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Competitividade da soja e a geração de divisas AgEcon
Carvalho, Maria Auxiliadora de; Silva, Cesar Roberto Leite da; Ghilardi, Arthur Antonio.
The high Brazilian external dependence turns the persecution for foreign reserves a permanent concern. This paper analyzes soybean competitiveness after 1990 as it led Brazilian agricultural exports and became its main exchange value source. By using several indicators it concludes for an increasing competitiveness of the grain and decreasing for cake of soybeans since 1997. During the ninety decade there were expressive increases of crop productivity, but after that the production was due to area increases; from 1991 to 2003 doubled the share of inputs (fertilizers, corrective and pesticides) in the production cost, the expense with those imported inputs was multiplied by ten, while soybean and its derived product export value was multiplied by four; the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Competitiveness; Agriculture; Soybean; External market; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Funções de Exportação de Alimentos para o Brasil AgEcon
Silva, Cesar Roberto Leite da; Carvalho, Maria Auxiliadora de.
A segurança alimentar é uma preocupação permanente para todas as nações, mas nesse início de século o tema ganhou destaque internacional porque o crescimento vigoroso da economia global e a demanda de produtos agrícolas para produção de biocombustível pressionaram os preços para cima. O Brasil é um importante exportador de alimentos, com participação crescente no mercado internacional. Esse trabalho estima as funções de exportação dos alimentos a partir de dados da FAO para o período 1961 a 2005. Os resultados mostram que a influência do crescimento mundial é bem maior que a das variações cambiais o que contribui para justificar os crescentes superávits da agricultura, a despeito da apreciação cambial.---------------------Food safety is a permanent...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Segurança alimentar; Funções de exportação; Agricultura; Comércio exterior; Food safety; Export functions; Agriculture; International trade; Food Security and Poverty; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Mudanças na pauta das exportações agrícolas brasileiras AgEcon
Carvalho, Maria Auxiliadora de; Silva, Cesar Roberto Leite da.
This paper aims to contribute to the Brazilian deindustrialization debate, attributed to exchange appreciation that, for several authors, is the agricultural export increase effect. Constant market share method applied on FAO export data, for the 1991 to 2003 period, indicates that Brazilian agricultural export increased more than the potential rate, due to expressive competitiveness gains. After the exchange regime change, in 1999, the competitiveness increase was partly neutralized by growth share of products whose world demand was in decline. Exports value decomposition showed that the volume effect predominates, fact more evident after the flotation exchange adoption, when the price effect was negative. Even discounting the real exchange depreciation...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural export; Deindustrialization; Constant market share; Agribusiness; F31.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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