang-chih; Pillot, Daniel; Portillo, Rodrigo; Rosenau, Matthias; Schellart, Wouter P.; Schlische, Roy W.; Take, Andy; Vendeville, Bruno; Vergnaud, Marine; Vettori, Matteo; Wang, Shih-hsien; Withjack, Martha O.; Yagupsky, Daniel; Yamada, Yasuhiro.
We performed a quantitative comparison of brittle thrust wedge experiments to evaluate the variability among analogue models and to appraise the reproducibility and limits of model interpretation. Fifteen analogue modeling laboratories participated in this benchmark initiative. Each laboratory received a shipment of the same type of quartz and corundum sand and all laboratories adhered to a stringent model building protocol and used the same type of foil to cover base and sidewalls of the sandbox. Sieve structure, sifting height, filling rate, and details on off-scraping of excess sand followed prescribed procedures. Our analogue benchmark shows that even for simple plane-strain experiments with prescribed stringent model construction techniques,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thrust wedges; Brittle wedges; Shear zones; Analogue modeling; Benchmarking; Critical taper; Sand; Friction; Cohesion.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Evolution model for the Absheron mud volcano: from in-situ observations to numerical modeling ArchiMer
Blouin, Arthur; Imbert, Patrice; Sultan, Nabil; Callot, Jean-paul.
The morphology of mud volcanoes (MV) has been extensively studied over the last few decades. Although recent research has begun to focus on deep processes and structures, little is known about mud generation mechanisms. This study aims to investigate the feeder system and formation of an active kilometer‐scale MV by relying on a 3‐D seismic survey and an in‐situ dataset on the Absheron anticline (South Caspian Basin). Seismic data show a depleted area in the Anhydritic Surakhany Formation (ASF), whose mineralogical composition fits with surface mud. Well data show that the ASF is a succession of evaporitic beds and low temperature shales near its fracture pressure. Biostratigraphic analysis confirms a Pliocene origin for the mud, suggesting that the ASF...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mud volcano; Pore pressure; Methane; Modeling; Seismic.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Sediment damage caused by gas exsolution: a key mechanism for mud volcano formation ArchiMer
Blouin, Arthur; Sultan, Nabil; Callot, Jean-paul; Imbert, Patrice.
Gassy sediments are common in marine environments and are characterized by a specific mechanical behavior significantly different from that of water-saturated sediments. It is shown that gas causes damage and initiates fractures in sediments. To define the controlling parameters dominating the damage process during gas exsolution and its consequences in terms of hydro-mechanical behavior, we developed a specific consolidation apparatus to test sediments collected from the active Absheron Mud Volcano. Indeed, mud volcano formation is initiated by gas exsolution and subsequent mud generation at depth from stratified sediments. Gas was generated in the samples by circulating carbonated water through the fine-grained sediments, then decreasing the total...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Consolidation testing; Gas exsolution; Gassy sediments; Sediment damage; Mud volcano.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Three-dimensional evolution of salt-controlled minibasins: Interactions, folding, and megaflap development ArchiMer
Callot, Jean-paul; Salel, Jean-francois; Letouzey, Jean; Daniel, Jean-marc; Ringenbach, Jean-claude.
A megaflap, or an overturned, folded, sedimentary-basin edge, is a classic feature of salt-controlled basins, formed during the inception of salt allochthony. To illustrate the relative importance of the balance between salt and sediment inputs, basin rheology, and tectonism resulting from basin interactions in the development of megaflaps, a set of analog experiments were performed in a computed tomography scanner. Sediments are modeled using both granular material and a mix of granular and viscous material and salt as purely viscous material. Uneven sedimentary loading and associated salt flow localize primary minibasins, which then migrate and expand laterally until sufficient thickness is reached to pin the downbuilding phase. The encasement of...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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