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A note on progress in the bioeconomic modelling of fishing activity in the North Sea ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Cunningham, S.
Over the relatively recent past, bioeconomic modelling has advanced by integrating major theoretical and analytical progress made in both economic and biological modelling. The movements from static towards dynamic models and from global towards analytical models were the first steps in this advance. More recently, research has turned towards veritable optimisation models incorporating risk, asymmetrical information, and chaotic and multiple equilibria. Attempts to validate such models have been based on case studies of more and more homogenous fisheries (jesmall numbers of stocks and exploitation systems) so that the objective function is quite explicit and limited. This change of emphasis has occurred however without a re-consideration of the aim of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Adéquation entre effort de pêche et ressource : les actions publiques dans le secteur des pêches ArchiMer
Lantz, Frederic; Catanzano, Joseph; Weber, Jacques.
Fishing is an economic activity that, in a general way, requires the implementation of regulatory measures to avoid crises. This problem is linked to certain peculiarities inherent to fishing: the renewable and common character of the exploited resource, and the great variability of catches. Since the entire means of production coming into play in fishing is designated by the term fishing effort, various regulatory policies will become attached to the idea of fitting the level of the fishing effort to that of the exploited resource. After introducing the evolution of the fishing sector in an early section, we will study the main lines of EU policy in the sphere of fishing in section II. Section III will be devoted to the Multi-Year Orientation Programme...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Analyse des pêches et modes de régulation - Rapport sur la journée d'échange Recherche-Administration-Profession. Paris, 28 Novembre 1990 ArchiMer
Bastien, Françoise; Catanzano, Joseph.
Depuis la dernière journée RECHERCHE-ADMINISTRATIONPROFESSION consacrée aux « licences », trois ans se sont écoulés, au cours desquels sont apparus de nouveaux impératifs et de nouvelles contraintes tant économiques que politiques, parmi lesquelles de nombreux systèmes de régulation visant à limiter directement ou indirectement l'effort de pêche. Certains systèmes de gestion des pêcheries, aujourd'hui assez largement éprouvés, avaient été abordés et analysés lors de la première rencontre de ce type, et la mise en commun des idées par les différents acteurs de l'interprofession avait permis, sinon de mieux accepter, à tout le moins, de mieux appréhender les grands principes qui avaient présidé aux prises de décision nationales. Depuis lors, d'autres...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Analyse des resultats et des comportements economiques des entreprises de peche artisanale ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Gilly, Bernard; Lantz, Frederic; Durand, M.h..
(Not controled OCR) The economic results of artisanal fishing enterprises are investigated through a sample of 300 to 700 artisanal vessels for which account books are available from 1983 to 1986. The use of economic (such as added value) and financial ratios (solvency and financial autonomy) leads to the identification of four groups of firms. A rough classification has been identified from gears used and areas. Over the period, financial rentability and autonomy show obvious damaging that underlines the relevance of a (current) analysis on the impact of public subsidies on the enterprises behaviour.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indebtness; Investment; Rentability; Artisanal fisheries; SEM; Endettement; Investissement; Rentabilité; Pêche artisanale.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Economics and biology used in fisheries research or when social and natural sciences try to depict together the object of their research ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Mesnil, Benoit.
Fisheries can be characterized as a network of interactions between natural and social systems, and thus should be viewed as complex, dynamic systems. Due to the multiplicity of components and processes, the involvement of various disciplines is required to understand the inter-relationships within and between the systems, and more so to adequately address management issues that typically affect several elements in the systems. To be successful, multidisciplinary approaches require mutual understanding of the perspectives, concepts, vocabulary and methods held by various disciplines, and agreement on the objects to be studied in common. In that spirit, at framework is suggested whereby fisheries systems are decomposed into related sub-systems that can be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Système halieutique; Systèmes naturels et sociaux; Multidisciplinarité; Gestion des pêcheries; Risque; Production; Incertitude.; FISHERIES SYSTEM; NATURAL AND SOCIAL SYSTEMS; MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACHES; FISHERIES MANAGEMENT; RISK; PRODUCTION; UNCERTAINTY.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Efficacité d'un outil de politique structurelle dans le secteur des pêches : le plan Mellick ArchiMer
Durand, Jean-louis; Gueguen, Jacques; Catanzano, Joseph.
In order to comply with the requirements of the second Multiannual Guidance Plan concerning the fishing fleets in the EEC Member Countries, the French Secretary of State for the sea has implemented a decommissionning scheme in March 1991. To facilitate the withdrawal of an overall engine power representing 100000 kW, subsidies have been attributed to owners scaping their boat of selling it outside the EEC or for a purpose other than fishing. In parallel social measures were set to help the resignation or the retirement of skippers. In March 1992 applications concerning 975 vessels representing about 84 300 kW had been presented. Brittany accounts for 48.5 % of the boats and 43 % of the withdrawn power whereas the mediterranean ports represent only 9 % of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Elements economiques sur les systemes de production et de commercialisation des cephalopodes en Mauritanie. ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Elements sur les interventions financieres de l'etat dans le secteur des peches artisanales ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph.
The State's main lines of action in the maritime fishing sector are not at all specific. They aim to define, among others, the regulation of relations among the different actors within the sector as well as the technical and administrative methods of management (Wehrin H, 1987). In terms of halieutic resources, the European Community has partially taken the place of state power to set, in particular, rules of management and exploitation of the stocks. The TAC and quotas, keys of resource distribution, and the market policy set up through producer organisations, are indications of this substitution in progress. The recent request coming from the European Community for reducing the fishing effort is witness as well of this transfer in progress (decision of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Estimating a function for the gross revenu of a sample of french trawlers ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Gilly, Bernard; Meuriot, Eric.
The purpose of this paper is to test the equation that allows gross income to fit age and length of french high sea trawlers : log (gross income) = a log (length) + b (age) + c Others attempts have been performed to replace length by the engine power, in order to see if it improves the results or not.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Gestion des pêches. Chronique d'une révolution annoncée ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Rey, Hélène.
Plus que l'analyse séparée de ces constats, il nous importera ici, dans un premier temps, de tirer tout le bénéfice de la dualité de ce moment de crise où se révisent les positions scientifiques et où s'analysent les limites et carences des politiques choisies. En préalable, il convient de s'intéresser tout d'abord A la perception qu'ont les chercheurs du système observé et des limites liées tant aux hypothèses qui fondent leur démarche qu'à la place donnée A leur apport dans les processus de décision. Nous nous efforcerons ensuite de proposer quelques éléments d'interprétation des évolutions de paradigme, attendues de la reformulation des questions, de l'évolution des méthodes d'observation et des nouvelles capacités d'acceptation des institutions. [OCR...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Investissement a la peche en pays Bigouden ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph.
This note is an integral part of research undertaken on investment in fishing in the Bigouden area (maritime district of Guilvinec). Though it can present a few preliminary results, it cannot in any way show the main subject of the work involved. It is here a matter of indicating the amount of investments linked to the construction of fishing units or the purchase of used boats throughout the maritime district of Guilvinec. It will be able to address successively: I The analysis of construction costs of fishing units meant for various types of fleet (seafaring, coastal trawl, small trades). ii The existing links between these construction cost differences and the observed changes of the technical characteristics of each of the fishing units. iii Capital...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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La pêche artisanale des années quatre-vingt en France ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Lantz, Frederic; Vernier, C; Allard, M.o.
The artisanal fisheries industry has experienced a major development over the 80's: technology has improved and ship building costs have increased. The firms' economic behaviour and financial performances have shown that the marginal profitability of capital is lower for large units than for small units, the latter being used by coastal fisheries. Overall, conclusions on the financial situation of the industry must be qualified. Public intervention has materialized through (1) an increasing amount of state aids supporting modernization investment (Brittany being the most supported region), (2) more political and financial involvement of regions as a result of more administrative and decision making responsibilities being devolved to them, (3) the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM; Financement; Investissement; Rentabilité; Coûts; Pêche artisanale; Funding; Investment; Profitability; Costs; Artisanal fisheries.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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La reduction des capacites de captures: un cadre theorique general ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Gilly, Bernard; Lantz, Frederic.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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La révolution tranquille du conseil scientifique pour l'exploration de la mer : le couple sciences et gestion des pêches re-visité ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph.
The ICES conference gave scientists the opportunity to reflect, on an international scale, on the inter-disciplinary progress made concerning the question of regulating the exploitation of renewable marine resources. The revolution in this century-old international scientific institute is illustrative of the changes under way in the fisheries world. Something important is afoot ; both the problems themselves and the overlap in the disciplinary approaches to them are increasingly leading to a search for truly synergistic scientific studies. As a result the entire scientific community is moving swiftly towards multi-disciplinary considered by all to be the main route for progress on the question of regulating uses in living marine resources. [NOT CONTROLLED...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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L'economie d'un secteur aquacole : la production de Macrobrachium Rosenbergii en Guyane ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph.
Aquafarming in Guyana (Macrobrachium Rosenbergii) finds itself confronted today with a serious economic problem linked to a concurrence of factors of differing origins. - The absence of markets (an apparently cyclical phenomenon) has hindered many operations and calls into question the producing sector in its current form (See table 5: stock SICA 1987). But behind this difficulty, other deeper and longer-lasting ones call for questions to be asked. During analysis of the sector, structural blockages appear from the first years of operations, which, combined with the prolonged absence of revenue, accelerates a process of decline (see the spiral of recession in the text). These other factors are: - 1) An environment that hinders the creation of new farms...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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L'economie d'un secteur aquacole : la salmoniculture en france ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Gilly, Bernard.
Almost twenty years have passed since the first production tests of salmonids in a marine environment in France (1970) (see VIDAL GIRAUD, 1980). After the laboratory work, joint experiment programmes (fishermen-CNEXO) were developed that ended in the beginnings of production. Conducted during the 70s, the research work and experiments to true scale (SODAB in the Côtes du Nord region and sites at Brest and Cherbourg harbours) opened the way to setting up twenty-odd salmon-farming operations.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Les entreprises de pêche artisanale : essais de typologie ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Gilly, Bernard; Lantz, Frederic.
(Not controled OCR) This paper presents some attempts for a French a rtisanal fishing enterprises typology. The originality of these attempts arises from the lead given to economic variables in order to analyze the fishing fleet using accountable datas both at national then regional level. The theoric use of economic and financial ratios (added value, solvency and financial autonomy) leads to the presentation of the a rtisanal fleet economic situation. The choice of a geographic area and the use of multiple-correspondance-analysis permits a cross analysis of fisheries features and return criteria.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Les organisations de producteurs de pêches maritimes françaises. Situation et typologie ArchiMer
D'Artigues, Marie; Catanzano, Joseph; Lebon Le Squer, Donaig; Rey, Hélène.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Programme pilote de gestion halieutique : groupe de propositions sur l'organisation de la gestion des pêches dans le golfe du Lion ArchiMer
Bertrand, Jacques; Catanzano, Joseph; Caboche, C; Rey, Hélène; Tempier, E.
Le début de la décennie 1990 a été marqué par la volonté des responsables nationaux et communautaires de faire évoluer les modalités de la gestion des pêches en Méditerranée. L'objectif du présent projet était de contribuer à cette dynamique par une analyse sur le fonctionnement de la pêche à partir de l'exploitation elle-même, à l'échelle de la zone du golfe du Lion. Le projet visait également à proposer, toujours à l'échelle de la zone étudiée, des voies d'évolution en vue d'un renforcement de la participation des professionnels à la gestion des pêches régionales dans le contexte communautaire. Le programme a été réalisé dans le cadre d'une collaboration entre une organisation professionnelle (le Comité national des pêches maritimes et des élevages...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Golfe du Lion; Méditerranée; Recherche action; Gestion des pêches; Gulf of Lions; Méditerranée; Seek action; Management of fishings.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Réflexion sur les perspectives de recherche en matière d'analyse des systèmes de gestion ArchiMer
De Verdelhan, Claude; Gros, Philippe; Catanzano, Joseph.
(i) La pertinence du thème est attestée par la richesse de la littérature internationale qui lui est consacrée. 11 convient au demeurant de noter la présence de publications de l'IFREMER dans ce même domaine. Les principaux acquis procèdent généralement d'approches descriptives, permettant de disposer à ce jour d'un inventaire quasi exhaustif des différents outils de gestion classiquement mis en oeuvre. D'ores et déjà il apparaît que la question de la transférabilité de mesures de gestion (e.g QIT, Licence, PME...) soulève plusieurs interrogations: cohérence juridique, acceptabilité, contrôle, coûts, efficience... Mais surtout, poser l'étude de la régulation en termes d'analyse du comportement d'un système élargit le champ des investigations au delà du...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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