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A Good Compromise: Rapid and Robust Species Proxies for Inventorying Biodiversity Hotspots Using the Terebridae (Gastropoda: Conoidea) ArchiMer
Modica, Maria Vittoria; Puillandre, Nicolas; Castelin, Magalie; Zhang, Yu; Holford, Mande.
Devising a reproducible approach for species delimitation of hyperdiverse groups is an ongoing challenge in evolutionary biology. Speciation processes combine modes of passive and adaptive trait divergence requiring an integrative taxonomy approach to accurately generate robust species hypotheses. However, in light of the rapid decline of diversity on Earth, complete integrative approaches may not be practical in certain species-rich environments. As an alternative, we applied a two-step strategy combining ABGD (Automated Barcode Gap Discovery) and Klee diagrams, to balance speed and accuracy in producing primary species hypotheses (PSHs). Specifically, an ABGD/Klee approach was used for species delimitation in the Terebridae, a neurotoxin-producing marine...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Deep-sea benthic communities in the largest oceanic desert are structured by the presence of polymetallic crust ArchiMer
Delavenne, Juliette; Keszler, Louise; Castelin, Magalie; Lozouet, Pierre; Maestrati, Philippe; Samadi, Sarah.
Based on the specimens collected during three deep-sea cruises, and deposited at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) in Paris, we analysed the diversity of benthic communities within the EEZ of French Polynesia. The literature and the MNHN database allowed us to inventory 471 species of invertebrates, among which 169 were newly described. We mainly found data for Mollusca, Crustacea, Brachiopoda and Crinoidea. We also found samples from other taxa, which still remain unidentified within the collections of the MNHN. Although this inventory is incomplete, we demonstrate that the deep waters of French Polynesia host unique benthic communities and endemic species. Using diversity and multivariate analyses, we show that the deep-sea benthic...
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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One for each ocean: revision of the Bursa granularis (Roding, 1798) species complex (Gastropoda: Tonnoidea: Bursidae) ArchiMer
Sanders, Malcolm T.; Merle, Didier; Bouchet, Philippe; Castelin, Magalie; Beu, Alan G.; Samadi, Sarah; Puillandre, Nicolas.
Bursa granularis (Roding, 1798) is a tonnoidean gastropod that is regarded as broadly distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific and tropical western Atlantic. Because of its variable shell it has received no less than thirteen names, now all synonymized under the name B. granularis. We sequenced a fragment of the cox1 gene for 82 specimens covering a large part of its distribution and most type localities. Two delimitation methods were applied, one based on genetic distance (ABGD) and one based on phylogenetic trees (GMYC). All analyses suggest that specimens identified as B. granularis comprise four distinct species: one limited to the tropical western Atlantic, another to southwestern Western Australia and two in the Indo-Pacific (from the Red Sea to the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Species are hypotheses: avoid connectivity assessments based on pillars of sand ArchiMer
Pante, Eric; Puillandre, Nicolas; Viricel, Amélia; Arnaud-haond, Sophie; Aurelle, Didier; Castelin, Magalie; Chenuil, Anne; Destombe, Christophe; Forcioli, Didier; Valero, Myriam; Viard, Frederique; Samadi, Sarah.
Connectivity among populations determines the dynamics and evolution of populations, and its assessment is essential in ecology in general and in conservation biology in particular. The robust basis of any ecological study is the accurate delimitation of evolutionary units, such as populations, metapopulations and species. Yet a disconnect still persists between the work of taxonomists describing species as working hypotheses and the use of species delimitation by molecular ecologists interested in describing patterns of gene flow. This problem is particularly acute in the marine environment where the inventory of biodiversity is relatively delayed, while for the past two decades, molecular studies have shown a high prevalence of cryptic species. In this...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Connectivity; Marine organisms; Molecular systematics; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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