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Stratification of surface waters during the last glacial millennial climatic events: a key factor in subsurface and deep-water mass dynamics 5
Wary, M.; Eynaud, F.; Sabine, M.; Zaragosi, S.; Rossignol, L.; Malaize, B.; Palis, E.; Zumaque, J.; Caulle, C.; Penaud, A.; Michel, E.; Charlier, K..
The last glacial period was punctuated by abrupt climatic events with extrema known as Heinrich and Dansgaard–Oeschger events. These millennial events have been the subject of many paleoreconstructions and model experiments in the past decades, but yet the hydrological processes involved remain elusive. In the present work, high-resolution analyses were conducted on the 12–42 ka BP section of core MD99-2281 retrieved southwest of the Faeroe Islands, and combined with analyses conducted in two previous studies (Zumaque et al., 2012; Caulle et al., 2013). Such a multiproxy approach, coupling micropaleontological, geochemical and sedimentological analyses, allows us to track surface, subsurface, and deep hydrological processes occurring during these rapid...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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