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A crise econômica mundial de 2007 a 2009 e o setor exportador de café no Brasil: análise das perdas AgEcon
Pereira, Vanessa da Fonseca; Campos, Antonio Carvalho; Braga, Marcelo Jose; Mendonca, Talles Girardi de.
This study analyzed the Brazilian coffee exporter’s losses between the years 2002 and 2009, by emphasizing the 2007/09 crisis, which affected several sectors and generated instability and uncertainty about the future results of the economic activities. The Brazilian coffee exporting sector is fully inserted in this context, once it acts in the financial markets and it is still subject to the strong variations from the physical market. Thus, the central analysis dealt with the volatility of the exporters returns and was based on auto regressive models with conditional heteroscedaticity (ARCH) and on the Value at Risk (VAR) estimative. As a supplement, the effects from the external demand for the Brazilian coffee and from the exchange rate variation over the...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Volatility; Coffee; Crisis; Demand and Price Analysis; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Alternativas de políticas comerciais para o agronegócio brasileiro sob diferentes pressuposições de retorno à escala AgEcon
Gurgel, Angelo Costa; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
Este trabalho procura determinar os impactos de diferentes opções de política comercial, sob pressuposições alternativas de retornos à escala e natureza da competição, nos segmentos industriais, com ênfase especial nas indústrias ligadas ao agronegócio. O modelo de equilíbrio geral aplicado, GTAPinGAMS, é usado para implementar as simulações. Os resultados sugerem que os ganhos de bem-estar tenham sido superiores no modelo que considera as imperfeições de mercado. As variações setoriais na produção, importações e exportações foram levemente diferentes em magnitudes e sinais, sob pressuposições alternativas de estruturas de mercados, e dependentes da política comercial implementada. As diferentes medidas de política comercial permitem o aproveitamento de...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Política comercial; Economias de escala; Equilíbrio geral; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Áreas monetárias ótimas: desenvolvimentos recentes e perspectivas para os países do MERCOSUL AgEcon
Coronel, Daniel Arruda; Amorim, Airton Lopes; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
This paper consists of a review of the most important contributions to the understanding of the Optimum Currency Areas (OMA) and on the perspective of implementing such a policy measure into Mercosur. The theoretical support was obtained from reference studies on the European common currency which established the guidelines for the creation of the Euro zone. The findings on the literature review point out that a successful process of macroeconomic coordination is crucial for the implementation of a common currency area. Therefore, before engaging in a process of establishing a common currency area, Mercosur´s members must adopt supranational macroeconomic policy measures that would align their economies to reach stabilization in a regional context.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Otimum Currency Areas; Macroeconomic Coordination; Mercosur; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Campos, Antonio Carvalho; Brigatte, Henrique.
O objetivo deste trabalho é estimar a função de demanda de importação de vinho no Brasil. Os dados utilizados são de janeiro de 1995 a novembro de 2007, com periodicidade mensal. O modelo econométrico dinâmico de ajustamento parcial, também conhecido como modelo de Nerlove, foi o escolhido para se proceder à estimação. Este se caracteriza como um tipo de modelo autoregressivo de curto prazo, bastante apto para explicar os movimentos no quantum importado no momento atual com base nas importações passadas e no valor de outras variáveis. Concluiu-se que renda interna, preço de importação e taxa de câmbio são estatisticamente significantes para a explicação de variações na importação de vinho pelo Brasil, assim como a própria defasagem da variável dependente....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Comércio internacional; Setor de vitivinicultura; Brasil; International trade; Wine sector; Brazil; Agribusiness; International Development.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Determinantes e previsão da taxa de câmbio nominal: uma aplicação do modelo de paridade da taxa de juros atrelado ao mercado monetário, 1999-2004 AgEcon
Cassuce, Francisco Carlos da Cunha; Mattos, Leonardo Bornacki de; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
The present work looked for to show the influence of nominal variable in the determination of nominal exchange rate R$/USS. For this, the model of the parity of the tax of interests was used, ally to the monetary market. It was looked, also, to foresee the tax of exchange rate R$/USS, until December of 2005. For reaching such objectives, the equations of the system had been obtained by the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The results had shown that the nominal variable are very important to determinate the exchange rate and that the model of parity of the tax of interests, ally to the monetary market is confirmed for the Brazilian case in the period of analysis (jan/1999 to dez/2004). This conclusion is made on the basis of the high capacity of...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Exchange; Forecast; Brazil; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Efeitos de acordos comerciais sobre a integração de preços do algodão nos mercados interno e externo AgEcon
Sousa, Eliane Pinheiro de; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
This article aims at to verify the effects of the trade agreements implanted in the textile sector (Multi-fibre Agreement, Agreement on Textiles and Clothing and liberalization of the textile sector in the world trade) about the integration among the internal and external prices of the cotton of january of 1990 to february of 2009. For that, they were employees the tests for unitary root and Johansen’s co-integration; estimation and analysis of and the vector error correction model (VEC) and the exogenicity test. The results revealed that the markets brazilian and american can be considered integrated in all of the analyzed samples, indicating that variations of price of the cotton happened at a market is reviewed to the other market in the long period,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cotton; Integration of markets; Law of One Price; Trade agreements; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Scalco, Paulo Roberto; Carvalho, Henrique Duarte; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os efeitos de longo e curto prazos de choques na taxa de câmbio real sobre o saldo da balança comercial agropecuária brasileira. O procedimento metodológico empregado foi a análise multivariada descrita em Johansen (1988 e 1991) apud Hamilton (1994). Os resultados indicam que existe uma relação de longo prazo entre a depreciação na taxa de câmbio real e o saldo da balança comercial. Verifica-se que, no longo prazo, um aumento de 1,0 % da taxa de câmbio leva a uma expansão de 2,10 % no saldo da balança comercial. Esse resultado está consistente com a condição de Marshall-Lerner que afirma: no longo prazo, o efeito volume deve superar o efeito preço, promovendo, assim, um aumento no saldo da balança comercial. Entretanto,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Condição de Marshall-Lerner; Curva J; Taxa de câmbio; Balança comercial; Setor agropecuário; Marshall-Lerner condition; J-Curve; Exchange rate; Trade balance; Agricultural sector; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Impactos da crise financeira internacional e da influenza A sobre as exportações brasileiras de carne suína AgEcon
Ferreira, Marcelo Dias Paes; Sousa, Lucas Oliveira de; Mattos, Leonardo Bornacki de; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
The Brazilian pork exports have been affected by several shocks on the 2000s. This paper aimed to analyze these shocks. The focus of this papers are the main international shocks on the last years: the international economics crisis and de influenza A (H1N1). Analyses were made over the main Brazilian pork exports destinations: Russia and Hong Kong. The theory of international trade was used as a theoretical framework and analysis of intervention provided methodological support. The results show that the quantum exported to Russia has not been affected by the recent shocks. However the prices was negatively affected by crisis in the short term. The quantum exported and the exports prices to Hong Kong have been negatively affected by crisis in the short...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: International shocks; International trade; Intervention analyses; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Impactos da influenza aviária no mercado internacional de carnes AgEcon
Valente, Luiza Carneiro Mareti; Gomes, Marilia Fernandes Maciel; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
Animal infectious disease outbreaks as Avian Influenza, Foot and mouth disease and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy can influence trade and bring economic consequences to affected countries. For this reason, this work aims to analyze the effects on meat import demand in the years of 1997 and 2003 to 2005, the Avian Influenza outbreaks period. The analytical framework used was panel data econometrics. The results point to a reduction on chicken meat demand in 1997 and increase to the other meats, indicating a possible substitution. From 2003 on, chicken meat demand showed slight increase, as did pig meat, only bovine meat demand showed a reduction. This fact can be explained by a restriction on bovine and chicken supply caused by the imposition of sanitary...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Avian Influenza; Import demand; Beef; Chicken meat; Panel data; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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O Brasil na ALCA: avaliação dos efeitos de duas propostas de adesão AgEcon
Lirio, Viviani Silva; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
This study has the objective of evaluating the economic effects of the Brazilian integration into the Free Trade Association of Americas - FTAA under two alternative scenarios. In the first, the adhesion of the Brazilian economy would happen as an isolated country. In the second, the joint adhesion of Brazil would follow the rules established for all members of MERCOSUR. The analytical framework is that of an applied general equilibrium analysis which permit the measurement of different impacts of simulations on selected economic indicators. The results point out that the joint adhesion of MERCOSUR countries as an economic block into FTAA, which is the position defended by Brazilian negotiators, is much more beneficial to the Brazilian economy than the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: FTAA; MERCOSUR; Applied General Equilibrium Analysis; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Poder de mercado das exportações de farelo de soja: uma análise via demanda residual AgEcon
Coronel, Daniel Arruda; Amorim, Airton Lopes; Braga, Marcelo Jose; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
The objective of this paper was to verify the market power of the Argentinean, Brazilian and American exports of soymeal to the European Union, the main consumer market of this commodity. For that, the article is based on the methodology of residual demand. Using the methods Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR), Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) and Three-Stage Least Squares (3SLS), the results indicated that, though this segment is concentrated by Argentina, Brazil and the United States, none of these countries presented market power for soymeal exports. In other words, they are not able to change soymeal prices without to decrease the exports
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Market Power; International Trade; Soymeal; Residual Demand; Industrial Organization; International Relations/Trade; F12; L13.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Possibilidade de arbitragem no mercado de câmbio brasileiro AgEcon
Cassuce, Francisco Carlos da Cunha; Muller, Carlos Andre da Silva; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
The objective of this work is to determine the presence of volatility in the spot and futures exchange rates, detecting, thus, the presence of risk. Identified the volatility, it is looked for shaping it through the construction of models capable to forecast the behavior of the spot and futures exchange rates. The GARCH and TARCH models had been used to shape the volatility of the exchange rates. Gotten the estimates, it is verified existence of convergence of these rates in the date of the expirations of future contracts, identifying, thus, the chance to get profits with arbitrage. The results had shown more that the spot and futures exchange rates are very volatile and the spot exchange market presents asymmetry, being affected for negative impacts. The...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Arbitrage; Spot exchange rate; Futures exchange rate; Volatility; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Transmissão de preços do algodão nos mercados interno e externo AgEcon
Sousa, Eliane Pinheiro de; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
O artigo pretende verificar a relação entre os preços internos e externos no mercado de algodão, buscando testar se a Lei do Preço Único foi válida nesse mercado, no período de julho de 1996 a janeiro de 2008. Utilizaram-se dados mensais extraídos do Centro de Estudos Avançados em Economia Aplicada (CEPEA) da ESALQ / USP e da Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGVDADOS. A metodologia adotada é constituída pelo teste de raiz unitária, pelo teste de co-integração de Johansen, pela estimação da função impulso-resposta, pela decomposição da variância dos erros de previsão e pela estimação e análise do modelo vetorial de correção de erro (VEC). Os resultados mostraram que as variações nos preços internacionais do algodão foram completamente transmitidas para o mercado...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Transmissão de preços; Lei do Preço Único; Mercados de algodão; Transmission of prices; Law of One Price; Cotton markets; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Transmissão de preços entre mercados regionais de carne de frango no Brasil AgEcon
Mattos, Leonardo Bornacki de; Lirio, Viviani Silva; Lima, Joao Eustaquio de; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
Non-negligible transaction costs restrict the transmission of price shock between markets. The aim of this work was to analyze the effects of transaction costs on the spatial integration of the internal market for chicken meat, from 1998 to 2007. The applied methodology was based on the Threshold Cointegration Analysis. The results indicate the presence of significant barriers to the price transmission between the markets, existing probably due to the transaction costs. Prices are not very sensitive to eventual deviations of the long run equilibrium. It could also be noted that a relatively long period is necessary to eliminate price shocks, and the price transmission process is asymmetric.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Market integration; Transaction costs; Chicken meat; Cointegration; Threshold; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Transmissão de preços no mercado brasileiro de soja AgEcon
Sousa, Eliane Pinheiro de; Campos, Antonio Carvalho.
Este estudo estima as elasticidades de transmissão entre pares de preços para a soja produzida no Mato Grosso e Paraná; Mato Grosso e Rio Grande do Sul; e Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul, com o intuito de testar a validade da Lei do Preço Único entre esses mercados. Os dados empregados correspondem às médias mensais dos preços nesses estados, obtidos junto ao Centro de Estudos Avançados em Economia Aplicada (CEPEA) da ESALQ / USP, para o período de janeiro de 2001 a fevereiro de 2008. Para tal, utilizam-se testes de raiz unitária e de co-integração de Johansen, estimação da função impulso-resposta, decomposição da variância dos erros de previsão e estimação e análise do modelo vetorial de correção de erro (VEC). Os resultados indicam que o primeiro par de...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Transmissão de preços; Lei do Preço Único; Mercados de soja; Transmission of prices; Law of One Price; Soybean markets; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Transmissão de preços no mercado internacional de café robusta AgEcon
Cunha, Denis Antonio da; Braga, Marcelo Jose; Campos, Antonio Carvalho; Fernandes, Luciany Lima.
The robusta coffee market has experienced changes which are characterized by a growth in the demand and the confirmation of Vietnam as the world’s greater producer and exporter leaving behind traditional producers as Indonesia. These changes motivated the analysis of international price integration and the main markets of this commodity: Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia and India. It was tested the hypothesis that Vietnam transmits prices shocks to the other markets. The framework used the analysis of co-integration and the Vector Error Correction (VEC) model. It was shown that, in the period from 1988 to 2005, the foreign price and the ones from Vietnam, Brazil and Indonesia were integrated and the India’s price was affected by factors that are not common to...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Robusta coffee; Price transmission; Market integration; VEC; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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